:funk: ………………多…………多铆蒸刚邪教粪纸……………………
另外建议楼上试试blender,五脏俱全的小麻雀,速度很快。操作也很未来。现在逢建模必提max maya,逢照片必提ps,其实有点过了。何况那些巨无霸也太慢。
[ 本帖最后由 orsin 于 2007-6-3 06:00 编辑 ]
the things at the front, which you called “几个凸出的东西”, must be made with polygons, I don’t know what game you mod, but TA does not support transparency. the objects are also coloured in team colour, and making new textures with team colour in it would require the replacement of “logo.gaf”, which is would require extensive instructions for the user. the barrels, which you called “那些管子” are only created with 5 faces each, with the underside and the front not removed for easier conversion into TASpring, TA3d, 3ddemos, or even buildpics. I could have easily made them 6 polygons, but I did not. All features of the model are based on the original models of Total Annihilation created back in 1997 by cavedog (see attached pic). some objects and extra polies were added because the processing power of CPUs have SIGNIFICANTLY improved since 1997, and since TA does not experience major slow down with polygons, at least not as much as it does with things such as pathfinding, and since there can never be more than 1 or 2 of these super dreadnaughts, and the fact that these ships are 2 to 3 times bigger than the biggest units found in the original game, such polygon count is justified. Furthermore, It seems you’ve never modded TA in your life, the models I’ve presented are on the lower end of polycounts with regards with 3rd-party TA units, Even though I’ve kept many underside faces, the total face count of the ships does not succeed 300; If you really want to see wasted faces, look at something from MADTA like the Karganeth:
or the Orcone:
不能纸上谈兵嘛!Wings3D和3do builder都很好用的!不如你试着做一个3do,然后把它放在TA里转一转。不试怎么知道你提出的建议都是多么难实现。:D
[ 本帖最后由 TRO 于 2007-6-4 03:24 编辑 ]
现在的游戏的texture和TA完全不一样。TA是把方形的bitmap盖在方形的polygon上。现在游戏都使用UV MAPPING。就算你的model只有几百个polygon,你也不可能专门为它做texture, 要花的时间太多了。谁知道是几百个polygon对游戏速度型向大还是几百个texture对游戏速度型向大! 因为TA的texture都是方方正正的, 而且TA texture都只有4-5各不同的深度,,你也不可能把你的model做的太不方不正了,做圆了深度变得太突然,不好看. 不管为哪一个游戏做mod, 做Total conversion都是非常困难的, 所以modders都把他们的mod尽量做得和官方保持一致. 再说,cavedog在1997年都不像你说得这么节约polygon,现在都2007年了, cpu从几百mHz都快到几个gHz了, 谁还管这些呀?
[ 本帖最后由 TRO 于 2007-6-4 22:35 编辑 ]
the real size for any of the 4 models is gonna be similar to the one of Monkeylord, so polygon is a real issue.
please understand.
[ 本帖最后由 orsin 于 2007-6-5 09:18 编辑 ]
[ 本帖最后由 TRO 于 2007-6-5 20:21 编辑 ]
最后的任务。core 武库舰。。。。自己顶上来,免得过几天更新找不到。。。