

4.0 Building a Mission
The process of building a mission begins in the same manner as that of building a multiplayer map, and all the same steps have to be observed initially. We recommend that you start building your missions on paper before trying to build them in T.A.E.; a lot of building a good mission is figuring out what the objectives are, what type and strength of the opposition will be, how the terrain will affect the battle and so on. Sketch it out a little before diving in.

Once your map is constructed, you can start setting up the player’s and the enemy’s forces.

4.1 Starting Positions in Missions
Starting points are specific to Schemas, and while all starting points should be specified for the Multiplayer play schema, they are unnecessary for mission schemas. All units that the Player has available must be placed down manually, including the Commander. Instead of deciding the starting point of your Commander, the starting point 1 determines the first thing the player sees when starting the mission. It is the location of the ‘camera.’

4.2 Placing Units
Once you have an idea of what kinds of enemies you’ll have the player facing, you can start to place them. Placing units is simple: just find the unit that you want to place, make sure you have the Default Tool selected, click the left mouse button and hold it, then drag and drop the unit wherever you want it. It will appear on your map in wireframe. The color of the unit will correspond to the color of the player controlling it. By default, this is Player 1, but you can change the default Player setting using the Player submenu. Units belonging to Player 1 will belong to the human player; other Players’ units are controlled by the A.I. Note that the A.I “Players” will not fight amongst themselves.

4.3 Unit Properties
Once the unit is placed, there are a number of things that can be done with it, all of which are controlled from the “Unit Properties” box. This can be reached through the View submenu when the unit is selected, or simply by pressing Alt+Enter. Below is a listing of the options and what they do:

4.3.1 General properties
Allows you to change the unit’s position on the map one pixel at a time (using X and Y coordinates just as they are on your status bar). You can also change which player controls the unit, the direction (Angle) the unit is facing, its starting health, and number of kills the unit has (remember, 5+ kills makes it a veteran unit). Any unit can be also assigned a Unique Name. This makes it possible for the AI to recognize specific units to a variety of ends, whether it be to have other units defend it, attack it, hold fire until it is attacked, or a number of other options, all of which will be discussed in 4.5, Unit Commands.

4.3.2 Initialization Properties
The “Initialization” tab describes how the AI deals with the unit when it is first created. Initial Group works much like setting a unique name, except that it allows a group of units to be referenced rather than just one. Enemy Does Not Target Unit means that the unit will not be targeted by the AI player’s units (though it will still be targeted by your units). Initial Mission Commands
The Initial Mission selection is the true heart of mission creation. Most missions created do not rely on the AI to handle the battle, rather, everything is carefully planned ahead. Having units wait until they are attacked, having groups of units attack at the same time, having them target specific units, even roving patrols, are all commands that are set here. Giving all (or most) of your enemy units a series of commands that interact and mesh to make an appropriate defense (and offense) is what mission creation is all about. If a Unit is given no initial commands, or runs out of commands, the AI will take over, if it is a Computer controlled Unit (anything other than Player 1). If it is a Player controlled Unit and you want the Player to be able to interrupt the initial commands, insert a “s” (to make it selectable) in the initial command list.

What follows is a list of the available commands; use a comma to separate commands. Remember that all unit references should be to the unit’s name, not the unit’s description (e.g. CORTL not Core Torpedo Launcher).

m X Y
Tells the Unit to move to coordinates X and Y as measured in pixels; see “Location” on the Status Bar at the bottom of the program window.

p X Y
Tells the unit to patrol from the coordinate at which it is presently to the coordinate that follows the “p” and back again. If only one coordinate is given the computer will assume the starting point to be the second point in the command list. If you give two points (p X Y X Y), the unit will patrol between those two points. If you give three points, the Unit will patrol between those three points in the order given, etc. You can specify any number of points in this way. The patrol command should be at the end of the command list, since once on patrol, it will ignore all later commands.

Tells the Unit to attack the nearest specified Unit. This could be either a Unit Type (for example “a ARMCOM”) or a unique identifier (for example “a FRED”). If there are no units of the specified Type, the AI will take control of the unit.

Tells Unit to wait at its present location for the specified number of seconds before continuing with the command list. You can specify fractional seconds (e.g. “w 0.5”).

Mobile Construction Units only. Tells the Construction Unit (or Commander) to build a Unit of the specified Type at location X Y.

Construction Building. Tells the Construction Building to build n Units of type UNITTYPE on its construction pad.

d Destroys the Unit instantly.

s Makes the Unit selectable even though the initial command list isn’t completed yet, allowing the
AI or player to take control of the Unit.

Place this Unit in the specified transport. (e.g. “i ARMSHIP” or if there is more than one transport give the transport a unique identifier e.g. “i JAKE”).

u XY
You can then tell the transport where to unload the unit that it carries by designating u XY.

In the initial mission list will wait until the unit is attacked.

“wa otherunit” will wait until otherunit is attacked. This works like the “i” mission–otherunit identifies a specific unit, not a general type of unit. In order for this command to work, ‘otherunit’ must be given a unique name as mentioned in section 4.3.1.

Example: Let’s say for a moment, that you’re in the middle of creating an Arm mission, for which the goal is to get your squad of Zeus into the enemy’s base and take out their fusion plant. While setting up the defenses, you might program a fleet of Rapier gunships to wait until the Arm lightning-chuckers have destroyed a radar tower abandoned in the middle of a valley, move to co-ordinates 513, 700, followed by a run on the Arm Commander, nestled in it’s camp. To spring your little trap, you would need to do the following setup.
-Place radar tower with unique name (e.g. “TRAP”)
-Place Rapier units, each with the following initial command string:
wa TRAP, a ARMZEUS, m 513 700, a ARMCOM
-It’s very important to make sure that you’ve provided the player with at least one Zeus unit to start with. If there is no Zeus units on the map, the Rapiers will simply skip that command and go straight after the Commander. Upon destruction of the radar tower by any other unit than a Zeus, the Rapiers will still search out the Zeus and try to kill it.

4.3.3 AI Properties
This final tab deals with how the enemy AI deals with the unit throughout the game, and is again fairly simple. Priority Target Of AI will make free units looking for something to attack head for that unit first, and any other unit with that property set. Mission Critical Unit is a setting for use with Victory Conditions (discussed in section 4.x), meaning that if that unit is destroyed, the mission is lost. Finally “AI Should Ignore UNIT” means pretty much what it says… the AI will act as though the unit does not exist (even if being attacked by it!).

4.4 Schemas
Schemas are a vital part of creating multiplayer missions; a separate one must be created for each difficulty level that you wish the mission to have. They determine such varied factors as the player and enemies’ initial metal and energy, the AI’s playing style, available surface metal, and meteors, if any. To create a new schema or delete an old one, use the Mission menu. A green X will appear over the schema that you are currently editing. To change which schema you’re editing, just double-click on the desired schema. Note that units must be placed separately for each schema, and you can place features in the schemas rather than the Map item if you wish to have them different for different difficulty levels (e.g. more metal deposits on Easy). Make sure that you do not delete all of the schemas from the editor!

4.4.1 General
Multiple schemas are required for different difficulty levels. If a player tries to run your mission in a difficulty level that isn’t available, the game will choose the closest available level, choosing the easier level if possible. This is also the place where the AI profile is chosen. Play around with the different profiles, and find the one that works best for your mission.

4.4.2 Initialization
In addition to setting the surface and Moho metal (which can be different for each difficulty level, and is discussed in 3.13), this is where the player and AI’s initial energy and metal are set. This amount is the amount that the Commander can store, and changing these is probably the easiest way to alter how difficult (or easy!) a mission can be…

4.4.3 Meteors
Meteors are a random “catastrophic” event that can be added into missions. In order to activate them, set Weapon Type to “meteor” (no quotes), and set the three numbers available to something higher than zero. Duration and Interval are measured in seconds, density is the number of meteors, and Radius is measured in pixels. Remember that adding meteors adds a dangerous, unpredictable element to the game.

Construction Building. Tells the Construction Building to build n Units of type UNITTYPE on its construction pad.





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