

*** Warning this is a BETA modification and can be used with 4th Dimension 2.01 only ***

Ok now that i have that disclamer out of the way time to explain what this mod does…

“Unit Phasing” Allows a unit so enhanced to shift it’s molecules aroundinto extra spatial dimensions becoming translucent and semi-ethereal,almost completely non corporeal.

The advantage to this is that a unit so enhanced can avoid apercentage direct fire weapons by allowing them to pass thru itharmlessly! While protected from directfire projectiles, a Phased unitis still very vunerable from laser weapons, damage over time weapons,and projectile with signifigant splash damage.

T1 Units: 33% phasing, 33 energy cost

T2 Units: 50% phasing, 50 energy cost

T3 Units: 75% phasing, 75 energy cost