Life of a newbie Game Developer

Very busy week
Posted by Sorian at 10:29 PM

I got a flat tire on the way in to work today, so I had to spend my lunch break getting it fixed. While I was waiting on that I had written a nice long blog entry on my iPhone, but couldn’t get it posted. Oh well. Things have been so hectic this week that this little tire problem was the first significant downtime I have had all week. I have put in 44 hours so far this week and the milestone draws ever closer.

Patch 1.2 for Demigod was released today, finally. I hope those of you who have access to the new Demigods are enjoying them. Demon Assassin is still my favorite. There is just something about Warp Area. Some people have said that Torch Bearer’s ability to attack while moving in Fire form is not fixed. I will be talking with Brian (someone who knows quite a bit more about the animation system than I do) tomorrow about this issue. Code-wise, TB should work fine, but I have a feeling there is something in the animation that is not allowing him to move. If this is the case than only a new animation will fix it and that will be up to Stardock.

I have been truly enjoying my work on the Supreme Commander 2 AI. It is quite different being on this side of things. I have the ability to all debug tools into the game that allow me to see exactly what the AI is doing at any time. I can see where its expansion bases are, what the status of them is, and where it wants to expand to next. It makes altering the AIs behavior a lot easier.

I have been working on a lot more of the core AI stuff than I think anyone had anticipated. Originally I was supposed to basically be the one who blanaced out the AI and worked more on the data driven side of things. Lately my work has been more on the core side of things. I have been programming things like how the AI decides where to expand, how it reacts to intel, and how it controls it platoons. This has given Dru a lot more time to do other cool stuff for the AI.

All in all I am still loving my job. Maybe I should ask for a raise :slight_smile:





