Method #1
- Run alcohol and select Burn Image. Select .mdf
file - Pick RAW/DAO, 4x speed between writing options
- Don’;t select any profile. Only enable Buffer
Underrun Protection. - When Alcohol request TOC, leave TOC unmodified
“First Option” (reccomended choice) - Run the copy with a cdrom/dvdrom reader. Don’;t
use a burner if it is not a Plextor, in which
case you have to use Plextools and use the
“Enable Hide CD-R Media” option - Install the game, and reboot if needed (due to
starforce drivers) - Launch the game and have fun
Method #2
- You need Windows XP SP2 in order to play
- IDE PCI Controller Drivers MUST be OS STANDARD
IDE PCI Drivers - Unpack file sfcure01 located in itw-tools.rar,
launch file !setup.bat through MS-Dos prompt
and reboot your box - If you have AMD64, then use sfcure_x64 instead
- Mount Alcohol 120 image and install the game
- Once installation is complete, launch sfdrup 2
update StarForce3 drivers and reboot box - Launch !start.bat through MS-Dos Prompt, file
located in the tools.rar pack - Unpack file sfn.rar & launch sfn.exe
- Select in this order: “Disable node”, “Disable
CD”, “Disable node”, and the IDE channel you
use for real CD/DVD units ( Pr. Slave, Sc.
Master or Sc. Slave ), depending on how your
IDE units are connected. Try to
disconnecter CD/DVD units from PC. - Launch the game and when asked use the serial
KK72V-FY895-5X4MN-8Q6G6-5YR4M <----介个是序列号
这款《UFO:余波荡漾》是03年推出的《UFO:灾难终结》(UFO: Aftermath)之续作,《幽浮:余波荡漾》(UFO: Aftershock)游戏内容将从《幽浮:劫后余生》最后结束的部份接续下去;地球被一群想把地球变成一个大型有机生命体的外星人占领之后,部份人类则被迫迁徙至一颗轨道卫星上,而《UFO:余波荡漾》故事剧情就是从人类在这颗轨道卫星上过了数年生活后开始;《UFO:余波荡漾》是一款包括小组战术行动及全球战略类型的游戏,这款游戏今天压盘,并将在将在2005年10月21日发售。
ufo2,ufo3是我到现在都还抱着不放的游戏, MP公司被收购+垃圾Ufo4的出土,我本以为ufo也该终结了。之后aftermath的出现也没有引起多少共鸣,倒是骂声一片片。。。。。。aftershock不知会怎样,只不过每出一款我便多分期待而已