favorite units

TAUniverse (http://www.tauniverse.com/forum/index.php)

Posted by BlackStar on 06-01-2002 09:19 AM:
favorite units?
what’s ur favorite?

Angel of the Deep, Star of the Night, End of the World -=- BlackStar
[email protected]

Posted by Annihilater2k1 on 06-01-2002 02:24 PM:

THe commander, without him you couldnt start a game.

The weak have one weapon, the over-confidence of those who think they are

The weak have one weapon, the over-confidence of those who think they are

Posted by tau’ri01 on 06-01-2002 09:28 PM:

NO, offence, but this has been done before, so many times i cant count it.

Its something unpredictable, but in the end is right…

Its something unpredictable, but in the end is right…

Posted by BlackStar on 06-01-2002 09:38 PM:

do u tihnk i care? just answer

Angel of the Deep, Star of the Night, End of the World -=- BlackStar
[email protected]

Posted by Annihilater2k1 on 06-02-2002 09:22 AM:

Goliaths, nuttin’ can stop a big hord of 'em and they bash through most things.

The weak have one weapon, the over-confidence of those who think they are

The weak have one weapon, the over-confidence of those who think they are

Posted by BlackStar on 06-02-2002 09:28 AM:

gollies are nice, but take a few bombers or fighters and they’re done

Angel of the Deep, Star of the Night, End of the World -=- BlackStar
[email protected]

Posted by tau’ri01 on 06-02-2002 12:00 PM:

You think what you think matters to me? At any rate, hawks are the best. If i
cant stop the topic, ill join it

Its something unpredictable, but in the end is right…

Its something unpredictable, but in the end is right…

Posted by littleloser on 06-09-2002 07:10 PM:

I like HLTs. They’re good against ground and gunships, just that the long range
rocket dudes(Merls/Diplomats) annoy me 'cuz they easily kill HLTs

i’m littleloser when will i win the jackpot?

Touch me and die.
(Of course, that’s physically impossible on the internet…)

Posted by tau’ri01 on 06-10-2002 06:08 AM:

I like merls when the other guy has tehm. They are cannon fodder to air forces,
and almost anyother unit. They require micro management beyond the normal, and
can usually be killed after then get off one or two shot. They tell you the
other guy has adv vecs, and then you go look for and kill the plant.

Its something unpredictable, but in the end is right…

Its something unpredictable, but in the end is right…

Posted by CJGidman on 06-10-2002 01:25 PM:

I like Tritons because your opponent has to pick them off one at a time as the
come up out of the water.
Oh wait…

Posted by LordBeek on 06-10-2002 03:28 PM:

Thats right CJ, you thought one of the following 
didn't you 

Low power weapon
Pels do the job better
They can’t fight back against anything above or underwater
Torpedos eat them
Depth charges eat them

<Aceman> im good
<Aceman> 15 min bt

im good
15 min bt

Posted by tau’ri01 on 06-10-2002 04:10 PM:

lol@both post and sig, beek

Its something unpredictable, but in the end is right…

Its something unpredictable, but in the end is right…

Posted by BlackStar on 06-10-2002 04:11 PM:

points and laughs at CJ

“There’s no points for second best, and nothing left after a Krogoth”
I only have 2 moods: I’m either pissed off or alright, I’m never happy!

Angel of the Deep, Star of the Night, End of the World -=- BlackStar
[email protected]

Posted by LordBeek on 06-10-2002 05:54 PM:

In answer to the actual topic, i’d say my favourite units are, either Peewees,
Morties or Berthas.

Morties are superb and deadly weapons in packs, en par with the Maverick.

Peewees are the ultimate early raiding unit. Very cheap to build, excellent
weapon for cost.

Berthas are hardly ever mentioned, but it is probably the one single unit that
won the most games for me.

<Aceman> im good
<Aceman> 15 min bt

im good
15 min bt

Posted by Zarthan on 06-11-2002 11:38 AM:


Posted by Little Pee Wee on 06-11-2002 12:21 PM:

PeeWee and Warrior.
They are the best level 1 KBots in the game.
Zeus and Maverick
They are the best level 2 KBots in the game.
Big Bertha and Vulcan (With Targeting Facility of course!)
Great artillery guns.

PeeWee is the king!!!

PeeWee is the king!!!

Posted by BlackStar on 06-11-2002 04:38 PM:

targeting facilities are real nice, but they suck up 1250 energy per tic…

but i musts ay, i find annihilators VERY useful

“There’s no points for second best, and nothing left after a Krogoth”

I only have 2 moods: I’m either pissed off or alright, I’m never happy!

Angel of the Deep, Star of the Night, End of the World -=- BlackStar

[email protected]

Posted by nightninja on 06-11-2002 05:03 PM:

what do targeting facilities do? i’ve only just bought the cc expansion pack…
i built one once… but didn’t notice anything different? does it just make all
radar towers show up on radar?

krogoth mayhem

My computer is here to help the Core…

Posted by tau’ri01 on 06-11-2002 08:20 PM:

They make your units shoot at anything in their range,eliminating the need to
radar target manually. For example, you get a bb up, then a targeting facility,
and then put your bb on fire at will, and it will blast away at the little dots
on radar quite happily, and you dont need to tell it to anymore.

Its something unpredictable, but in the end is right…

Its something unpredictable, but in the end is right…

Posted by Gladiator on 06-11-2002 09:29 PM:

My favorite unit… it’s a tie between the Maverick, the Peewee, and the third,
which is rarely ever mentioned or used, the Arm Sniper kbot. The sniper kbot can
be very deadly if you have them jammed with a targeting facility and radar

Victory lies at the end

Victory lies at the end

Posted by Little Pee Wee on 06-12-2002 12:59 PM:

Oh, I forgot something!
Arm Commander of course!

PeeWee is the king!!!

PeeWee is the king!!!

Posted by xRelativityx007 on 06-12-2002 03:28 PM:

I think everyone’s forgotten about the metal extractor here!

If you mean attack or mobile units then it would be the flash, since they can be
deadly if used properly (not just newbie style of “let’s move my units into

Posted by BlackStar on 06-12-2002 04:20 PM:

true true

i find target facilities are only good if u have the ressources. Otherwise it’s
a waste

u have all proven good points.

now i ask, what is the BEST DEFENCE SYSTEM u use and y? (note: BB, vulcan,
timmy, buzzaws dont count)

“There’s no points for second best, and nothing left after a Krogoth”

I only have 2 moods: I’m either pissed off or alright, I’m never happy!

Angel of the Deep, Star of the Night, End of the World -=- BlackStar

[email protected]

Posted by nightninja on 06-12-2002 11:36 PM:

i use heavy anti-air all the time cuz i can only play on my LAN(my router won’t
let me through to net games ) my brother is a hardcore hawk… i never even
have to worry about him sending in any ground units ever… so i do like 5 MT
for each Cobra… and then MT dispersed throughout my base as well as heavy flak
around important structures and in the center… and i always have my own
stealths on patrol… thats my main one…

krogoth mayhem

My computer is here to help the Core…

Posted by sniperwolf on 06-14-2002 01:36 PM:

<---------guess (name, not rank)

Thank God ignorance isn’t contagious.

[This message has been edited by sniperwolf (edited June 14, 2002
on 01:37 PM).]

Thank God ignorance isn’t contagious.

Posted by Annihilater2k1 on 06-14-2002 02:25 PM:

Err…nightninjas bro?..if not…errr…i’ll shut up now…

The weak have one weapon, the over-confidence of those who think they are

The weak have one weapon, the over-confidence of those who think they are

Posted by BlackStar on 06-14-2002 04:12 PM:

no… snipers… DUH…
i cant seem to find a good use for snipers… any suggestions for use?

“There’s no points for second best, and nothing left after a Krogoth”

I only have 2 moods: I’m either pissed off or alright, I’m never happy!

Angel of the Deep, Star of the Night, End of the World -=- BlackStar

[email protected]

Posted by Vali on 06-14-2002 04:43 PM:

Take out crogoths and lv2 tanks.

also, 3 shots will kill 1 commander.

So, get 3 of them, and if you see the commander, get them close, and shoot.

Posted by nightninja on 06-15-2002 03:02 AM:

annihilater… lmao… by bro is in africa…

krogoth mayhem

My computer is here to help the Core…

Posted by BlackStar on 06-15-2002 07:36 AM:

yeah, but they have almost NO armour, so if they get anywhere near the comm,
they wont last long after one uncloaking

“There’s no points for second best, and nothing left after a Krogoth”

I only have 2 moods: I’m either pissed off or alright, I’m never happy!

Angel of the Deep, Star of the Night, End of the World -=- BlackStar

[email protected]

Posted by Annihilater2k1 on 06-15-2002 09:34 AM:

Then keep them cloaked until the commander is in range, then let rip with

The weak have one weapon, the over-confidence of those who think they are

The weak have one weapon, the over-confidence of those who think they are

Posted by LordBeek on 06-15-2002 10:41 AM:

You’d do better not to even consider building them though.

<Aceman> im good
<Aceman> 15 min bt

im good
15 min bt

Posted by tau’ri01 on 06-15-2002 11:24 AM:

meh why not build one or two in a gmae, then see how long they last. That’ll
probably convince you more then beek telling you that you shouldnt. cos really,
in a game against anyone who isnt a moron, they wont last long enough to get
near a commander. So try it sometime

Its something unpredictable, but in the end is right…

Its something unpredictable, but in the end is right…

Posted by BlackStar on 06-15-2002 12:01 PM:

my point exactly!

i personnally prefer hawks

Fast, well armed, well armoured, stealth, aircraft

“There’s no points for second best, and nothing left after a Krogoth”

I only have 2 moods: I’m either pissed off or alright, I’m never happy!

Angel of the Deep, Star of the Night, End of the World -=- BlackStar

[email protected]

Posted by Annihilater2k1 on 06-15-2002 12:26 PM:

Errr did i actually say that i build them? i was just giving whoever a tip on
how to keep shooters alive longer(however short this maybe)i wouldnt even build
them, hell i’dd build 100 radar planes to go MT forest clearing before i built
shooters man.

The weak have one weapon, the over-confidence of those who think they are

The weak have one weapon, the over-confidence of those who think they are

Posted by BlackStar on 06-15-2002 02:51 PM:

the point of building 100 radar planes and sending them to their doom would be
what exactly?

“There’s no points for second best, and nothing left after a Krogoth”

I only have 2 moods: I’m either pissed off or alright, I’m never happy!

Angel of the Deep, Star of the Night, End of the World -=- BlackStar

[email protected]

Posted by tau’ri01 on 06-15-2002 03:18 PM:

its time to start adding [sarcasm/] and [/endsarcasm] tags, annihilator

Its something unpredictable, but in the end is right…

Its something unpredictable, but in the end is right…

Posted by Annihilater2k1 on 06-15-2002 04:12 PM:

Blackstar>i was taking the piss.

Tau’ri>Sarcasm kinda looses something if you have to hint that sarcasm is
comng and when it ends.

The weak have one weapon, the over-confidence of those who think they are

The weak have one weapon, the over-confidence of those who think they are

Posted by me22 on 06-16-2002 10:23 PM:

[sarcasm]the actual UBB code is [sarcasm] and [/sarcasm], actually =)[/sarcasm]

I like the panther, not nessesarily for use, but it looks good, and has
lightning and AA =)

In the new GHack their lightning gun fires about and entire screen

-me22 ( [email protected] 37213887 )
Founder, Antirral Royal Engineers, Makers of SWTAWIS
I strive to complete my work with the greatest amount of
efficiency–and the least amount of effort

/v\ L I N U X
// \
/( )\ Phear the Penguin

Posted by sniperwolf on 07-12-2002 10:44 PM:

AHHHH!!! another NOOB making a fav unit post!!!

Thank God ignorance isn’t contagious.

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