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Gigaflop03-17-2001 06:03 AM
Scripting in TAK
Hmm… I was just curious… in the eons that I’ve been away… has scripting
been fixed? Cause It was totally broken when I was trying to make maps for
TAK when TAK first came out… I had soooo many ideas for it… and they
were all dashed to pieces in the hours that the map editor consumed making
believe it could make working scripts…
==Gigaflop Out==
Jerry60000!03-17-2001 07:51 AM
Scripted maps for TAK do work go to takmcc and search the full database of
maps theres a bunch there.
TAK sucks? Well so do you New Reviewer at
[This message has been edited by Jerry60000! (edited March 17, 2001).]
Faust03-17-2001 02:41 PM
Scripting works but only in multiplayer.
"…what do the rest matter? - The rest are merely
mankind. - One must be superior to mankind in force, in loftiness of soul
- in contempt…"
Lastie03-18-2001 12:48 AM
One of the reasons why TAK wasn’t as popular as TA. What were Cavedog
“Jesus paid for our sins! Now let’s get our money’s worth!”
Lastie’s Domain
PeterC03-18-2001 03:54 AM
Quite frankly, Lastie, that is nonsense. How many third party TA missions
do you see lying around? Even TAMEC can barely manage ten. TA and TAK were
never wonderful single-player experiences. Online play is the only real
way to get a decent game, but until you get a proper modem you will not
understand that.
TAU Wisdom - Where great posts go to die. See your
genius immortalized now.
Lastie03-18-2001 08:47 AM
I understand the joys of online games, I have played many, though mostly
with Half-Life and on consoles with my friends (Which is far better than
PC multiplayer since you’re with those who you are plating with and you
achieve a greater sense of together-ness and friendship). I do not play
mutliplayer often not because of my modem speed (An excuse I’ve used
often) but because I simply do not wish to. I prefer to play by myself,
call me a loner if you want, but I do not like playing against people I
will very likely never see. This is why I prefer to play multiplayer on
consoles (Multiplayer Goldeneye is the greatest experience you can get).
So please Peter, I understand you are probably a member of the culture
hell-bent on doing their damn best not to make any friends, so I will
shrug of yet another rude statement with traditional British calm.
“Jesus paid for our sins! Now let’s get our money’s worth!”
Lastie’s Domain
PeterC03-18-2001 10:55 AM
And how was that a rude statement? What you said really was nonsense - I
was not rude but factual. It really is true that no one loved TA or TAK
for the single player missions, which had little in the way of scripting
or options. No one makes missions either, but a great number make
multiplayer maps.
It is fine to say you prefer to sit at home and play the AI all day, but
if you understood online play a little you would see that the AI is not an
opponent. Let me spell it out for you: the AI makes you a worse player.
Every game you play against an opponent who never attacks until very late
in the early game, who never expands, who never goes for your resources,
who sends one unit after another into your defences, who is fooled by that
ingenius piece of modern technology, the wall, makes you are a worse
strategist and player.
I really enjoyed games against the AI for a while. But as soon as I tried
online play, I realised a game against the AI was a complete farce. You
may as well have no opponent, for it is more like being stung by five bees
every few minutes than facing a genuine opponent with an army and strategy
of his own. Even my carefully planned AI will only be a challenge for its
phenomenal cheating. The way to beat it will be found, and it will not be
like facing a real player.
As for the “friends” comment, it seems strange that you must meet someone
before playing them. That does indeed seem a reclusive and strange
attitude. Please tell me a bit about your connection. Is it 56k? I have
such a modem, and I can play fine games with people from the US, Canada,
Australia and so on. It is perfectly possible that your only online
experience was one with a very high ping. That will not apply to all
games. I play SadisticSid at TA every weekend, and he has a mere 33.6k
modem. Surely your connection is at least as good. You ought to try online
play, as it is incomparable to the pathetic AI. See on the left, the “IRC
(live chat)”? I am there a lot now. You ought to go some time and we could
try a game, or maybe go to the Wolfyards, which Terminotaur, Wire and I
occasionally frequent. I doubt lag will be a major issue. Both of us being
from a small country, you cannot be more than a very few hundred miles
from me. I could show you how to be a much better player, something
Terminotaur once did for me, leading to me improving my TA and TAK skills
immensely (Thanks again, Term. ). You may not deny that online play is
better. SO TRY IT.
TAU Wisdom - Where great posts go to die. See your
genius immortalized now.
[This message has been edited by PeterC (edited March 18, 2001).]
TerminotaurX03-18-2001 01:21 PM
quote:I did that. I have to disagree with you severely. You know where your opponent is and dominating the armor with a good weapon is all that matters o_O Lastie03-18-2001 07:43 PM
Multiplayer Goldeneye is the greatest experience you can get
True, but when you frag your friend you can turn round to him and see the
look of defeat in his eyes … priceless.
“Jesus paid for our sins! Now let’s get our money’s worth!”
Lastie’s Domain
Lastie03-19-2001 07:29 AM
Alright Peter, for your benefit, I will explain in huge detail:
quote:Right, well you start off very well, by snapping a short statement. 'This is nonsense', is a very harsh way to put it, although you did start with 'Quite frankly' so I guess you did warn the reader. Although the way it is worded, you come across as my English teacher, you're got your opinion, and you're going to drill it into my skull no matter what I think. This could have been worded like 'To be honest Lastie, that is pretty much nonsense', although still quite loud and snappy, if is somewhat softened by the polite start. The last sentence, 'But until you get a proper modem you will not understand that' is OK, but you remind me of my 'friends' who love to cuss down people in every way. Something which I don't really like, so it's difficult to explain why I found that quite hurtful.
Quite frankly, Lastie, that is nonsense. How many third party TA missions do you see lying around? Even TAMEC can barely manage ten. TA and TAK were never wonderful single-player experiences. Online play is the only real way to get a decent game, but until you get a proper modem you will not understand that.
quote:Once again you sound like my friends, always confident they are in the right. Once again you use the word nonsense, fair enough, but careful wording once again could have come into play. Why not say 'What you said earlier was pretty silly, and I don't think you quite have the big picture'. When you say no one loved TA or TAK for their singleplayer missions, I trust that you asked the entire TA and TAK fan base before saying this? Alright, that was picking holes in a trivial matter. I'm shocked though that no one makes TA missions, considering it's so easy.
And how was that a rude statement? What you said really was nonsense - I was not rude but factual. It really is true that no one loved TA or TAK for the single player missions, which had little in the way of scripting or options. No one makes missions either, but a great number make multiplayer maps.
quote:Please don't treat me like an idiot, I know fully well why online games are far better than against the AI. Alright, that last sentence could come across a bit harsh, but I did say the reasons why I don't play online in my earlier post. I'm more of a thinker, a writer, and a designer, and not much of a hard-core player. Please, I know you mean well, and I'm sure you're a very nice person to know. But I don't think you quite notice that the words you write often are read differently to how you wanted them to be read. Different people people read text in different ways, what may be calm and factual to one person, may come across very rude and abrupt to another. Please, don't take it personally, just think next time how what you write might be read.
It is fine to say you prefer to sit at home and play the AI all day, but if you understood online play a little you would see that the AI is not an opponent. Let me spell it out for you: the AI makes you a worse player. Every game you play against an opponent who never attacks until very late in the early game, who never expands, who never goes for your resources, who sends one unit after another into your defences, who is fooled by that ingenius piece of modern technology, the wall, makes you are a worse strategist and player.
“Jesus paid for our sins! Now let’s get our money’s worth!”