
Copy the LScripts to an appropriate location on your harddive. This doesn’t have to be in the Lightwave folder. Usually these scripts are in the “/Plugins/lscripts”.
The menu layouts change from version to version in Lightwave. Ultimately, you have to find the “Add plugins” command in the main menu, or one of the tabs. The 9.3 version has this command in the Utilities tab. I suggest doing this operation from Modeler.
Upon pressing the button, you will see a dialog prompting you to select the files in which the plugins will be searched for. You can select multiple files. After you select the three files, “SaveSCM.ls”,“SaveBONE.ls” and “SaveSCA.ls”, and confirm, you should get a message saying 3 plugins were found. These plugins should be auto-placed in the Additional section of the Tools menu.

Next, you should open the main menu, and find the “edit menu layout” option. In this menu, depending on whether you have entered it from Layout or Modeler, under Additional on the left side, you should find one or two of the scripts previously imported. The names are “Save SCM object…” for Modeler, and “Save BONE object…” and "Save SCA Animation…"for Layout. You should place these into whatever menu you find suitable on the righthand side. Otherwise you will have to access the commands from the Additional drop-down list.
Additionally provided are the Nifty Plugins, a freeware collection of really nifty tools for UV operations.
Additionally provided is the Save Vertexmap Object script, to export an OBJ with embedded UVmap, for use in the Melody normalmap generator.
bPrepping the mesh[/b]
The Modeler mesh, the outside of your unit. To be exportable, the mesh has to consist of triangles, and each of its vertices must be mapped to at least one Weightmap, and be a part of at least one polygon.
I personally suggest initially making your model piecemeal, using a new layer for each part you’re going to map. Once your mesh is ready, you will need to UVmap it. It’s important to UVmap before you make weightmaps, because you’ll probably have to split the mesh at the edges to make the map continuous, which will generate more points. Once UVs are done (you can use the supplied Nifty Plugins for this), you should add weightmaps. Remember that you don’t have to split the mesh at the edges of weightmaps, since the exporter can handle skinning. Remember also that any single vertex can be mapped only to one bone. Having more mappings won’t generate errors, but will generally mess up your model.
bStructure Setup[/b]
When the model is ready, don’t split it into triangles yet. Save it. Then merge all layers into one (by cut-pasting into one layer, or a special command), and save a different object. It’s useful to save different objects for different purposes. The object you have now, you can use for bones, and animation export. The object you saved first, you will use for the model export later.Having thus saved two objects, select “send object to layout” from the drop-down menu in the upper right corner.
In Layout, you will see your object, a camera, and a light. The extra objects don’t matter to the exporter, as long as your model is the first loaded object. Now, add bones with commands AddBone and AddChildBone. The names of the bones must match the names of the weightmaps in the mesh EXACTLY. Iterate through them once they are in place, select the appropriate weightmaps (for animation), make sure “Weightmap only” is selected. You should refrain from setting up IK at this point. First, select all bones of the model, and hit “r” to record rest postitions of the bones. This will activate all bones, so you will now need to deactivate bones that are not influencing the model directly (reference bones), like muzzles, emitter points, etc. Afterwards, animate your model into what you think should be its “idle” position, save again, and hit “Save BONE object…”. It should be done very quickly. Now, return to Modeler.
In Modeler, load the object you saved earlier, triangularize it, so that the statistics screen (“w” key) shows that all polygons have 3 points, make sure the weightmaps are in place, and hit “Save SCM Object…”. You will be prompted first for the SCM file name to export, then the BSCM file you exported from Layout. The model will blink yellow, indicating selection. That’s normal, it will mirror during progress and mirror back when it’s done. A progressbar should appear, and hopefully will reach its end shortly. Now you have the SCM model done and ready.
Go back to your Layout scene and save a copy of it. You need to keep the original incase you need to alter the model again. Now, you can set up IK chains. You cannot use the “Match goal orientation” option in motion settings, since it will override rotation settings, and the script won’t read them. Once you’ve set up all the externals and modifiers you need, add a keyframe for all objects at frame 0. Remember that the animation will start from whatever pose the model will be in when it starts, so you don’t usually need the first frame to have your model standing as it were, especially if you do a walk animation.
After you do your animation, make sure it can run without supporting goal objects. Keyframe all IK-dependant objects at relevant points in time, ungoal goal-dependant bones, turn off IK, and run the anim again. If all is well on keyframes alone, it should export fine. Select “Save SCA Animation…” and save the file where you need it.
bSubmit bug report.[/b]
By far not a required action. If you do encounter a problem, make sure to post in the relevant thread in the Model and Animation forum.
