anti bomber

TAUniverse (

Posted by Cpt S on 08-22-2001 09:33 PM:
anti bomber
What’s the best way to fight of bombers in mass quantities? Even MT isnt strong
enough to knock out lvl 1 bombers. Are fighters good? Or Cobras?

  • Captain Shapiro

“I am required to kill, so I kill. That is enough.” - Maximus Decimus Myridious

  • Captain Shapiro

Posted by Allashane on 08-22-2001 09:43 PM:

Lots and lots of mt. And put things such as metal storages in front of important
things so it the bombers don’t kill it, your opponent just wasted ALOT of metal.

Posted by MajorBigg on 08-22-2001 11:41 PM:

have tons of mt really close together over the whole distance of your base. if
you have metal to burn, the flak will do good… have important structures
located in places where the bombers will have to travel a good distance. putting
up a wall around them, metal storages… etc. will prevent the bombs hitting the
important structure. have back up’s of the important strucuture… so instead of
reliing on 3 fusions. have 1 back up. etc. spread important units throughout the
base so they aren’t found easily. always hide the commander. have him cloaked,
toward the back of your base. and most importantly. think before you build this
ultimate defensive base. lrpc will easily take out the mt and flak. etc. so have
a way to attack also.

Posted by Allashane on 08-23-2001 12:16 AM:

4 fusions is always better than 3, so instead of relying on 3 youl would be
relying on 4.

Posted by OneLoneWolf on 08-23-2001 03:15 PM:

And unless you are on a very large map, build cloakable fusion. Do not bunch
them together, keep at least a 1/2 screen apart if possible.
I like to have the MT’s at the edge of my territory and have Phalanx and
Flakkers in the base around my structures. This way the MT’s take out the lead
Bombers and spot for the Phalanx and Flakkers. Also having some Hawks patrolling
inside the base works wonders.

OneLoneWolf - Wolf’s Lair
ICQ #58741977

OneLoneWolf - Wolf’s Lair
ICQ #58741977

Posted by Allashane on 08-23-2001 03:42 PM:

Unless your in a very long game, you wont need the flak guns.

Posted by Cpt S on 08-23-2001 09:40 PM:

Thanks all, but i can never seem to stop bombers. MTs dont aim fast enough but i
will try this thanks.

  • Captain Shapiro

“I am required to kill, so I kill. That is enough.” - Maximus Decimus Myridious

  • Captain Shapiro

Posted by Bort on 08-23-2001 09:54 PM:

Well, when using anti-air as defense, you want MTs, some flak, and hawks/vamps
patrolling your base. Oh, and BTW, a very important note when defending
something from bombers: The ease with which the bombers take out the target,
depends upon how much anti-air there is on the way to the target, not at the
target, so place defense w/ some distance in front of the thing you are trying
to protect, not at it.

“I’m not lazy. It’s that I just dont care.” - Office Space
Alcohol, the cause of and solution to all of life’s problems. - Homer Simpson

Posted by Cpt S on 08-23-2001 09:55 PM:

i knew that, but what about a small level like gd, or pass?

  • Captain Shapiro

“I am required to kill, so I kill. That is enough.” - Maximus Decimus Myridious

  • Captain Shapiro

Posted by Bort on 08-23-2001 10:29 PM:

I guess when u cant put defenses further out from your building that is being
targeted, then you can just use those hawks/vamps to patrol an area further out
as opposed to putting defenses further out. But you can still use air defenses
anyway. W/ good sight, flak can do a decent number on bombers and if you have
the fighters take out most of them if not all by the time they get there, your
air defense should finish the rest.

Posted by Allashane on 08-23-2001 11:02 PM:

On the pass you want defenders in the pass.

Posted by Bort on 08-24-2001 12:18 AM:

I’m just sayin that it’s better to have them further away from the target
although in the way of the bombers. I usually have MTs all around my base along
w/ some flak around my base and near the target as well as hawks/vamps

“I’m not lazy. It’s that I just dont care.” - Office Space
Alcohol, the cause of and solution to all of life’s problems. - Homer Simpson

Posted by Allashane on 08-24-2001 12:25 AM:

If you have alot of mt in the pass, unless the do offscrean bombing, few bombers
will get though.

Posted by Bort on 08-24-2001 12:43 AM:

Yea, but the fighters can help w/ other fighters and quicker disposal of
gunships. The flak help w/ that too, although i try not to use too much of it
since it hurts my units too.

“I’m not lazy. It’s that I just dont care.” - Office Space
Alcohol, the cause of and solution to all of life’s problems. - Homer Simpson

Posted by Allashane on 08-24-2001 01:33 AM:

It is better to use missle towers instead of flak guns most of the time.

Posted by Bort on 08-24-2001 12:30 PM:

Yea, but lots of flak can really help to defend a key area or structure.
ALthough that’s still true, lots of MT is much more effective not to mention

“I’m not lazy. It’s that I just dont care.” - Office Space
Alcohol, the cause of and solution to all of life’s problems. - Homer Simpson

Posted by Allashane on 08-24-2001 02:27 PM:

The problem with flak guns are that they need to be a screen or 2 away from the
thing they’re protecting so they can kill bombers before they drop their bombs.
And that way, you need a few of them for good coverage.

Posted by OneLoneWolf on 08-24-2001 06:16 PM:

Lol - well my games do tend to go a long time Shane. Play Keifer and MrC and
you’ll see what I mean. The main problem I see with Flakkers is that they build
slow, even when u have 2 Farks guards the Adv. Con Veh. and that’s the reason
MT’s are the anti-air of choice, cheap and they go up fast. Have 1 Fark guard a
Con and watch that forest spring up in no time.

OneLoneWolf - Wolf’s Lair
ICQ #58741977

OneLoneWolf - Wolf’s Lair
ICQ #58741977

Posted by Allashane on 08-24-2001 06:38 PM:

I have played them. Whats your point? The games didn’t go on longer than 45

Posted by MajorBigg on 08-24-2001 07:15 PM:

usually an airforce activly patrolling is better than mt flak etc. having 50+
hawks actively patrolling around over a certain distance wont let anything
through. make a few lines of a constant hawk stream. if anything gets through
(it would mean that the attack was a huge wave of aircraft) a few mt here and
there could stop them. flakkers thrown in a lot less often. its the best
defense. if it looks like the aircraft are going to do damage, send the hawks
there, its rather easy.
make sure the AA is spread out over a distance, the hawks would do patrolling a
little distance past that. the point in AA is having AA all the way to the
target over a large distance.

Posted by Allashane on 08-24-2001 07:24 PM:

You not always able to have a huge airforce patrolling though.

Posted by Bort on 08-24-2001 11:35 PM:

Well, the airforce is the best thing to have, followed by lots of MT, followed
by some flak.

“I’m not lazy. It’s that I just dont care.” - Office Space

Alcohol, the cause of and solution to all of life’s problems. - Homer Simpson

Posted by Allashane on 08-25-2001 12:07 AM:

I think mt are more important than an airforce.

Posted by OneLoneWolf on 08-25-2001 01:01 AM:

“If you had radar over his entire base, the 50 hawks should be able to kill the
300 mt with few losses. - Shane”

Shane you’re contradicting yourself. On the other thread you stated with an
absolute conviction that 50 microed Hawks could take out 300 MT’s. There was no
doubt in your mind on this. You even started calling me a below average player
for disagreeing with you.

Now you do a 180 and say that MT’s are more important than an Airforce?? Which
is it Shane, an Airforce or the MT Forrest?

OneLoneWolf - Wolf’s Lair

ICQ #58741977

[This message has been edited by OneLoneWolf (edited August 25, 2001).]

OneLoneWolf - Wolf’s Lair

ICQ #58741977

Posted by WillyTheSquid on 08-25-2001 06:46 AM:

Missile Towers are more versatile.
They’re more important than an air force.
Which doesn’t mean that the can’t be killed if you micro your Hawks.

“yarr i be making small minature TA models and painting them, then creating a
battlefield from old carpets and setting up a battlefield in my loft to create
many a military plan” - The illustrious Fourth Survivor

Posted by Allashane on 08-25-2001 11:41 AM:

First off, that was not a complete 180. I never said an airforce was good for
defending. I said hawks were good for attacking and missle towers were good for

Second, I didn’t call you a below average player because of that. I called you
one because I have played you and easily raped you with a single bomber a few

[This message has been edited by Allashane (edited August 25, 2001).]

Posted by OneLoneWolf on 08-25-2001 05:56 PM:

I know I’m such a “Newbie”.

Tell you what, let’s setup a situation where you will have 50 Hawks and I will
have 300 MT’s. Then you will attack my MT’s and let’s see if you can take them
all out before I take out your Hawks.

Would like to do this to prove your point or am I supposed to believe what you
say just because you said it? Personally I don’t believe you can do it.

OneLoneWolf - Wolf’s Lair

ICQ #58741977

OneLoneWolf - Wolf’s Lair

ICQ #58741977

Posted by Allashane on 08-25-2001 08:49 PM:

Well, that would be kind hard considering I don’t have ta, gbl, zone, or gsa

Posted by OneLoneWolf on 08-25-2001 09:04 PM:

You get a new comp? Get with it dude, 2.3 will be here soon. hehe

OneLoneWolf - Wolf’s Lair

ICQ #58741977

Posted by Allashane on 08-25-2001 09:35 PM:

I deleted it for MP3 space.

Posted by WillyTheSquid on 08-26-2001 02:42 PM:

no GBL? Baaad Allashane

“yarr i be making small minature TA models and painting them, then creating a
battlefield from old carpets and setting up a battlefield in my loft to create
many a military plan” - The illustrious Fourth Survivor

Posted by Allashane on 08-26-2001 02:45 PM:

Zone was better anyway.

Posted by Phantom Lord on 08-26-2001 04:03 PM:

Well, I’d vote for patroling Hawks due to their mobility. Anything static is
potential food for LRPCs. Another point is that Hawks can attack any given
target (except underwater units) if push comes to shove, MTs and flak guns

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ERROR 324: REALITY.SYS is corrupted! Reboot Universe? (Y/N)

Posted by Allashane on 08-26-2001 08:34 PM:

Yes, but hawks cost alot more, and are level 2 units. Missle towers are level 1.

Posted by JoesGeo on 08-28-2001 04:25 AM:

Go with many mt’s or anything on the ground that has a decent chance of hitting
a plane! Bild mt in big groups. Also bild you base fairly spread out. This will
help decrease the effect of bombers.


Originally posted by Warchicken
I believe there is an evil spirit living in my computer, trying to drive me

Yes, I have that problem too. That spirit is referred to as Windows.

Posted by Cpt S on 09-04-2001 09:51 PM:

What about samsons? theyre level one and they move. are they better for killing
hawks. They take more hits and build faster. would 100 sammies do better than
100 mt’s?

“I am required to kill, so I kill. That is enough.” - Maximus Decimus Myridious

  • Captain Shapiro

“I am required to kill, so I kill. That is enough.” - Maximus Decimus Myridious

  • Captain Shapiro

Posted by Councilor on 09-05-2001 07:49 AM:

Well if you need some early air defense, i suggest to build some missile KBots
and some missile vehicles such as samsons to deflect the bombers, and maybe some
fighter support would help

Posted by LordBeek on 09-05-2001 10:57 AM:

Heres some useful information.

Why not have LOS of the bombers BEFORE they pass over your base. I.E
Peepers/fighters patrolling.

That way MT`s (and yes Missile towers are better to have than an airforce) can
fire at the aircraft before they pass over them.

The point about defending structures with Metal Storage/Wind helps aswell. On
GOW, build a Wind Gen in the probable direction of a Line Bomb attack against
metal patches to protect them.

For Berthas build Metal Storages. Having 2-3 Farks guarding your important
bertha can also help survive a bomber strike, though this is a desperate

Proud Member of the TEA
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  • George Washington

[This message has been edited by LordBeek (edited September 05, 2001).]

im good
15 min bt

Posted by IntoxiChrist on 09-07-2001 04:38 PM:

I’ve seen the term “Fark” time and again, what does it mean? I know, I know, I’m
a godless n00b, flame me.


“I had a cigarette. I had a cigarette, and a girl, and a place to sleep. Do you
hear me, you son of a bitch? Hear me?”
–William Gibson, Neuromancer

“Only the good die young.”
“Most people are morally ambiguous, which explains our random dying pattern.”
–Cain Nero & Tom Servo, Mystery Science Theatre 3000, Gunslinger

Posted by OneLoneWolf on 09-07-2001 04:44 PM:

Go to the download section of this site and get the extra Cavedog units. The
Fark and Necro are very useful and important.

OneLoneWolf - Wolf’s Lair

ICQ #58741977

Posted by IntoxiChrist on 09-07-2001 05:03 PM:

Ah. Cool, many thanks.


“I had a cigarette. I had a cigarette, and a girl, and a place to sleep. Do you
hear me, you son of a bitch? Hear me?”
–William Gibson, Neuromancer

“Only the good die young.”
“Most people are morally ambiguous, which explains our random dying pattern.”
–Cain Nero & Tom Servo, Mystery Science Theatre 3000, Gunslinger

Posted by LordBeek on 09-07-2001 06:17 PM:

Well the FARK is VERY useful. Necro has a bug on it which stops it repairing
units it resurrects all the time.

Proud Member of the TEA
ICQ = 102306818
To be prepared for war, is one of the most effective means of preserving peace

  • George Washington

im good
15 min bt

Posted by OneLoneWolf on 09-08-2001 07:14 PM:

Correct. But the very fact that you can resurrect something makes it very
important in itself. I would rather have the buggy unit than no unit at all.

OneLoneWolf - Wolf’s Lair

ICQ #58741977

OneLoneWolf - Wolf’s Lair

ICQ #58741977

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