- 收购covedog的那啥动弹动物的商标是个大耗子,老外便经常开那玩意的玩笑。改名为atria便有一点商标的原因
大耗子:“我的质量检查部门收到了超量的关于你那产品的bugs,covedog君” - 第二幅图上显示大耗子手拿的bugs单子长到拖屁股后面数个屏幕
大耗子“我分类了下,bugs有这几个: 1.TAK把covedog弄死了!2.司令官脑袋变成石头了?!3.控制太J8麻烦了”
3.covedog “单子上所有的都是 TAK弄死covedog和控制J8麻烦,司令官变石头脑袋在哪儿?”
TA: Kingdoms Bug/Improvement Suggestions List:
Call them bugs, design flaws, bad programming or just plain typos. Personally I prefer to call them bugs, because they bug me. I have stayed mostly clear of system/configuartion-related bugs, because they vary a lot from user to user, and are too numerous to mention. If you’re looking for a solution to a problem you’re having with TA:K, this is not the place - instead, try the excellent TA: Kingdoms FAQ and/or the Main Troubleshooting FAQ
The buglist is in no particular order for the time being. New bugs are added at the end of each list, unless they’re clarifications of already listed ones. Buglist is updated seperately from the Main Page - usually daily (see very bottom of this page for last update-date).
Buglist reflects the latest version of TA:K (1.1BA).
In-game bugs:
General unit AI needs a big boost. Units don’t engage the enemy units well enough - sometimes not at all, regardless of aggresiveness level setting. F.ex., Melee units on Patrol will often ignore the enemy even though they’re bumping into them.
Missile units default to Defensive from production line, and…
No way to regulate unit’s aggresiveness level setting from production line.
Units lack Hold/Maneuvre/Roam option.
Large units cant go up or down ramps well enough. Example would be cannons or stone giants on “Muntil’s Ford Guard” map.
Units with multiple spells or arrows to chose from won’t default back to the selection you previously made even after they have regained sufficient mana.
No aggresiveness-level key shortcut.
When Unit Chat is set to Off, player’s own chat is not visible to himself.
No Cut/Paste option makes connecting to IP games a pain. If this is an attempt to manipulate more ppl onto BY, it will prolly cause more frowns than do CD any good.
Big Spells sometimes doesn’t register in laggy games. TA had the same problem with nuke detonations not registering - most prevalent in TA2.0 I believe.
No resource end-screen. I couldn’t care less about amount of kills, but I’d like to see if I won by cunning tactical actions and clever strategy or because my opponent didn’t know where to place his lodestones.
Loadscreen more pretty than useful. Why not have a cancel button? If other players drop, why not abort loading process? Getting stuck waiting 5 mins for a 166mmx 32-ram wanker to load a large map is not my idea of a good time.
Own walls not removable (should be, f.ex. with Clean command).
Cost of Caged Demon has one digit too many at the end.
Can’t tell who is watching in game.
No option to continue watching after dying.
No allying while in game.
Battleroom doesn’t show users’ system specs (cpu/ram).
Host can change sides, map and alter settings without having to toggle Go button.
Overview map very un-smooth.
Mana sites don’t show on overview map.
Hard to target anything on minimap or overview map.
Unclear radar coverage and range.
Veruna Monarch and Liches suffer from mega “Pelican-bug” when in water.
Invisible areas of screen make issuing orders like Build-Here or Move-Here impossible - usually close to the edges, “Paused” image and the F4-popup.
There is an invisible grid for placing buildings (half the width of a single wall unit), but it isn’t “snap-to”. Placing buildings and walls is easier with a snap-to grid. Filling gaps in queued yet unbuilt walls is a pain because of this.
No +/- individual mana production/usage display for units or structures.
Units shooting at targets behind obstacles don’t change their position if they’re not hitting the target.
If you use the right-click interface you wont get the “attack” cursor when you move it over an enemy unit.
Chat text in battleroom is too large - should be more than 4 lines visible.
No total unit number visible anywhere.
Catapult is the only unit with a “roadmultplier” value in it’s script - the rest use “roadmultiplier”. And to think the catapult is one of the units that was supposed to benefit the most from travelling on roads - a 50% speed increase. I guess the playtesters didn’t notice, pom pom…
A couple units have a “WaterMultipliser” stat (more typos).
According to the Unit spreadsheet released by CD, all lodestones have 5680 hitpoints - except Zhon’s, which has 15680. Hm.
No vertical gates. CD gave a reason for how vertical gates aren’t possible (something to do with units travelling thru the gates would be both infront of the bottom part and behind the top part of the gate, which would be impossible) - but have also said they might make a vertical gate for DL. Hmm.
When allying with an AI player, one can’t share anything with it, incl. Vision.
Nasty bug causes random Monarch to suddenly die without even being attacked. Most common in larger (2v2 or more) games. Seems to happen approx. in 3% of such games.
Bad lag/jerkyness in large LAN games (2v2 or more, even on p3’s with 128 ram on well-configured 100 MB LAN).
AI plays with full radar - does not need spotters for it’s Trebuchets, f.ex.
200 unit limit can be broken in laggy games.
Mage archers shooting paralyzed arrows shouldn’t all continuously pick the closest target.
AI players cannot use water or air transports, and will never win on an island map.
AI monarch will always use the Big Spell, even against a lone swordsman and with friendly units around (that thus die along with the lone enemy swordsman).
AI will only send 1-2 units at a time, never a horde. Not very effective.
No watch mode in skirmish (hey, some ppl like watching AI’s duke it out - hi Tom
No +showranges option.
There is no way to see what the effective range of a Sacred Fire or Pillar of Light. This should be accessable by holding down the shift key, much like seeing the cloak radius of a cloakable unit.
Multiplayer doesn’t work on NT (everything else does). I believe the problem lies with the DirectX version for NT being outdated, with little hope of a work-around solution.
Ctrl-Y for “select all air units” won’t select Ghost Ships.
Iron Beak can attack air units, but practically never hit them.
Ships sometimes unload units into water or what looks like onto the shipdeck (where the units can’t move, but can be reloaded into the ship.).
When changing between scripted and normal maps in the battleroom, some of the settings can get mized up (f.ex. suddenly the “Monarch Expendable” option goes un-selectable for the host regardless of which map is currently selected).
When Zhon hits unit limit, all queued productions are cancelled (not so for the other sides).
Harpies can target most buildings and half-built units - without any effect.
Build restriction options missing from battleroom.
Monarch-under-attack alert needs to be more noticable.
Some Veruna units say “Yes my lord” (Veruna Monarch is a lady).
The ability to select “Random” as side is desperately needed, for more reasons than I can list here - and I can think of no reasons not to implement it.
In LAN games, if a player crashes, some weird things can happen to the after-game score screen (current record is 490 million units produced).
Shipyards are buildable anywhere along coast - many places won’t allow ships to be produced from the shipyard though, due to shallow water. A build-platform like for factories might be handy, so one could easily tell if the shipyard will be able to produce units before one places it.
If one can play up to 7 AI’s in skirmish, it should be possible to play with more than one person player in multiplayer games (esp. concidering the suckiness of the AI players, with 2 AI’s being no match for 2 humans).
Boneyards bugs:
BY is still in beta (no comment), so obviously there are bugs. Apart from general buggyness - dissapearing chat and/or text, join/leave/hosting game complications, etc - here are a few things that bug me:
Watchers can’t talk to players, but they can page them (duh).
Players are listed randomly in the War-rooms, with no options to sort by name or rank.
Chat text in War-room is too large - would be nicer with smaller text to allow for more lines.
No Permanent muzzle option - if you or the muzzled wanker reenter the room, the muzzle is lost.
No Reply option to Pages.
Enter should work for ok-click on all screens (mostly fixed now).
When searching ladders for a certain player, usually no matches come up even if the player is on the ladder(s).
Can’t reject players from Battleroom.
User’s rankings should be viewable from battleroom.
A valid email address is required to create an account on BY. Problem is, on outlandish keyboards, like mine f.ex., the @ character is produced by a different key-combination than on US keyboards (Alt_Gr-2 in my case), and this doesn’t work inside TA:K. Fortunately I am a Gnug that knows his ascii Alt-codes, so I could enter Alt-0064 to produce the @. Yet another reason to have Gnugs beta-test your products
Cartographer Bugs:
Carto does not allow campaign missions or single player missions to be created. Many people want this feature.
No undo options, guess CD map makers don’t make mistakes.
No void option, CD Zhon high mtns sections suffers from a bug that removes voids if not properly placed so you need to replace voids on the sections or they are flat as paper.
No option to use AI npc, life, monster races for multiplayer settings. (Example…have deer running around as neutral while players 1-4 are fighting it out).
No option to use players 9 and 10 for above AI settings.
No height visual grid, impossible to discern heights in Carto.
No import/export options, completely shuts out the 3rd party community.
No option to view map required memory size, good luck on guessing!
Check map option does nothing.
You cannot mix and match race features on different race maps. Example, one cannot use a taros tileset and use aramon features, you are stuck using ONLY Taros features. People should be able to use all 4 feature sets on any map at any given time.
Red lines appear in places where red lines should not be (ie theres no conflict but there are still many a red line).