

Hi all.

ThirdlawPlus AI released.

ThirdlawPlus Download.


Be sure to check out the readme in the archive for full details of this release. I’ll give you a brief run down here.

The ThirdlawPlus AIs for supreme commander represent much smarter and more human like AIs for turtle players to enjoy. This release includes the old Land AI and Water AI from the old ThirdlawAI release plus the new Yamamoto AI which represents a next generation AI when compared to the AIs that came before it.

It is more human in its reactions than other AIs and appears to be more considerate towards threats against it. This is an aspect of the plus AIs that will considerably improve over time.

This release is not compatible with any other AI releases. Sorry but to make the AI this smart, i had to make edits to files other AIs need.

It should be possible to add normal archetype AI files to this one using the normal merge system but you will find it hard to merge this AI with others because of all the required files the new AI needs.

Current release includes.

Land AI = Old one, you have seen this before.
Water AI = Old one, you have seen this before.
Yamamoto AI = Water AI with an unbeat record during tests.

Yup you heard me, no other AI i test with which is all the GPG ones and all my own AIs has beaten the Yamamoto AI yet.

PS this AI will make you paraniod Wink wink… and youd be right to feel that way

I’ll add the exciting stuff in a second post to bore you techy fans with. But for now, that stuff above is all normal players need to know.

BTW I am very excited about the possibilities here, the old release was rather dull compared to what this baby can do.





[ 本帖最后由 零星 于 2007-3-23 15:12 编辑 ]