Spring 0.74b2 出炉了


TASpring change log


  • Planes can land on water surface if FBI tag floater is set to true.

  • Added GROUND_WATER_HEIGHT (78) to get in cob script.
    Same as GROUND_HEIGHT (16) but in water it returns negative water depth instead of 0.

  • Units don’t slowdown on intermediate waypoints anymore.

  • Added mingw compatible crashhandler.

  • Fixed sharebox and quitbox for 16 players.

  • Fixed FPS mode aiming to the northwest.

  • Fixed FPU control word assertion that made spring unplayable with some sound drivers.

  • Added sorting options to “/info”, you can use names or numbers:
    0 - “off”, disable display
    1 - “ally”, allies (you, your team, your allyteam, your enemies, then spectators)
    2 - “team”, player team id
    3 - “name”, player name alphabetic sort
    4 - “cpu”, player cpu usage
    5 - “ping”, player ping time

  • Added the “maxparticles ” action

  • Added the “minimap simplecolors [0|1]” action

  • Added the “specfullview [0|1]” action
    (setting it to 0 gives the same minimap and viewport visibility as the selected team)

  • Added “OverheadTiltSpeed” config parameter

  • Fixed the unit-limit vs. sharing bug

  • Shadow mapping works for SM3