
Welcome to the Gas Powered Games Newsletter, the last one for 2005. It was an amazing year here at GPG. We finished work on Dungeon Siege II in August and started work on the next project. And we finally announced the name of our new RTS, Supreme Commander.
The Holiday break is one of the best times of year for family and friends, and everyone here at GPG is very much looking forward to this time, and thinking about the new and exciting things we have planned for the year ahead. However, preparation for that year has already begun, as we get ready to roll-out Supreme Commander at the upcoming Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) in LA. This will be a very exciting event for us, as we’;ll finally be able to reveal all the little details of the game that we have been keeping secret. I can hardly wait!
Looking ahead, 2006 will be another exciting year for GPG, as we have many unannounced projects in development. I don’;t want to spoil all the surprises for 2006, and we’;ll announce them as soon as we can. Keep an eye on your inbox for more news in the months ahead. Oh, and we’;ll be announcing the release date for the DS2 Expansion Pack as well.
From everyone here at GPG to all of you, all around the world, we wish you all the best, a very happy holiday, and an excellent and game-filled New Year!
Happy Holidays!
Chris Taylor
CEO/Creative Director
Gas Powered Games

we have many unannounced projects in development




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For their next show, PCGamer Podcast will be interviewing Jeremy Soule, who is the composer of the soundtrack for Supreme Commander, and one of the leading composers in the industry. They’;ve issued a special invitation to listeners to send in MP3 questions to them for Jeremy, a few of which he will answer on the show, which will be recorded this coming Thursday or Friday.
PCGamer usually notes a large backlog of such MP3 questions for their regular shows, so you should expect an even greater volume for this one. Therefore, I advise anyone who has something they’;re just dying to ask him to think your question through, and get it in soon.