struct S3OHeader
magic, -- "Spring unit\0"
version, -- 0 for this version
radius, -- radius of collision sphere
height, -- height of whole object
midx, -- these give the offset from origin(which is supposed to lay in the ground plane) to the middle of the unit collision sphere
midy, -- these give the offset from origin(which is supposed to lay in the ground plane) to the middle of the unit collision sphere
midz, -- these give the offset from origin(which is supposed to lay in the ground plane) to the middle of the unit collision sphere
rootPiece, -- offset in file to root piece
collisionData, -- offset in file to collision data, must be 0 for now (no collision data)
texture1, -- offset in file to char* filename of first texture
texture2, -- offset in file to char* filename of second texture
fn LoadS3OHeader fstream =
magic = readString fstream
version = readLong fstream
radius = readFloat fstream
height = readFloat fstream
midx = readFloat fstream
midy = readFloat fstream
midz = readFloat fstream
rootPiece = readLong fstream
collisionData = readLong fstream
texture1Offset = readLong fstream
texture2Offset = readLong fstream
fseek fstream texture1Offset #seek_set
texture1 = readString fstream
fseek fstream texture2Offset #seek_set
texture2 = readString fstream
return undefined
fname = getOpenFileName caption:"Open Spring 3D Object File:" types:"Spring 3D Object (*.s3o)|*.s3o"
fstream = fOpen fname "rb"
if fstream != undefined then
header = S3OHeader()
header.LoadS3OHeader fstream
fClose fstream
print header
struct S3OHeader
magic = "Spring unit", -- "Spring unit\0"
version = 0, -- 0 for this version
radius, -- radius of collision sphere
height, -- height of whole object
midx, midy, midz, -- these give the offset from origin(which is supposed to lay in the ground plane) to the middle of the unit collision sphere
rootPiece, -- offset in file to root piece
collisionData = 0, -- offset in file to collision data, must be 0 for now (no collision data)
texture1, -- offset in file to char* filename of first texture
texture2, -- offset in file to char* filename of second texture
fn LoadS3OHeader fstream =
magic = readString fstream
version = readLong fstream
radius = readFloat fstream
height = readFloat fstream
midx = readFloat fstream
midy = readFloat fstream
midz = readFloat fstream
rootPiece = readLong fstream
collisionData = readLong fstream
texture1 = readLong fstream
texture2 = readLong fstream
-- read offset content
fseek fstream texture1 #seek_set
texture1 = readString fstream
fseek fstream texture2 #seek_set
texture2 = readString fstream
fseek fstream rootPiece #seek_set
rootPiece = S3OPiece()
rootPiece.LoadS3OPiece fstream
return undefined
struct S3OPiece
name, -- offset in file to char* name of this piece
numChilds, -- number of sub pieces this piece has
childs, -- file offset to table of dwords containing offsets to child pieces
numVertices, -- number of vertices in this piece
vertices, -- file offset to vertices in this piece
vertexType = 0, -- 0 for now
primitiveType, -- type of primitives for this piece, 0=triangles,1 triangle strips,2=quads
vertexTableSize, -- number of indexes in vertice table
vertexTable, -- file offset to vertice table, vertice table is made up of dwords indicating vertices for this piece, to indicate end of a triangle strip use 0xffffffff
collisionData = 0, -- offset in file to collision data, must be 0 for now (no collision data)
xoffset, yoffset, zoffset, -- offset from parent piece
fn LoadS3OPiece fstream =
nameOffset = readLong fstream
numChilds = readLong fstream
childs = readLong fstream
numVertices = readLong fstream
vertices = readLong fstream
vertexType = readLong fstream
primitiveType = readLong fstream
vertexTableSize = readLong fstream
vertexTable = readLong fstream
collisionData = readLong fstream
xoffset = readFloat fstream
yoffset = readFloat fstream
zoffset = readFloat fstream
-- read offset content
fseek fstream nameOffset #seek_set
name = readString fstream
if numChilds > 0 then
fseek fstream childs #seek_set
childs = #()
for c = 1 to numChilds do
childs[c] = readLong fstream
for c = 1 to numChilds do
fseek fstream childs[c] #seek_set
childs[c] = S3OPiece()
childs[c].LoadS3OPiece fstream
if numVertices > 0 then
fseek fstream vertices #seek_set
vertices = #()
for v = 1 to numVertices do
vertices[v] = S3OVertex()
vertices[v].LoadS3OVertex fstream
if vertexTableSize > 0 then
fseek fstream vertexTable #seek_set
vertexTable = #()
for t = 1 to vertexTableSize do
vertexTable[t] = readLong fstream
return undefined
struct S3OVertex
xpos, ypos, zpos, -- position of vertex relative piece origin
xnormal, ynormal, znormal, -- normal of vertex relative piece rotation
texu, texv, -- texture offset for vertex
fn LoadS3OVertex fstream =
xpos = readFloat fstream
ypos = readFloat fstream
zpos = readFloat fstream
xnormal = readFloat fstream
ynormal = readFloat fstream
znormal = readFloat fstream
texu = readFloat fstream
texv = readFloat fstream
return undefined
fname = getOpenFileName caption:"Open Spring 3D Object File:" types:"Spring 3D Object (*.s3o)|*.s3o"
fstream = fOpen fname "rb"
if fstream != undefined then
header = S3OHeader()
header.LoadS3OHeader fstream
fClose fstream
print header
struct S3OVertex
xpos, ypos, zpos, -- position of vertex relative piece origin
xnormal, ynormal, znormal, -- normal of vertex relative piece rotation
texu, texv, -- texture offset for vertex
fn LoadS3OVertex fstream =
xpos = readFloat fstream
ypos = readFloat fstream
zpos = readFloat fstream
xnormal = readFloat fstream
ynormal = readFloat fstream
znormal = readFloat fstream
texu = readFloat fstream
texv = readFloat fstream
return undefined
fn GetPos =
return [xpos, ypos, zpos]
fn SetPos pos =
xpos = pos.x
ypos = pos.y
zpos = pos.z
return pos
struct S3OPiece
name, -- offset in file to char* name of this piece
numChilds, -- number of sub pieces this piece has
childs, -- file offset to table of dwords containing offsets to child pieces
numVertices, -- number of vertices in this piece
vertices, -- file offset to vertices in this piece
vertexType = 0, -- 0 for now
primitiveType, -- type of primitives for this piece, 0=triangles,1 triangle strips,2=quads
vertexTableSize, -- number of indexes in vertice table
vertexTable, -- file offset to vertice table, vertice table is made up of dwords indicating vertices for this piece, to indicate end of a triangle strip use 0xffffffff
collisionData = 0, -- offset in file to collision data, must be 0 for now (no collision data)
xoffset, yoffset, zoffset, -- offset from parent piece
-- pos = [0,0,0], -- coordinate in the world
fn getOffset =
return [xoffset, yoffset, zoffset]
fn LoadS3OPiece fstream =
nameOffset = readLong fstream
numChilds = readLong fstream
childs = readLong fstream
numVertices = readLong fstream
vertices = readLong fstream
vertexType = readLong fstream
primitiveType = readLong fstream
vertexTableSize = readLong fstream
vertexTable = readLong fstream
collisionData = readLong fstream
xoffset = readFloat fstream
yoffset = readFloat fstream
zoffset = readFloat fstream
-- read offset content
fseek fstream nameOffset #seek_set
name = readString fstream
if numChilds > 0 then
fseek fstream childs #seek_set
childs = #()
for c = 1 to numChilds do
childs[c] = readLong fstream
for c = 1 to numChilds do
fseek fstream childs[c] #seek_set
childs[c] = S3OPiece()
childs[c].LoadS3OPiece fstream
-- childs[c].pos = pos + childs[c].offset
if numVertices > 0 then
fseek fstream vertices #seek_set
vertices = #()
for v = 1 to numVertices do
vertices[v] = S3OVertex()
vertices[v].LoadS3OVertex fstream
if vertexTableSize > 0 then
fseek fstream vertexTable #seek_set
vertexTable = #()
for t = 1 to vertexTableSize do
vertexTable[t] = readLong fstream
return undefined
struct S3OHeader
magic = "Spring unit", -- "Spring unit\0"
version = 0, -- 0 for this version
radius, -- radius of collision sphere
height, -- height of whole object
midx, midy, midz, -- these give the offset from origin(which is supposed to lay in the ground plane) to the middle of the unit collision sphere
rootPiece, -- offset in file to root piece
collisionData = 0, -- offset in file to collision data, must be 0 for now (no collision data)
texture1, -- offset in file to char* filename of first texture
texture2, -- offset in file to char* filename of second texture
fn LoadS3OHeader fstream =
magic = readString fstream
version = readLong fstream
radius = readFloat fstream
height = readFloat fstream
midx = readFloat fstream
midy = readFloat fstream
midz = readFloat fstream
rootPiece = readLong fstream
collisionData = readLong fstream
texture1 = readLong fstream
texture2 = readLong fstream
-- read offset content
fseek fstream texture1 #seek_set
texture1 = readString fstream
fseek fstream texture2 #seek_set
texture2 = readString fstream
fseek fstream rootPiece #seek_set
rootPiece = S3OPiece()
rootPiece.LoadS3OPiece fstream
return undefined
fn BuildObject piece parent =
if piece != undefined and piece.primitiveType == 0 then
if piece.numVertices > 0 then
m = Mesh() -- name:piece.name pos:piece.pos numVerts:piece.numVertices numFaces:(piece.vertexTableSize / 3) parent:parent
m.numVerts = piece.numVertices
for v = 1 to piece.numVertices do
m.verts[v].pos = piece.vertices[v].getPos()
m.numFaces = piece.vertexTableSize / 3
t = 1
for f = 1 to m.numFaces do
m.faces[f] = [piece.vertexTable[t] + 1, piece.vertexTable[t+1] + 1, piece.vertexTable[t+2] + 1]
t = t + 3
m = Dummy()
m.name = piece.name
if parent != undefined then
m.pos = parent.pos + piece.getOffset()
m.parent = parent
for c = 1 to piece.numChilds do
print piece.childs[c].name
BuildObject piece.childs[c] m
fn LoadS3OFile =
fname = getOpenFileName caption:"Open Spring 3D Object File:" types:"Spring 3D Object (*.s3o)|*.s3o"
if fname != undefined then
fstream = fOpen fname "rb"
if fstream != undefined then
header = S3OHeader()
header.LoadS3OHeader fstream
fClose fstream
-- print header
if header != undefined and header.rootPiece != undefined then
BuildObject header.rootPiece undefined
utility S3OUtility "S3O Utility"
button btnLoad "Import" align:#left toolTip:"import s3o file"
button btnSave "Export" align:#right offset:[0,-26] toolTip:"export s3o file"
radiobuttons radCoord "Coordinates" labels:#("XYZ", "XZY", "ZXY") columns:3
on btnLoad pressed do
-- MessageBox "Load S3O File"
起源: 绍废网 作者: 记者 张明宗 编纂: 季修暗 沪上首届鲜铁皮石斛研讨会移师嵊州 江北“天方仙草”引去上海医学界闭注 绍衰网 2009年05月16日 10:37:49 手机看消息
标网讯? 5月16夜,上海市首届鲜铁皮石斛临床利用研讨会在嵊州举办,费内医教界的弛乱邦研讨员跟上海医学界的逆庆师传授,那二位享蒙国务院特别津贴的专家,错嵊州“天方仙草”息了专题领言。
Here is a s3o plug-in for 3DS Max, written in maxscript. It is open-source and compatible to most versions of 3dsmax.
The texture function isn’t supported yet.
How to install
Download it and copy to the folder Scripts\Startup.
How to use
See the picture. Click Utilities panel → Press Maxscript button → Select
Coolfile’s S3O Utility
No much more to say, just try it. If any bug is found, please report here.