


3844.9 - X-Day, the day the Seraphim arrive from the Quantum Realm. The firing of Black Sun actually weakens the barrier to the Quantum Realm, which the Seraphim turn into a rift, opening the way for invasion. The Seraphim destroy Earth and UEF President Riley is killed. Meanwhile, QAI comes under Seraphim control of and cripples the quantum gate network linking human worlds. The Seraphim immediately begin to expand throughout space. In the days that follow, Aeon princess Rhianne Burke takes the first step toward ascension and vanishes without a trace. Most of the Aeon believe the Seraphim are gods, and attempts by commander Rhiza to warn them of the threat are ignored.

3844.10 - Nearly two weeks after X-Day, evaluator Kael seizes command of the Aeon Illuminate and renames it the Order of the Illuminate, paving the way for an alliance with the Seraphim. However, a handful of Aeon commanders, including Rhiza, remain loyal Princess Burke and are branded as heretics. The loyalists begin a guerilla war against the Order.

3844.11 - Over a month into the invasion and the Cybran military is decimated by attacks conducted by QAI.

3845.3 - Three months after the invasion and the UEF forces have suffered heavy losses. Commander William Hall takes command of the surviving force. The UEF and Cybran, both pushed to the edge, ally and form the Colonial Defense Coalition. Both militaries share a unified command structure. Eventually, Rhiza and the Aeon loyalists join the coalition.

3846.3 - The coalition launches its first offensive, suffering heavy causalities but gaining the first victory against the Seraphim.

3847.2 - Over two years after the invasion, the UEF begins construction on Fort Clarke, a new base of operations located on the planet Griffin IV.

Evaluator Kael
Leader of the Order of the Illuminate
Age: 47

By all appearances, Kael was just another lady-in-waiting hoping to become the next princess of the Aeon Illuminate. But the appearance of the Seraphim gave the ambitious Kael the opening that she sought. As the leader of a secretive organization known as the Order, Kael came in contact with the Seraphim through QAI near the end of the Infinite War. During the chaos of the invasion, Kael seized control of the Aeon Illuminate, renaming it the Order of the Illuminate.

Kael rules the Order with dictatorial powers. She executes her political enemies and believes that all heretics must be cleansed from the universe. With the Seraphim’s help, she plans to rule the remnants of humanity that follow her. Kael’s ruthlessness has turned into paranoia, though, and she kills anyone who draws even a hint of suspicion.

Seraphim Elder
Age: 1,238

Seth-Iavow was the Seraphim elder and war leader that QAI made contact with shortly before Black Sun was fired. With the knowledge that Black Sun would weaken the barrier separating the universe to the Quantum Realm where the Seraphim live, Seth-Iavow was able to rapidly organize an invasion force.

The Seraphim are followers of “the way”, a philosophy that the Aeon later adopted for their own. Seth-Iavow is very talented in “the way” and he relies on it to relieve some of the pain that he feels for all the destruction that he is responsible for. The Seraphim have a very capable leader in Seth-Iavow.

Seraphim Artificial Intelligence
Age: n/a

We previously met QAI under the employ of Dr. Gustaf Brackman, the computing genius and leader of the Cybran Nation. Brackman had designed QAI using ancient Seraphim technology, a decision that seemed harmless at the time. This technology let QAI operate across to the Quantum Realm, however. The Seraphim detected QAI and reprogrammed it to serve them. QAI spied on Brackman, and then betrayed him once Black Sun was fired. Now that the Seraphim are back, QAI serves its masters faithfully.


[ 本帖最后由 pilotlin_76 于 2007-8-19 17:03 编辑 ]

Evaluator Kael 就是图2的女人
the Order of the Illuminate领袖
Age: 47

看来, Kael 只是另一个孕育着的变成下一个Aeon公主的希望
但是赛若芬的出现给了她所寻找的野心. 作为秘密组织的领袖以作为order为人所知. kael在接近Infinite War结束时通过QAI和赛若芬取得联系. 在入侵时的混乱时期, Kael夺取了 the Aeon Illuminate的控制, 把它重命名为 the Order of the Illuminate.

Kael 用独裁的力量统治国家. 她处死了政敌并且相信所有的异教徒必须从宇宙中被清理通过赛若芬的帮助,她计划统治跟随她的人类残余. Kael的冷酷转变成了妄想症 .她杀死任何有一点嫌疑的人.

年龄: n/a

我们之前已经见过在电脑天才和Cybran国领袖 古斯塔夫布莱-克曼博士使用下的QAI.

[ 本帖最后由 kkkxd 于 2007-8-19 17:10 编辑 ]

年龄: 1,238

Seth-Iavow 是QAI在黑日炮发射前短期联络的赛若芬长老和战争领袖.
因为已知黑日炮会弱化赛若芬人所生存的量子空间,所以 Seth-Iavow能够迅速组织一只宇宙军队.
赛若芬人是"道"的追随者,一种后来被Aeon所接受的哲学. Seth-Iavow对道有着非常高的造诣并且依靠它来解救自己感受到的他所承担的毁灭.Seth-Iavow是赛若芬非常能干的领袖.