Best map

TAUniverse (

Posted by Cpt S on 08-23-2001 10:11 PM:
Best map
What are all the vets in forums favourite map? (Peter C, Allashane, LordBeek,
etc.) Anyone can respond but i’d like to hear what map the really long time vets

  • Captain Shapiro

“I am required to kill, so I kill. That is enough.” - Maximus Decimus Myridious

  • Captain Shapiro

Posted by Allashane on 08-23-2001 11:03 PM:

Cavedog links cc. Its a shame to ruin a nice golf course though.

Posted by Storm on 08-24-2001 05:16 AM:

Look at the topic made by PeterC f鰎 helvete!

Wanna have your unit tested?

Posted by Rev_FleaGoth on 08-24-2001 05:24 AM:

God Forbid, a newbie is responding.

Painted desert.

“If this was a cavern of concrete
in a forest with trees like towers
I would have a place to seek retreat
from their poisoned plastic flowers”

The Rev. Omestes

Posted by Allashane on 08-24-2001 05:44 AM:

Yeah, sucks when newbies respond.

Posted by Cpt S on 08-24-2001 09:12 PM:

Never played there but ill try it. BTW, ne vets who respnd, whats your gsa or
zone name? I’d like to play you all.

  • Captain Shapiro

“I am required to kill, so I kill. That is enough.” - Maximus Decimus Myridious

  • Captain Shapiro

Posted by Allashane on 08-24-2001 10:08 PM:

Vets don’t play on gsa. My name on zone is BTU_Shane.

Posted by Gladiator on 08-25-2001 04:42 PM:

Im alright, and I play on gsa, mainly for training though as alot of people on
Zone beat my *** into the ground HARD.
I dont think there is a best map, it really depends on your own preferences.
If any1 really cares, my name on gsa is PRO-Gladiator and my name on zone is

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Posted by PeterC on 08-25-2001 05:13 PM:

Cavedog Links CC is indeed a great map. Greenhaven may be mine. I basically like
all maps equally. The only ones I hate are the maps like Dark Side, Red Planet
etc. where everyone powerbuilds a Guardian in the centre, stands their com in
front and whines when you Dgun them. I am so sick of people wasting my time with
trade off games. Lava Highground and Foxholes can be fun if you stay more or
less where you started though. The former is fine even if you don’t if the other
player is responsible.

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Posted by Allashane on 08-25-2001 08:53 PM:

Im alright, and I play on gsa, mainly for training though as alot of people on Zone beat my *** into the ground HARD.

Posted by Gladiator on 08-27-2001 06:32 PM:

Hey, Im getting better

I am Rocko! Feel the rocket!

Victory lies at the end

Posted by LordBeek on 08-27-2001 06:52 PM:

Gas Plant Plain, or Crystal Maze.

Cpt S Zone name = TEA_LordBeek.

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  • George Washington

im good
15 min bt

Posted by A_Novice_ToS on 08-27-2001 07:31 PM:

Painted Desert - the ultimate TA map Great for 1v1’s, 2v2’s, 3v3’s - anything!

Posted by JoesGeo on 08-27-2001 08:11 PM:

Yup painted esert is the bomb. Also i like Core Prime Industrial area.


Originally posted by Warchicken
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Yes, I have that problem too. That spirit is referred to as Windows.

Posted by DenimDemon on 08-28-2001 12:20 AM:


because I feel like a newbie everytime I play it.

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Posted by arm fighter pilot on 08-28-2001 02:13 AM:

i favor two cotinenets, eastside westside, and other large maps at least 20 by
20. i am not i newbie to ta itself but i am a newbie to internet gaming.

[This message has been edited by arm fighter pilot (edited August 28, 2001).]

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Posted by A_Novice_ToS on 08-28-2001 06:58 AM:

Denim - I like PD because it is probably the HARDEST map there is in TA, it
helps work out your con unit control (as you will need loads of em) as well as
see how good you are at building up. Its also one of the few maps CORE and ARM
are equal on; hell you could even say CORE are better on it with good reason. Oh
i also like the massed rocks you can reclaim, and the hills which you can put
HLT’s on and the…

Posted by PeterC on 08-28-2001 09:58 AM:

I agree with that. PD is one of the best tests of TA skill in my view. I also
notice that, like Comet Catcher, all the greatest players love it. I think this
rather proves this.


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Posted by Wrath_Slice on 08-28-2001 10:03 AM:

I think arm is way better than core on just about every map including PD. The
reason I think this is because with ARM you can guard a vehicle plant in the
back with a con vehicle which will give you a big edge over core guy who has to
use con planes or whatnot. ARM also has hawks and farks which are way better
than core counterparts.

“Suicidal twin kills sister by mistake!”

Posted by A_Novice_ToS on 08-28-2001 03:23 PM:

Yes Slice those are true pros for arm, but CORE can mass storms easier than ARM,
as their con vehicles can guard kbot labs, and Slashers are better than Samsons.
Another point is that PD is a map which doesnt often finish fast, so CORE get
the chance to pull out their big guns - and CORE ARE better than ARM in long
games, the only things ARM have are Mavs, Hawks and Berthas - CORE have loads
more units at their disposal.

Posted by Aggressor1 on 08-28-2001 07:24 PM:

Why do experts love comet so much? Seems like just a flash/gator to
samson/slasher map with limited strat as i have seen on the demo at tadrs
between BF and the TAG.

Posted by CLF_Crater on 08-29-2001 08:33 AM:

Trevor Samarco

Posted by SHONNER on 09-02-2001 02:11 AM:

I like Cliffs of Kashmir v3. And some of the new maps I’ve made recently that
are too big to put on my site. So called “experts” like playing on small maps
(Gods of War, Great Devide, Metal Heck). I prefer playing on larger maps (16x16
and bigger).


[This message has been edited by SHONNER (edited September 02, 2001).]

Posted by Freak on 09-02-2001 04:24 AM:

CLF_Crater: please dont post blank messages.

SHONNER: please don’t double post. If you missed something in your previous
thread, use the edit/delete message link.


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Posted by PeterC on 09-02-2001 07:40 AM:
Which “experts” were these? I think most good players much prefer the challenge
of expanding over large maps, with large forces to control, fight against and
micro, than the small maps. Even the more popular small maps are often badly
unbalanced, for example Lava Mania and Full Moon, which give hideous advantages
to a player in one of the start positions.

Personally, I don’t like the way every little thing matters on small maps: how
the smallest mistake can be what decides the game, rather than the general skill
of the players. Hell, I love raiding, and I am probably better at that than
anything else now . . . but I don’t see why it should decide virtually every
game. I think the reason most good people don’t play smaller maps is they
dislike the way they often end in mutual destruction if both players know what
they are doing.

The only map good players play regularly on Zone in my experience is GPP, and
that plays so very differently than most.


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[This message has been edited by PeterC (edited September 02, 2001).]

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Posted by Cpt S on 09-10-2001 08:06 PM:

But Peter, big maps take a loooooooooong time to play on and they gett boring
with 2 equally skilled players. Besides, on really big ones its a laggfest.

“I am required to kill, so I kill. That is enough.” - Maximus Decimus Myridious

  • Captain Shapiro

“I am required to kill, so I kill. That is enough.” - Maximus Decimus Myridious

  • Captain Shapiro

Posted by PeterC on 09-10-2001 08:34 PM:

Both those statements are untrue for the majority of games.


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Posted by FINALE on 09-10-2001 11:26 PM:

It depends on what you want out of the game, and level of skill, of the players.

I personally like most of the maps, although I despise red planet and others
like that. Everyone has their own personal tastes and reasons.

I like the big maps as a challenge, but FOR ME, it can get boring. Givin if both
players are around equal skill. It can become pretty monotonus to me, but to
each their own.

I sometimes like the small maps, but only against those who dont rush at the
VERY beginning. Which is almost impossible. Damn temptation, even I am guilty
of this

Would have to say for pure fun, I like METAL HECK, hahaha I know I know, newbie
level since I am a newbie. Just pretty fun for me, not into the game enough to
base a lot of pride on it. But perhaps that will come with time.

Posted by FINALE on 09-10-2001 11:56 PM:

Oh yeah, add Lusch Puppy to that list!

Posted by Screamer on 09-11-2001 09:27 AM:

My personal favourite, if any, would be RHL. Also I find GoW to be a very
interesting map - though I don’t really like it that much. The overall best…
would have to say that is JP.

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Posted by OneLoneWolf on 09-11-2001 04:45 PM:

I agree with Peter and Screamer that PD, Comet and JP are the hardest to master.
Although GOW is a map that punishes you severely for mistakes.

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Posted by AMBorn on 09-12-2001 02:08 PM:

I love Desert Triad, GOW, PD, anything that gives you something to play with

Posted by TEA_Zade on 09-12-2001 03:11 PM:

My old favorite has to be Greenhaven because it is a well balanced map for both
1 v 1 & 2 v 2. I must say that the small map “Show Down” has grown on me and i
can’t stop playing it. Show Down improves how you defend from big rushers
because of its small size, it also gives a person a better understanding of
“Controlling The Middle” and what the advantages of it are.

Posted by SoLiD on 09-12-2001 10:42 PM:

yeah, why do people love such unbalanced maps? PD does test skill like Novice
says, the reason why most people don’t like it is because it takes loads of
concentration and micro, such a big map and so many cons…great map for gr8
players (watch the gnug demo)



Posted by Zilla_M20 on 09-14-2001 11:54 AM:

I agree with Zade, Show Down is an top map, it will give you the skills you need

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