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Important Notice:   If you have purchased Supreme Commander:  Forged
Alliance but already have a GPGnet account, you should not create a new
account.  Log in with your existing Supreme Commander account, and
activate Forged Alliance by clicking the Forged Alliance game icon at
the bottom of your screen.  This will activate Forged Alliance and give
you maximum options for play.  If you have questions, log in with your
Supreme Commander account and contact a systems administrator.  Thank
Wichtiger Hinweis: Wenn Sie Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance gekauft haben, aber bereits ein GPGnet-Konto besitzen, sollten Sie kein neues Konto erstellen. Melden Sie sich mit Ihrem vorhandenen Supreme-Commander-Konto an und aktivieren Sie Forged Alliance, indem Sie das entsprechende Symbol am unteren Bildrand anklicken. Es werden dann alle Optionen für das Spiel freigeschaltet. Sollten Sie Fragen haben, dann melden Sie sich mit Ihrem Supreme-Commander-Konto an und wenden Sie sich an einen Systemadministrator. Vielen Dank!
Remarque importante : si vous possédez Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance et que vous avez déjà un compte GPGnet, vous n'avez pas à créer de nouveau compte. Connectez-vous à votre compte Supreme Commander existant et activez Forged Alliance en cliquant sur l'ic&ocirc;ne du jeu Forged Alliance au bas de l'écran. Forged Alliance sera ainsi activé et vous disposerez d'un maximum d'options de jeu. Pour toute question, connectez-vous à votre compte Supreme Commander et contactez un administrateur système. Merci !
Avviso importante: se hai acquistato Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance e sei già in possesso di un account GPGnet, non sarà necessario creare un nuovo account. Accedi con il tuo account di Supreme Commander e fai clic sull'icona del gioco nella parte inferiore dello schermo per attivare Forged Alliance. In questo modo il gioco sarà attivato e potrai disporre di molteplici opzioni di gioco. Per eventuali domande, effettua l'accesso con il tuo account di Supreme Commander e contatta un amministratore di sistema. Grazie!
Aviso importante: si has adquirido Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance y ya tienes una cuenta de GPGnet, no debes crear una nueva. Inicia sesión con tu cuenta de Supreme Commander y activa Forged Alliance haciendo clic en el icono de juego de Forged Alliance en la parte inferior de la pantalla. Así se activará Forged Alliance y disfrutarás de todas las opciones de juego. Si tienes cualquier pregunta, inicia sesión con tu cuenta de Supreme Commander y contacta con un administrador del sistema. &iexcl;Gracias!
Wa&#380;na uwaga: Je&#380;eli zakupi&#322;e&#347; gr&#281; Supreme Commander: W obliczu wroga ale posiadasz ju&#380; konto w us&#322;udze GPGnet, nie powiniene&#347; tworzy&#263; nowego konta. Zaloguj si&#281; korzystaj&#261;c z istniej&#261;cego konta i aktywuj dodatek klikaj&#261;c jego ikon&#281; na dole ekranu. Spowoduje to aktywacj&#281; dodatku i udost&#281;pnienie wszystkich opcji. W razie pytań, nale&#380;y zalogowa&#263; si&#281; na swoje konto Supreme Commander i skontaktowa&#263; z administratorem systemu. Dzi&#281;kujemy!
Примечание:&nbsp;не следует заводить новую учетную запись GPGnet для Supreme Commander:&nbsp; Forged Alliance, если вы уже зарегистрированы в системе. Подключитесь к существующей учетной записи Supreme Commander и активируйте Forged Alliance, щелкнув по иконке Forged Alliance внизу экрана.&nbsp; Forged Alliance будет активирована со всеми возможными дополнениями.&nbsp;Если у вас возникли вопросы, подключитесь к учетной записи Supreme Commander и свяжитесь с системным администратором.&nbsp; Спасибо!&nbsp;

If you are having trouble patching GPGnet under Vista, try launching GPGnet by right clicking the GPGnet icon, and selecting Run As Administrator.  The first version of GPGnet did not support UAC correctly and was an issue.  If you need to re-install GPGnet, you can do so without having to re-install Supreme Commander by using the following link:
<A HREF=""></A>
We have tech support forums available for GPGnet if you need additional help.  The support here is free, so please be patient and provide as much feedback as you can when asking questions.  The link to the GPGnet tech support forums is:
<A HREF=""></A>


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