a oldest talk lag from TA

<C_Taylor> okay, bye!

ok what a bout a jet pack for the
commander? as an advanced option? or a
quicker unloading transport like in red
alert,maybe a chameleon unit(it makes itself
look like a rock or treeor simply can blend,
and maybe a shroud unit?not just jam them but
ok what a bout a jet pack for the
make the screen black?maybe insteadof a jet
pack an upgrade center u can build
forcommander to get difft options?like jet
commander? as an advanced option? or a
quicker unloading transport like in red
alert,maybe a chameleon unit(it makes itself
boots and stuff
look like a rock or treeor simply can blend,
and maybe a shroud unit?not just jam them but
make the screen black?maybe insteadof a jet
pack an upgrade center u can build
forcommander to get difft options?like jet
boots and stuff
<JiN> bye
<JiN> bye
Will you ever make a unit that could
launch a Nucular Weapon. ie: Nucular Sub ?
Will you ever make a unit that could
launch a Nucular Weapon. ie: Nucular Sub ?
cya Chris
cya Chris
dammit toasty
dammit toasty
Cya Chris! =)
Cya Chris! =)
I told you to go
I told you to go
3 questions. 1) what about the
multiplayer savegame we have all been hearing
about? and 2)what type of music you guyz
listen to in there. 3)if you come up with a
3 questions. 1) what about the
unit idea do you get acknowledged for it?
multiplayer savegame we have all been hearing
about? and 2)what type of music you guyz
listen to in there. 3)if you come up with a
unit idea do you get acknowledged for it?
i had a good one too
i had a good one too
About how many people are on the TA
team, and could you give us some more info on
the Spoiler Mine Layer(especially about
About how many people are on the TA
team, and could you give us some more info on
nuclear mines)?
the Spoiler Mine Layer(especially about
nuclear mines)?
have a good one Chris…
have a good one Chris…
I never got a question sniffle
I never got a question sniffle
Later chris, thanks a lot for answering
the questions.
Later chris, thanks a lot for answering
the questions.
Someone please send me Chat transcript
Someone please send me Chat transcript
me too
me too
Yeah someone send me a script
Yeah someone send me a script
me too =)
me too =)
<MAD_MAK> Thanx Chris!!!
<MAD_MAK> Thanx Chris!!!
i have most of it though
i have most of it though
I got lagged out right int he middle
I got lagged out right int he middle
I am sure there will be a script of
this on annihilationcenter.com
I am sure there will be a script of
this on annihilationcenter.com
Someone please send me Chat transcript
<JiN> me too
Someone please send me Chat transcript
<JiN> me too
<Beta_> Thanks Chris
<Beta_> Thanks Chris
I’m compiling a script of the whole
thing write now.
I’m compiling a script of the whole
thing write now.
<JiN> send me transcript chris
<JiN> send me transcript chris
Chris is cooooool
Chris is cooooool
Chris, Hope I’ve not been a bother
Chris, Hope I’ve not been a bother
.thanks for the help chris :slight_smile:
.thanks for the help chris :slight_smile:
Mass Q’s =)
Mass Q’s =)
*** [tDs] has quit IRC (Leaving)
*** [tDs] has quit IRC (Leaving)
Chris, sorry it was a rough chat
Chris, sorry it was a rough chat
*** Larry|AC (~[email protected]
ll.net) has joined #innerspace
*** Larry|AC (~[email protected]
ll.net) has joined #innerspace
new idea and all
new idea and all
what I want to know… is how do I beta
test or code for cavedog ?
what I want to know… is how do I beta
test or code for cavedog ?
<JiN> Now on to TA!
<JiN> Now on to TA!
check this question out
check this question out
okay… whose got the T1’s?
okay… whose got the T1’s?
ok what a bout a jet pack for the
commander? as an advanced option? or a
quicker unloading transport like in red
alert,maybe a chameleon unit(it makes itself
look like a rock or treeor simply can blend,
ok what a bout a jet pack for the
commander? as an advanced option? or a
and maybe a shroud unit?not just jam them but
make the screen black?maybe insteadof a jet
pack an upgrade center u can build
quicker unloading transport like in red
alert,maybe a chameleon unit(it makes itself
look like a rock or treeor simply can blend,
forcommander to get difft options?like jet
boots and stuff
and maybe a shroud unit?not just jam them but
make the screen black?maybe insteadof a jet
pack an upgrade center u can build
forcommander to get difft options?like jet
boots and stuff
<Larry|AC> A full log of the chat will be
available soon for thos e of you looking for
<Larry|AC> A full log of the chat will be
available soon for thos e of you looking for
<JiN> cool if units would roll over when
getting hit
<JiN> cool if units would roll over when
getting hit
Chris!!! I’d just like to know where
you guys hang out for Mplayer games, if ya do,
on the NET =)
Chris!!! I’d just like to know where
you guys hang out for Mplayer games, if ya
do, on the NET =)
<JiN> taht would be cool
<JiN> taht would be cool
<JiN> boom
<JiN> boom
*** ikon ([email protected]) has left
*** ikon ([email protected]) has left
*** C_Taylor ([email protected].
com) has left #innerspace
*** C_Taylor ([email protected].
com) has left #innerspace
<JiN> i can’t move! i’m upside down hehe
<JiN> i can’t move! i’m upside down hehe
*** Beta_ ([email protected].
net) has left #innerspace
*** Beta_ ([email protected].
net) has left #innerspace
Wel… that was fun… though slow at
Wel… that was fun… though slow at

  • Jazz-Nyt will mail himthen =) hehe
  • Jazz-Nyt will mail himthen =) hehe
    very fun
    very fun
    of to map land…
    of to map land…
    I will send transcript to all who give
    me emaill add.
    I will send transcript to all who give
    me emaill add.
    I can’t believe I got lagged out
    after asking my Q
    wish i was here for all of it though
    *** Voripteth ([email protected]) has
    left #innerspace
    wish i was here for all of it though
    *** Voripteth ([email protected]) has
    left #innerspace
    I can’t believe I got lagged out
    after asking my Q
    <Larry|AC> Ill do te hole log
    <Larry|AC> Ill do te hole log
    hmm mewonders if a server like Quake
    should be available for TA
    hmm mewonders if a server like Quake
    should be available for TA
    1:37am now =)
    1:37am now =)
    *** LaRIC ([email protected]) has left
    *** LaRIC ([email protected]) has left
    <JiN> oh shoot
    <JiN> oh shoot
    *** DrSimba ([email protected])
    *** DrSimba ([email protected])
    has joined #innerspace
    has joined #innerspace
    Someone please send me Chat transcript
    Someone please send me Chat transcript
    *** Masenar has quit IRC (Leaving)
    *** Masenar has quit IRC (Leaving)
    <JiN> that’s what i forgot
    <JiN> that’s what i forgot
    *** Splooot ([email protected])
    has left #innerspace
    *** Splooot ([email protected])
    has left #innerspace
    <JiN> i think they said they are considering
    that option
    <JiN> i think they said they are considering
    that option
    *** h0tr0d has quit IRC (Leaving)
    *** h0tr0d has quit IRC (Leaving)
    someone send me the script and ill
    offer it in the channel (t1 connection)
    someone send me the script and ill
    offer it in the channel (t1 connection)
    <JiN> i read it on web page
    <JiN> i read it on web page
    Goto http://annihilationcentre.com
    for it
    Goto http://annihilationcentre.com
    for it
    when it’s done =)
    when it’s done =)
    RawDeal: u makin maps?
    RawDeal: u makin maps?
    <Larry|AC> http://annihilationcenter.com
    <Larry|AC> http://annihilationcenter.com
    *** Snakey ([email protected]) has joined
    *** Snakey ([email protected]) has joined
    <Larry|AC> it will be up in ten.
    <Larry|AC> it will be up in ten.
    Session Close: Tue Nov 25 01:39:04 1997

Did ct ever come?
*** TaPlayer ([email protected]) has left
*** San-Gohan has quit IRC (Leaving)
someone send me the script I’ll offer it
*** JiN ([email protected]) has left
Larry|AC a plug again?? =)
*** chipmunk ([email protected]) has joined
<Larry|AC> Yeah right
<Larry|AC> an offer :stuck_out_tongue:
*** chipmunk ([email protected]) has left
affro: I’ll send you an unedited one
ok toasty
Someone please send me Chat transcript
Toasty: sender me it.
yup affro
or just post the frwaking thing
Phil21: get it from affro
AC should put up an edited one with
time, but for now, an unedited one, and keep
both there
erk’l toasty u 14.4 ? ;0
i s the sequel the expansion pack or the
ta 98, Chris told me it would be included in
Toasty: heh
just never had much luck with sending
via IRC
XP = addon =)
i asked him a private msg before he
split and he responeded
Someone please send me Chat transcript
they r making a Addon, and a SEQUEL
death to all chat smilies!!!
Toasty, if you have a complete
unedited one, I can upload it?
Oaky people.
ill paste it so you can read it
you were very helpfull :slight_smile: if
you can just answer this Will there be multi
depths in oceans for deeper water and
trenches so subs can hide ect…and how about
civilian strutures/small towns.ect… that are
nuetral for land units? like you take over a
town as a fortified spot…in middle of
<C_Taylor> yes, in the sequel
Trans done.
<Larry|AC> Ok iam off to edit and put it online!
*** Larry|AC has quit IRC (Annihilation Center |
You guys should have seen my screen…
I have never seen so many msg boxes
I can guess ==)
toasty i thought you were going down the
hmmm, 4-eyes
had a different list
SMITT, there will be a sequel… That is
what he means
thats why i asked him private at end
*** DaBj ([email protected]) has left
TA 98 <> ADDON (not Addon)
but people kept msging me
hmm i think an expansion pack is just a
way for them to get more money

  • Toasty is sorry if you didn’t get to ask your
    ?.. my mind was lost
    *** Simba has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
    and stuff to us WITHOUT DOWNLAODING!
    Someone please send me Chat transcript
    or address to find it
    dont matter to me 128 meg maps is gonna
    kick ass :slight_smile:
    and us get an expansion to the game.
    that’s the point right?
    bye everyone :slight_smile:
    time to get more mem
  • affro will be offering script in 2 mins
    *** RawDeal ([email protected])
    has left #innerspace
    128 MB :-0
    I have script, give me ur email.
    128 meg maps?? do you need 128 megs ram
    bye people
    affro, send it to me and I can upload
    i hope not, i cant even run 64 maps!
    *** Cthugha ([email protected]) has
    left #innerspace
    my DCC send doesn’t work though
    [email protected]
    My uncle was scanning stuff affro and
    he needed MORE than 128…
    Jazz-Nyt: it’ll be offered in a sec wait
    yeah, that’s what I meant =)
    just read larry log you will see the map
    i use 64 meg maps on one of my
    computers that has 16 megs ram
    thats what I figured but it would be slow
    the hover boats sound kick ass :slight_smile:
    ugh, I don’t think I can get up now,
    1:45, up for 9 tomorrow =)
    sorry jazz… I tried
  • Jazz-Nyt groans and sits up straight
    <cliiiiick, grind, snap>
    what is larrys url now ?
    *** Zedek ([email protected]) has left
  • Jazz-Nyt will have no probs for tomorrow
    morning, toasty, you did good, right guys?
    thank you
    *** XereS ([email protected]) has left
  • Jazz-Nyt chuckles … hehe
  • MAD_MAK 3 cheers for toasty!!!
    *** Snakey has quit IRC (Leaving)
    thank you…
    Yeah, I made thatmistake
    as rough as it was
  • Jovian shakes hands with toasty
    thanks Jov… at least he came
    [cdcc] 1 file offered- /ctcp affro cdcc
    send X宇宙 for pack X宇宙
    [cdcc] dcc block size: 2048, slots open:
    5/ 5, dcc queue: 10/10
    % #1 (305.48kb: 0 gets) (uncensored)
    I think, considering he was 2+half
    hour late, it was great! =)
    And boy did we get some great info =)
    oh yeah
    that skirmish thing is cool
    I forgot that 3rd Question, I can’t
    believe it =)
    he wasnt late, was he?
    *** berzeker has quit IRC (Broken pipe)
    What question?
    by the first set time
    2+hald hours
    it said 6 pm pacific
    The “Do you guys play over the NEt,
    if so, where do you go for games?”
    *** berzeker ([email protected]
    bm.net) has joined #innerspace
    i got here at 6 pm MST, or 5 PM
    pacific, and you all were chatting away :slight_smile:
  • Jazz-Nyt asked those joke Q’s, then got lagged
    out and couldn’t ask the serious ones =P
    hey could someone repost it the thing
    cut me off
    jazz, TA新兵训练营
    *** MAD_MAK ([email protected]
    t) has left #innerspace
    yeah, I was here at 5pm est, the
    original start time
    2 1/2 hour before Chris =)
    No, 5PM MST, 8 PM est, according to
    *** Antarctic ([email protected]) has joined
    phil: ?
    *** Antarctic ([email protected]) has left
    he got it wrong
    that chat went excellent good job
    toasty :slight_smile:
    so did Magar
    thanks all
  • Jazz-Nyt thought so too
    well, he got it right
    it was at 5 PM MAGAR
    in the end =)
    oh well
    it was SUPPOSED to be 5 pm EST… 2 pm
    Still, better late than never (but
    better never be late) =)
    [cdcc] 1 file offered- /ctcp affro cdcc
    send X宇宙 for pack X宇宙
    [cdcc] dcc block size: 2048, slots open:
    3/ 5, dcc queue: 10/10
    % #1 (305.48kb: 2 gets) (uncensored)
    Where did u hear that?
    somone change topic
    the time?
    to “he WAS here”
    *** Toasty changes topic to “He was here… he’s
    gone… we’re happy :0”
    Yeah, I tried earlier =P
    ok why does it not let me download
    the offered fileaaa?
    Make that, were sad
    I know that cause I set the chat up
    toasty, do u have a site to upload it
    *** Toasty changes topic to “He was here… he’s
    gone… we’re sad”
    [cdcc] 2 files offered- /ctcp affro cdcc
    send X宇宙 for pack X宇宙
    [cdcc] dcc block size: 2048, slots open:
    3/ 5, dcc queue: 10/10
    % #1 (305.48kb: 2 gets) (uncensored)
    % #2 ( 87.32kb: 0 gets) Pack #1 but
    No… sorry
    Hmmm … how big is it?
    What’s the news address for annihilated.
    CHAT : The Chris taylor chat in
    Tonight, The chat will be held on Efnets irc
    network channel #innerspace, at 5:00pm
    EST/8:00pm PST/6:00pm CST this Monday. See
    you there!
    I want to send it in, and site seems to
    be down.
    just that =)
    *** Phil21 ([email protected]
    du) has left #innerspace
    Yes I know they got the wrong times
    they’re backwards =)
    Well, the correct times, inevetably
    the est is theonly right one =)
    It says 5:00 est…
    Magar screwed up
    (although ignore them as it was) =)
    that was LARRY
    thanx night
    ot email
    well Magar scrweed up too
    toasty could ya mail it me f it’s
    *** DrSimba has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
    the log?
    and I’ll uplaod it now before I goto
    What is the Annihilated.com news report
    let me get rid of hte prior innerspace
    my IRC thing never worked
    I will send log to anyone who asks now.
    *** [Toshin] ([email protected]) has
    joined #innerspace
    a.com, what ya just said
    <[Toshin]> damn missed it
    yep Toshin
    [email protected]
    get the logs, gettem while they’re
    unedited …

    <[Toshin]> ??
    But magar is gone…
    <[Toshin]> just mail them?
    I know
    What are you trying to get/do?
    <[Toshin]> What did i miss anythinf?
    You missed the whole chat.
    [cdcc] 2 files offered- /ctcp affro cdcc
    send X宇宙 for pack X宇宙
    [cdcc] dcc block size: 2048, slots open:
    2/ 5, dcc queue: 10/10
    % #1 (305.48kb: 5 gets) (uncensored)
    % #2 ( 87.32kb: 0 gets) Pack #1 but
    *** Night2 has quit IRC (Connection reset by
    everyone’s left
    yeah, inc. the guest of humour, erm,
    honour =)
    <[Toshin]> heh i know but any big bombs or just
    little grenades:)
    well that skirmish thing works… it’s
    just too hard to get 6,7,8, or 9 players
    cool =)
    That’ll keep me amused till NET works
    he told us right this time :wink:
    yep =) His PR have been pestering
    him =P
    well Jazz… sorry about your phone bill
    hehe, it’s okay =)
    Was worth it =)
    *** Night2 ([email protected]) has joined
    just wish I’d rem’s that 3rd Q =)
    Oh, and thatI hadn’t lagegd out half way =)
    Apart from that … AMAZING =) What a
    cool guy
    yeah… he is
    Very down to the level of us
    peasant-like game players =)
    *** kinboat ([email protected])
    has joined #innerspace
    Got some good unit ideas in there
    <[Toshin]> did u guys Listen to him on
    hehe, skips the review process of
    “units ideas here”
    *** [Toasty] ([email protected]) has
    joined #innerspace
    <[Toasty]> stupid ISP
    toasty: i need the full transcript.
    someone shut my irc down (morons)
    <[Toshin]> about 2 weeks ago on a show called
    *** Jovian sets mode: +o [Toasty]
    *** [Toasty] sets mode: +o kinboat
    I did
    <[Toasty]> well I am glad we got some good ?'s in
    Nict: how did it go??
    <[Toasty]> kb: okay
    <[Toshin]> jazz thats where i won my copy:)
    Toasty, can u mail me the log yet?
    <[Toasty]> went great
    Cool =)
    <[Toasty]> couple points that were bad
    was Phil here to see it?
    Did ya get ure name read out?
    <[Toasty]> give me your email and I will get it
    to ya
    <[Toasty]> yeah he wa
    <[Toasty]> s
    <[Toshin]> i am a reg there;)
    <[Toshin]> Jazz all the time:)
    <[Toasty]> he gave us a cheat kb
    [email protected] [temporary]
    [cdcc] 2 files offered- /ctcp affro cdcc
    send X宇宙 for pack X宇宙
    [cdcc] dcc block size: 2048, slots open:
    2/ 5, dcc queue: 10/10
    % #1 (305.48kb: 7 gets) (uncensored)
    % #2 ( 87.32kb: 1 get) Pack #1 but
    <[Toshin]> he gave us a cheat kb??
    <[Toshin]> What is it?
    <[Toasty]> press shift-8 then the roman numeral
    for how many plyrs you want in skirmish
    <[Toasty]> do it at teh skirmish setup screen
    <[Toshin]> cool
    *** Invader51 ([email protected])
    has joined #innerspace
    *** Invader51 ([email protected])
    has left #innerspace
    ooo, 3:46 since last discon … ad to
    the previous few hours and … hehe =)
    <[Toasty]> heh
    1.7p x 60+60+60+60+60
    *** Toasty has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 240
    I have log, give me your Email, I will
    mail to anyone.
    What happens if you use M or L for the
    numeral? :slight_smile:
    nothing probs
    Message me your email, will send log to
    Toasty’s sendin his me
    Thanx anyhow
    <[Toasty]> doesn’t work Night
    <[Toasty]> tried C
    Limit of #colours, hehe, I asked that
    =) woohoo =)
  • Jazz-Nyt doesn’t know hwo many colours there
    are, but n/m hehe
    *** [Toshin] ([email protected]) has
    left #innerspace
    Cheers Toasty, just buzz me when it’s
    *** Thrawn has quit IRC (Leaving)
    <[Toasty]> okay… getting ready to edit
    BTW … how did you get this chat
    [cdcc] 2 files offered- /ctcp affro cdcc
    send X宇宙 for pack X宇宙
    [cdcc] dcc block size: 2048, slots open:
    2/ 5, dcc queue: 10/10
    % #1 (305.48kb: 7 gets) (uncensored)
    % #2 ( 87.32kb: 1 get) Pack #1 but
    Nict: edit what?
    <[Toasty]> the log
    *** [Toasty] is now known as Toasty
    <BTW, quick edit is to search for
    strings (like +v) then delete that line>
    I mean, how did you get Chris to come
    on in the first place?
  • Jazz-Nyt is just curious =)
    I have it… with +v’s
    and how I got him to come is I just
    emailed him and asked…
    I see =) Asked nicely that is =)
    I used +v as an example, to say, that
    if you have something you want to delete
    globally, to “find” for it and delte that line
    well that was tiring
    So is the uneditied sent?
    Jazz-Nyt: I sent it
  • Jazz-Nyt agrees, and that’s was only for me!
  • Jazz-Nyt stammers, and can’t even type right
    now =) Hehe
    this is when I finish and goto bed =)
    Think how I felt when each msg box I
    had was [ ] that big in my bar
    So were any great TA secrets given
    So is this your own channel all the
    [cdcc] 2 files offered- /ctcp affro cdcc
    send X宇宙 for pack X宇宙
    [cdcc] dcc block size: 2048, slots open:
    2/ 5, dcc queue: 10/10
    % #1 (305.48kb: 9 gets) (uncensored)
    % #2 ( 87.32kb: 1 get) Pack #1 but
    *** berzeker has quit IRC (Leaving)
    I could barely see the first letter
    Jazz-Nyt: yes
    yeah … I did that once
    by mistake some how /msg’s everyone
    Jovian: did you have many msgs?
    right, I’ll just edit my Lag
    Annihilated and put it up …
    wonder how the reviews will be
    MY GOD… I have been waiting and
    talking to Chris for 6 hrs…
    and Night2 has been here most of that
    eh? tlakin to him for 6 hrs?
    I mean sitting in here for him and this
    chat for 6 hrs
    I have to go for a bit
    phone line has been tied for 6 hrs
    gotta use it
    back in a few
    *** Toasty has quit IRC (… ]x[ …)
    Hey… was anyone at the #TaN chat that
    was at the #innerspace one as well?
    [cdcc] 2 files offered- /ctcp affro cdcc
    send X宇宙 for pack X宇宙
    [cdcc] dcc block size: 2048, slots open:
    3/ 5, dcc queue: 10/10
    % #1 (305.48kb: 9 gets) (uncensored)
    % #2 ( 87.32kb: 1 get) Pack #1 but
    *** Jovian has quit IRC (Read error: 54
    (Connection reset by peer))
    [cdcc] 2 files offered- /ctcp affro cdcc
    send X宇宙 for pack X宇宙
    [cdcc] dcc block size: 2048, slots open:
    3/ 5, dcc queue: 10/10
    % #1 (305.48kb: 9 gets) (uncensored)
    % #2 ( 87.32kb: 1 get) Pack #1 but
    [cdcc] 2 files offered- /ctcp affro cdcc
    send X宇宙 for pack X宇宙
    [cdcc] dcc block size: 2048, slots open:
    3/ 5, dcc queue: 10/10
    % #1 (305.48kb: 9 gets) (uncensored)
    % #2 ( 87.32kb: 1 get) Pack #1 but
    *** affro has quit IRC (ooooh)
    *** Nosfera2 ([email protected]
    nt.ca) has joined #innerspace
    piss… I always miss everything
    *** Lord_Mike ([email protected])
    has joined #innerspace
    *** smitt ([email protected].
    net) has left #innerspace
    *** Thrawn ([email protected]) has joined
    I have a completely eddited log, if
    anyone wants it
    Or did somone already edit it?
    i don’t think anyone has…
    *** Toasty ([email protected]) has joined
    *** kinboat sets mode: +o Toasty
    so what’s going on now?
    hey thrawn, Ill take one of those
    anyone got a fast connection?
    *** Brasidas ([email protected])
    has joined #innerspace
    *** Toasty sets mode: +o Brasidas
    *** Nosfera][ ([email protected]
    int.ca) has joined #innerspace
    Hey Bras
    *** Nosfera2 ([email protected]
    nt.ca) has left #innerspace