TA Arm Counterstrike v1.3(English introduce)

Total Annihilation Arm Counterstrike 1.3

The bug that the Warlord can not be controled to fire is fixed.
The bug that the Millenium can not be controled to fire is fixed.
The bug that the shields of the hovercrafts are shown when being built is fixed
The French descriptions of some units that are possible to crash the game are fixed

Gameplay adjustments:
The build time of Atomic Bombers are halved, and their cost reduced by 20%, and their armors are doubled.
Amphibious Tanks now can launch Depth Charges in the water. It can also use special weapon command to force drop depth charges.
They are not equiped with sonars, so additional detection support is needed for these units against underwater enemies.
The build time of LLTs are reduced by 1/3.
Anti-submarine Bombers are modified into normal bombers, which deals no damage to underwater units.
The Guided Torpedo Pack on Sub Exterminators do not deal area damage now. The attack interval (cool time) is reduced to 2.5.
The damage per shot is halved.
Deep water spy loses its sonar jamming and sonar abilities for 8 seconds when come close to enemies.
Depth Charge on Cruisers now reaches 1/5 farther, and deals 1/10 more damage.
Navy Pob-up Heavy Cannon are redesigned, and are now similar to Plasma Battery.
All mobile radar units now can use EMP weapon to destroy enemy radars and jammers on land.
The count down timer of Crawling Bombs are now reduced to 0.(Explode on command)
All kbots, vehicles radars and jammers now moves 70% faster.
The armors of Anti Missile Defense Systems have increased by 180%
The armors of Mobile Missile Defenses have increased by 140%
The costs of Anti Missile Defense Systems are halved.
The Cloakable Fusion Reactors now produces 30% more energy. And its enegy cost for cloaking is reduced by 30%
The build time of Fusion Reactors are reduced by 1/3

Arm Gameplay adjustments:
Orcone Gantry cost 60% less bulid time and resource. It now produces no resources. It cost 1000E to cloak.
The armor of Stumpy is reduced to 1001
The weapon Light Cannon on Golem speeds up by 150%, and its accuracy increased by 80%.
The Gauss Cannon on Fido now has a cooldown as 1.68 second. It deals no additional damage to any unit now.
The Gauss Cannon on Pacifier now has a cooldown as 1.68 second. It deals no additional damage to any unit now.
The cost of Sulbon is now M:1558 E:13114. It now has a sight range of 842.
The Millenium now takes 6920 damage before sink. (increased)
Shooter now cost M:525 E:10124, and moves 25% faster.
Lancet is now equipped with a small sonar, in order to break through submarine blockade.
Stunner (EMP missile launcher) is now the same as OTA.

Core Gameplay adjustments:
Karganeth Gantry cost 60% less bulid time and resource. It now produces no resources. It cost 1000E to cloak.
The weapon Light Cannon on Leveler speeds up by 150%, and its accuracy increased by 80%.
The armor of Raider is reduced to 1062
Anti-Infantry Kbot now cost M:121 E:1762, and its sight range is increased to 262.
Sumo now has 0 count down when self-explode. It deals considerable damage when self-exploded.
The Can now has 0 count down when self-explode. It deals considerable damage when self-exploded.
Necro now cost M:376 E:4364. And its build time reduced by 1/3
Wanger now cost M:1694 E:14021. And its sight range is increased to 830
The armor of Warlord is reduced to 7082
Sidewinder now costs M:641 E:4191. Its build time is reduced by 1/3, and its sight range increased to 380.
The size of Gimp is now 2X2.
The size of Hunchback is now 2X2. It now has amphibian ability. Its weapon is redesigned.
Titan is now equipped with a small sonar, in order to break through submarine blockade.
Neutron Missile launcher is now the same as OTA.

The explosions of high-damage torpedoes are re-designed.
Maverick is enlarged by 10%. (Both visually and logically)
New units for ARM
ken/Fast Assist-Repair Ship
Windseeker/Rocket Ship
Ambassador/Energy Weapon Frigate
Leaf/Hovering Plasma Battery

New Units for Core:
Nautilus/Patterning Sub
War. war/Rocket Ship
Poseidon/Experimental Submarine
V.I.P./Hovering Plasma Battery)

Total Annihilation Arm Counterstrike 1.2

The wreckage of the Defiler now contains appropriate amounts of metal
Some unit name conflicts are fixed.
The weapon ID of LittleCore(Atomic Bomber) now will not conflict with Tamec2004final library.
The Chaos(Core commandship) is now called wanger.

Gameplay Adjustment for both fractions:
The A.A.L.T now can be built by high-tech units of both sides.
The cost and buildtime of Moho Mines of both fractions are decreased by 30%
The cloak ability of Crawling Bombs now consumes 100 energy per second more than before.
The Sub Exterminators are resized to 4X4, and their weapon is adjusted.
The Laser on Strategic Bomber now deals 20% damage, and only fires against air units.
The weapon damage of Stealth dive bombers is increased by 91%, damage ranger increased by 10%
The range of Plasma Cannon on Mobile Artillery is increased by 125.
The hitpoints of ALL wreckages left by lv1 and lv2 units have been decreased by 80-90%
All V-launch missiles have their range increased by 100, their speed increased by 50%, and damage range increased by 40.
The sight of Mobile Rocket Launchers is now increased by 200. Their build time decreased by 1/7.
Now destroyers and cruisers can use special command to drop depth charges.
Hovercrafts now can open protective shields, which cost 100 energy per second, and protect the craft by absorbing 50% damage.
These units take 60% less damage when their health are below 20%: Bulldog, Reaper, Goliath, E.M.P.R, Sumo, The Can.
These units take 75% less damage when their health are below 10%: Zeus, Pyro.
Minor re-ballance are made to these units: Tankanotor, Razorback, Fat Boy, Metron, Ketzer, Gaiya

Adjustment for Arm:
The buildtime for Orcone is halved.
Fish eye now cost M:476 E:12172, and consumes 300E when moving while cloaked.
Sub Exterminator now cost M:1398 E:18979, and has 2828 HP.
Spider Lab now cost M:2638 E:9989, and its build time increased by 1/6.
White widow now takes 465 damage. Its laser weapon now deals 48 damage (decreased). Its cooltime is now 1s.
Alexander now costs M:2638 E:9989, and it now has 1000E output per second.
The Gauss Cannon on Fido now has a cooltime of 1.92s.
The Gauss Cannon on Pacifier now has a cooltime of 1.92s.
Rhino now can see 689 pixels far.
The weapon of Flash now has a base damage of 6(decreased). Flash’s HP is now 575.
The weapon of Peewee now has a base damage of 6(decreased). Its HP is now 200.
Maverick is now immune to red and yellow lasers.
Spitting Cobra is now immune to green lasers.
Shooter is now immune to blue and purple lasers.
Zeus now moves 25% faster.
Lightning Gun on Panther now deals 200 damage per shot. Panther is now equiped with a nanolathing gun, so it can repair and reclaim.
Pelican is resized to 2X2.
Triton’s attack range is increased by 15%.
Shooter now has a special weapon, which costs 500E to fire.
The EMP missile of Stunner now has limited range, has guidance system, and can’t be intercepted.
Blackswan is removed.

Adjustment for Core:
The buildtime for Karganeth is halved.
Barracuda now cost M:483 E:12335, and consumes 311when moving while cloaked.
Sub Exterminator X-Shield now cost M: 1429E: 19218, and has 2927 HP.
Spider Lab now cost M: 2610 E: 9160, and its build time increased by 1/6.
High Energy Laser on Sumo now has a increased range of damage.
Defiler now costs M:785 E:5415, and has 4058 HP, and its buildtime decreased by 1/8.
Krogoth now sees 650 pixels far.
Cluster now has 2920 HP, and its speed increased.
Anti-Infantry Kbot now moves 60% faster.
High Energy Laser on Gimp now costs 40E per shot.
Plasma Cannon on Morty now deals an increased damage of 75.
Morty can now use its special weapon, which costs 150E to fire.
The Fing now has 588HP. Its weapon is re-designed.
Crock now has its attack range increased by 15%.
The Neutron Missile now has limited range, has guidance system, and can’t be intercepted.

Visual Optimizes:
The model of Sea dike is re-designed.
The model of X-Shield is re-designed.
These units flashes when using their special weapon:
Maverick, Spitting Cobra, Shooter.

New Units for Arm:
Chen/Mobile Long Range Plasma Cannon
Starmoon/Adv.Heavy Gunship
Frontier/Shotgun-toting Kbot
New Units for Core:
Chaos/Mobile fortress
Biti/Flying Fortress

Total Annihilation Arm Counterstrike 1.1

New Shortcuts for Selecting:
CTRL+E = Select all spiders with weapon.
CTRL+U = Select all torpedo launchers.

The 2nd-stage corpse of the Bertha Shelter wall will be shown in the fog of war now.
The Bertha Shelter wall can not be resurrected now.
The bug that the Hammer refuses to fire when moving is fixed now.
The Alexander now can auto-repair VTOLs.
The Barracuda `s abnormal range of sight is now fixed to normal.
The cons-seaplane and the cons-Hovercraft can now build Geothermal Driller.
The max-slope parameter of the Shimmer is now reduced to normal.
The bug in the script of the Alexander which leads to game crash has been fixed.
The bug which enables the LRPCs to fire beyond range is fixed.
The bug of being able to duplicat the Krogoth is fixed.
The bug that the Leviathan will merge out of the surface of shallow water is fixed.
The lag produced by the Flame Thrower weapon of the Pyro is decreased.
The bug that the AA guns can damage structures on the ground is fixed.
These units are given the right name: Missile Frigate->Hydra, Resurrection Kbot->Necro, Mobile Artillery-> Pillager
The bug that the the construction units guarding the air plant will sometimes occupy the construction pad and hold up the production is now fixed.

Gameplay Adjustment for both fractions:
The de-mine ability of the Mine Layer Vehicle is improved.
The dive bombers are now stealth to radar.
The cons-ship can now build Hovercraft Platform on the water.
The strength of the Fortification Wall is doubled.
Spider Labs are now level 2 buildings, and can be built by tech 2 cons-units.
The Mobile Artillery’s weapon range is doubled and accuracy increased by 50% (More accurate).
The virus weapon of the Spy now deals double amount of damage.
The seaplane-bomber is replaced by anti-sub bomber, which is effective against subs and underwater structures.
All V-launch weapons are much more effective against defensive batteries. The damage is tripled.
Each fire of the AA laser of both sides now cost 1000 energy.
Geothermal Driller removed.
The range of all V-Launcher missiles have been increased by 200
The range of the HLT towers have been increased by 80
The weapons of anti-submarine ship of both sides are modified to have area effect, so they are more effective against submarine groups.
The crawling bombs of both sides now have the ability of cloaking. Their explosion will not damage nearby crawling bombs. Also their production time is reduced.
The AA ship of both sides now have the AA gun as their primary weapon, in order to be more effective against aircrafts.
The missile fired by Mine Layer Vehicle now can destroy crawling bombs.
The dragons teeth on the water now sinks deeper.
The Depth Charge weapon on destroyers and cruisers are now mounted on the 3rd weapon slot to facilitate the control of the primary weapon.
The body of Metal Makers now contain 1 metal, in order to be reclaimed automatically.
The AA missiles carried by fighters deals only half the damage to ground units.
The missile frigates now has the defensive missile in the 3rd weapon slot, to facilitate the control of the first weapon.

Adjustment for Arm:
The max speed of Triton is now increased to 1.45. Other maneuvering parameters are more or less increased.
Orcone Gantry is now built by tech3 cons-kbot.
The strength of the Orcone is improved. And its size increases to 4x4.
High Tech Lab can now build by all tech 3 cons-units on the land.
Alexander moves 40% faster now.
The health of the Heavy hydrogen Power plant is now 1126. Its energy output is increased to 100. It is now an underwater structure.
The Blackswan/Amphibious Assault Kbot is now armed with a light artillery. Its armor is increased to 923.
The health of the Millenium has been increased.
The explosion of Penetrator itself now deals half the damage as before.
Alexander is now equipped with 2 AA guns.
Nova/Heavy Sniper Kbot removed.
Command Center removed.
Arachnide/Arachnoid Assault Vehicle removed.
Shimmer/Stealth Attack Kbot removed.
The armor of the Ranger is adjusted to 2950. When its missile silo is closed, its strength is further increased.by 25%.
The defensive missile weapon on Ranger is reballanced. The damage is basically 92, 211 against planes and 302 against skeeter classes. The cooltime is modified as 1.5 sec.
The armor of Panther is now 1211, and the buildtime is reduced by 1/5
The defensive missile of the Pather is reballanced. The damage is basically 31 and 163 against planes. The cooltime is 1.8 sec.
The Fido now costs M:348 E:2556. Its build time is reduced by 1/4.
The Gauss Cannon of the Fido now has the cooltime of 1.62 sec. Also it is now double effective against heavy armors.
A new special weapon is added to Fido. Each fire will cost 400E.
Pacifier now costs M:398 E:3432. Its build time is reduced by 1/5.
The Gauss Cannon of the Pacifier now has the cooltime of 1.62 sec. Also it is now double effective against heavy armors.
A new special weapon is added to Pacifier. Each fire will cost 400E.
The armor of the Phalanx is now 1121. Its build time is halved.
The cost of the Flakker (AA Gun) is now M:969 E:14425. Its build time is halved.
The cost of Fibber is now M:325 E:6897. Its build time is reduced by 1/3.
The fibber now turns off its anti-sonar system when moving and when being attacked.
The turn rate of the Penetrator’s turret is increased.

Adjustment for Core:
The max speed of Crock is now increased to 1.4. Other maneuvering parameters are more or less increased.
Krogoth Gantry can now be built by tech3 cons-units.
The Gauss Cannons of the Krogoth deal an additional 440 damage to the Arm Alexander
Karganeth Gantry is now built by tech3 cons-kbot.
The strength of the Karganeth is improved. And its size increases to 4x4. Its buildtimer increased by 15%.
High Charged Pulse weapon of the Orb/Counter-gravity cannon has its damage increase to 30,000.
E.M.P.R/Electromagnetism tank now paralyzes arm units for double amount of time.
The Blast range of the Neutron weapon is increased to 482. The damage is now 3000.
M-515 (Neutron mine) has an increased damage of 3000.
The health of the Heavy hydrogen Power plant is now 1206. Its energy output is increased to 100. It is now an underwater structure.
The health of the Warlord has been increased.
The Can now moves 15% faster than before.
Gansi-X/Heavy armoured sniper removed.
Orb/Counter-gravity cannon removed.
Spider queen/Monstro tanker Assaulte removed.
The armor of the Hydra is adjusted to 3028. When its missile silo is closed, its strength is further increased.by 25%.
The defensive missile weapon on Hydra is reballanced. The damage is basically 92, 211 against planes and 302 against skeeter classes. The cooltime is modified as 1.5 sec.
The armor of the Defiler is now 3058.
The armor of the Copperhead is now 1235. Its build time is halved.
The cost of the Flakker (AA Gun) is now M:992 E:16995. Its build time is halved.
The build time of Leveler is reduced by 1/4
The weapon of the Leveler deals considerable damage to EMG units.

Visual Improvements:
Gimp/Amphibious Kbot (Core) now does not hide its shadow.
The Krogoth is 15% bigger, making it an easier target.
The Karganethis 20% bigger, making it an easier target.
The Orconeis 16% bigger, making it an easier target.
The BPs of some specific units are updated.

New Units for Arm:
Experimental Vehicle Fabricator
Large Aircraft Plant
Bluelaser/Atomic Bomber
Tankanotor/Heavy Rocket Tank
Lacusdaisuki/Stratigic Missile Launcher Vehicle
Exp. Shipyard
the Sword of King/Dreadnaught
Atlantis/Super Aircraft Carrier
New Units for Core:
Experimental Vehicle Fabricator
Large Aircraft Plant
LittleCore/Atomic Bomber
Metron/Heavy Weapons Platform
Bull blade/Mobile Long Range Plasma Cannon
Lava Demon/Stratigic Missile Launcher Vehicle
Exp. Shipyard
the Axe of Doom/Dreadnaught
Nexus/Super Aircraft Carrier

Total Annihilation Arm Counterstrike v1.0

New UI commands:
Resurrect unit from wreck. Hotkey: E
Use the D-Virus attack.(Spy) Hotkey: D
Build camera site.(Spy) Hotkey: C
Use special weapon. Hotkey: D

New Shortcuts for Selecting:
CTRL+G = Select all ground units with weapon.
CTRL+H = Select all hovercrafts with weapon.
CTRL+K = Select all kbots with weapon.
CTRL+L = Select all defensive batteries.
CTRL+N = Select all navy units with weapon.
CTRL+Q = Select all anti-air turrets.
CTRL+T = Select all vehicles with weapon.
CTRL+X = Select all super weapons.
CTRL+O = Select all gates.

Wrecks from amphibious units now will not block water way, except for that of a few super heavy amphibious units.
Sounds of cloaking and decloaking for some units other than mines are added.
The bug that a ground unit can stay inside an aircraft plant and stop the production is fixed.
The graphic bug in gray button for building FARK is now fixed.
The bug that Arm shipyard and adv. Shipyard have water-depth of 1 is now fixed.
The Resurrect command button for Core Resurrection kbot has correct label now.
Adopted a new EMG-NO-LAG fix to avoid EMG lagging.
The bug that the Buzzsaw explosion leaves no flying fragments is now fixed.
The area that the Vulcan takes now equals to the actual size of this unit.
The bug that Goliath and its wreck are not matched is fixed.
Now warrior can use both of its weapons normally.
Fixed the bug that some unit explosions do no damage.
The bug that wrecks from some ships and underwater buildings can block the water way is now fixed.
The ground-plate-angle error that leads to some units digging into ground is now fixed.
The bug that some wrecks contain excessive metal and hard to destroy is now fixed.
Added a new effect for AA-guns firing into water.
Fixed the bug that anti-radar kbot using the sounds of anti-radar vehicle.
Fixed the bug that Leviathan uses the sound effect of Arm subs.
Fixed the bug that a few units use non-existing sound effects.
Fixed the bug that a few units use inappropriate sound effects.
Fixed the bug that some units in missions don’t have unitpics.
Landed Lancet now takes correct amount of grounds.
Fixed the bug that Annihilator can’t increase its strength when closed.
Fixed the bug that Arm Advanced Radar Tower can’t increase its strength when closed.
Fixed the bug that Doomsday Machine can’t increase its strength when closed.
Fixed the bug that Missile Defense System can’t increase its strength when closed.
The abnormally disappearing gun on Zeus now works fine.
The bug that the Zeus Lightning Gun can’t hit target due to the lack of tolerance is now fixed.
The bug that the Pyro Flame Thrower can’t hit target due to the lack of tolerance is now fixed.
The bug that the wind power plant and water power plant can’t work properly after being captured is now fixed.
The brake rate of Arm anti-radar kbot is now assigned an appropriate value.
Fixed the bug that Arm energy storage takes excessive amount of ground.
Fixed the bug that the Arm EG-5 mine has more strength than normal.
Fixed the bug that some units have larger wrecks and leads to stuck in close battles.
Fixed the bug that the Core Fortitude Missile Defense does not give a correct wreckage when destroyed.
Fixed the script bug when Sumo fires for the first time.
Fixed the script bug that Krogoth can’t fire its primary weapon continuously.
Fixed the bug that some floating structures can’t be hit by missiles and straight flying weapons because of excessive water depth.
Fixed the bug that some wrecks have incorrect center points, thus leads to misplacement of wrecks.

Overall Gameplay Adjustment:
The price and usage of the mines of both sides are given some adjustment.
–M-104/EG-1 M:20 E:100 CloakCost:2 /Small explosive mine
–M-209/EG-2 M:55 E:350 CloakCost:4 /Medium explosive mine
–M-303/EG-3 M:100 E:800 CloakCost:8 /Large explosive mine
–M-420/EG-4 M:85 E:650 CloakCost:16 /Anti-tank mine
–(ARM)EG-5 M:220 E:3800 CloakCost:32 /EMP mine
–(CORE)M-515 M:156 E:2700 CloakCost:32 /Neutron mine
–M-610/EG-6 M:400 E:5600 CloakCost:64 /Nuclear mine
Non-nuclear mines will not detonate other mines when exploding.
Mine-layer can fire free missiles to get rid of mines ,wrecks, and the structures built by enemy Spys.
The build distance of all construction units in sea is now doubled.
The buildtime of Air repair pads is now halved, and repair speed doubled.
Factories facing different 4 directions can be built. They work in following campaigns:
(Total Annihilation)
(Total Annihilation-Core Contingency)
(Total Annihilation-Battle Tactics)
(Total Annihilation-Arm Counterstrike)
Commander explosion does 2000 damage to nearby units, but 9999 to other commanders.
D-gun now destroys trees instantly ,not burns them.
Build distance of Commanders is now doubled.
Decoy commanders now use fake D-gun.
Explosions of decoy commanders now have decreased range and increased damage.
Commanders can build Dragon-teeth now.
Decoy commanders can build decoy structures.
Transport ships and hovercrafts now work in a new auto-load script. The numbers of the units been transported is calculated according to their weight.
Construction subs now have a area of (X=3 Z=3) and use BOAT3 steering mode which improves path finding.
Construction seaplane now can build seaplane platform.
All intelligence units make specific sound effects when going out fresh from factories.
All V-launch weapons have a reduced flying time to avoid friendly fire.

Arm Adjustment:
Targeting Facility costs M:7130 E:136058 now.
Fibber’s range of shielding is reduced to 450.
Protector’s range is increased to 2500.
Build time of LLT has reduced a quarter.
Range of Sentinel (HLT) has been increased by 70.
Range of Stingray (Floating HLT) has been increased by 140.
Build time of Shooter is decreased by a third. Shooter’s weapon range is increased by 180. It costs 1000 energy per shot. Shooter’s sight range is now increased to 500.
Maverick is built a quarter faster.
Penetrator ’s Annihilator Weapon has its range increased by 200. Its armor strength is increased to 850. And its speed is increased by one sixth.
Annihilator now has a on\off button.
Colossus now has missile defense system aboard.
Colossus now costs M:1572 E:71257, and build time is increased 3 times.
Colossus can now take 5640 damage.
Colossus can repair aircrafts at double speed now.
Piranha now can endure 690 damage. Its weapon deals increasingly more damage to subs, and has better guidance.
Zipper now can take 650 damage. Its buildtime is reduced by one third.
Infiltrator(Spy) now costs M:228 E:9219. Its cloaking ability requires 50 energy when standing and 200 energy when moving. It is loaded with anti-radar device, and has a sight range of 420 (increased). Its build time is halved. It has 2 new functions. Camera command makes it set up a camera, and D-virus command can be used to attack radar, anti-radar, sonar and targeting facility only. D-virus can go through all kinds of obstacles such as mountains.
Triton now can take 1530 damage.
Zeus can now take 1275 damage.
Zeus weapon range is increased to 35.
Luger’s weapon deals extra damage to most tanks and vehicles.
Hammer’s firing range is increased by 70. Its weapon deals extra damage to tanks and vehicles.
Stunner (EMP missile launcher) now costs M:802 E:59134.
Millenium fires 3 cannon balls at one time. The damage of a single shell is increased to 285, and the accuracy is decreased.
Merl’s weapon range is increased by 200.
Missile Frigate’s weapon range is increased by 200.
Torpedo Launcher costs M:454 E:2658 now.
Phoenix attack distance is increased, thus the number of bombs per run is increased.
Moho mine now costs M:1008 E:8700
Bulldog fires 2 shells at one time. It moves faster at a speed of 1.3.
Conqueror’s Depth Charge now deals double damage to patrol ships.

Core Adjustments:
Targeting Facility cost M:6982 E:141148 now.
The range of Fortitude Missile Defense is increased to 2500.
Build time of LLT has reduced a quarter.
Range of Gaat Gun (HLT) has been increased by 80
Range of Thunderbolt (Floating HLT) has been increased by 210
Range of Viper (popup HLT) has been increased by 80.
Hive is now loaded with a missile defense system.
Hive now costs M:1579 E:74715, and build time is increased 3 times.
Hive can now take 5700 damage.
Hive can repair aircrafts at double speed now.
Piranha now can endure 690 damage. Its weapon deals increasingly more damage to subs, and has better guidance.
Zipper now can take 715 damage. Its buildtime is reduced by one third.
Parasite (Spy) now costs M:256 E: 13452. Its cloaking ability requires 50 energy when standing and 235 energy when moving. It is loaded with anti-radar device, and has a sight range of 400 (increased). Its build time is halved. It has 2 new functions. Camera command makes it set up a camera, and D-virus command can be used to attack radar, anti-radar, sonar and targeting facility only. D-virus can go through all kinds of obstacles such as mountains.
Crock now can take 1444 damage.
Gimp now can take 1250 damage, and walks 10% faster.
Doomsday Machine now has a on\off button.
Pyro now can take 1200 damage, and its weapon range is increased by 40.
Mobile Artillery’s weapon deals extra damage to most tanks and vehicles.
Thud ‘s firing range is increased by 70. Its weapon deals extra damage to tanks and vehicles.
Neutron missile launcher now costs M:908 E:62134 and buildtime decreased by a quarter.
Neutron missile now costs M:920 E:15000.
The range of the Gauss Cannon on Krogoth is increased by 100.
Firing interval for Battleship Cannon on Warlord is decreased by 0.5 second.
Diplomat’s weapon range is increased by 200.
Dominator’s weapon range is increased by 200.
Ranger’s weapon range is increased by 200.
Torpedo Launcher costs M:441 E:3058 now.
Hurricane attack distance is increased, thus the number of bombs per run is increased.
Moho mine now costs M:991 E:9121
Leviathan is smaller in size now.
Unguided Torpedo on Leviathan now uses a different model so it will be easy to recognize.
Morty has a decreased max-slope parameter now.
The speed of Reaper is now 1.25.
The buildtime of Goliath is increased by one fifth.
Executioner’s Depth Charge now deals double damage to patrol ships.

Visual Optimizes:
Optimizations are made based on Evolva models by TA Arsenal Network.
All decoy units are now marked decoy on BP.
EMG effects are refined to avoid lag.
Animation for torpedo’s explosion in water is re-made.
Animation for Paralyze beam hits is re-made, and its beam color changed.
Animation for AA-gun weapon explosions is re-made.
According to different damages of different shells, water splashes now looks different and sounds different.
Zeus’s Lightning Gun is now blue.
Panther’s Lightning Gun is now blue.
Animation for Lightning gun hits is re-made.
Animations for all V-launch weapon explosions are rearranged, according to different damages.

New Multiplayer Maps:

Map Name: Green Blaze

Map Description: Fight across the sacred mountains.

Map Size: 7 X 5

Players: 1v1

Environment: Solar20/Tidal10/Wind Min 800,Wind Max4000

Map Name: Metal Fort

Map Description: Hold the defense line together with allies.

Map Size: 19 X 19


Environment: Solar22/Tidal10/Wind Min127,Wind Max953

Map Name: Frozen Diamond Island

Map Description: Fight across blocks of ice burgs.

Map Size: 22 X 22


Environment: Solar20/Tidal20/Wind Min1500, Wind Max7000

Map Name: City of Angels

Map Description: For great air battles.

Map Size: 40 X 40


Environment: Solar20/Tidal20/Wind Min1500, Wind Max8000

Map Name: Deep Blue Sea

Map Description: Prepare for collision of massive fleets.

Map Size: 16 X 22


Environment: Solar20/Tidal30/Wind Min1500,Wind Max7000

Map Name: A New Core Planet

Map Description: Fight for valuable resource grounds. (A ban on metal-makers is recommended)

Map Size: 29 X 29


Environment: Solar20/Tidal10/Wind Min700, Wind Max5000

New Campaign Missions


ARM-MISSION 1-Heart of Flames

Mission Briefing:
Arm’s expansion into the new star sector has just begun while Core follows closely. However, both arrives and met on a lava-covered planet with no creatures alive.

Hot rivers of liquid rock block the whole transport system of both sides, and the consequent lack of mechanical materials hampers the production of high-tech weapons. A battle, which is low-grade but still fierce, is doomed to come.

Destroy all enemy factories.

Loose Condition: Loose all units.

ARM-MISSION 2-Operation Hunter

Mission Briefing:
A great number of Core battle subs have been deployed in this area, which threatens Arm’s supply system.

A formation of anti-sub ships has been sent to ensure the security of the transport course.

Destroy all battle subs.

Loose Condition: Loose all units.

ARM-MISSION 3-City of Death

Mission Briefing:
This planet had been in Arm’s control before it fell into Core’s hands. A large number of Core heavy battle kbots are currently stationed on this planet.

A plan of taking it back has been drawn. In order to hide from Core’s intelligence network to avoid unnecessary troubles, a special task kbot force is sent to do the job.

The strike force include the Spitting Cobra kbot. Its paralyze beams can disable enemy’s weapons.

Destroy all enemy battle units.

Loose Condition: Loose all key units.

ARM-MISSION 4-Road of Glory

Mission Briefing:
Arm have just finished the development of an energy-reflect weapon, called Rhino. An experimental model of the Rhino must be sent to main base for mass- production.

However, a number of Core heavy battle kbots are blocking the passage.

Rhino is equipped with a large energy absorber. It converts the enemy energy shots into heat and fire them back onto the enemies, dealing even greater damage.

Escort the Rhino to the northern shore.

Loose Condition: Rhino is destroyed.

ARM-MISSION 5-Spider Woods

Mission Briefing:
A Core base has been established in the depth of forest, unaware of the Arm spider strike force lurking not far away.

Arm has to seize the opportunity and drive the enemy out of the forest.

Spider kbots can walk on rough grounds without difficulty.

All Core resource buildings must be destroyed.

Loose Condition: Loose all units.

ARM-MISSION 6-Battlefield of Doom

Mission Briefing:
While the prolonged and fierce battles were fought in the new star sector, Core kept sending fleets to a distant metal planet. As increasing information showed some massive battle kbots being built, Arm HQ immediately planned a full-scale assault on this planet.

Karganeth, a super kbot built with a new kind of metal alloy, is even indestructable by d-gun shots. The weapons installed on a single Karganeth can easily take out hordes of enemies within seconds. High tech chips loaded with essence of Core’s development through the history are activated inside Karganeth brain. It stands for Core’s victory and glory.

Karganeth is extremely powerful.

There are much more than a couple of Krogoths.

Destroy the Karganeth.

Loose Condition: Commander Die.


CORE-MISSION 1-Eagles of Death

Mission Briefing:
In the new planet of NALA011 Core army is currently under heavy fire of a number of Arm long range artilleries. They are located on high cliffs and are out of reach of Core ground forces. A squadron of planes called The Eagles of Death came to deal with this difficult situation.

However, A main force of Arm fighters has also arrived in this sector

The Eagles of Death include some dive bombers. They are good at taking out ground targets.

Destroy all cannons.

Loose Condition: Loose all units

CORE-MISSION 2-Operation Insecticide

Mission Briefing:
Scout report shows that Arm is mass-producing spider kbots.

Spider kbots are particularly designed to walk in bad terrains. The mass-production of spiders implies some sudden assaults to Core’s bases which are located in dark jungle. They should be wiped out clean before they swam out of their nest.

You will be equipped with some laser flame tanks. You will find them handy when taking out spiders.

Destroy all arm units.

Loose Condition: Loose all units

CORE-MISSION 3-Red cyclone

Mission Briefing:
Heavy tank brigade, numbered 2515, is currently besieged by Arm’s kbot troops.

Brigade No.2512 is one of the Core’s major strike force. Its presence threatens Arm’s control of this sector.

The amount of enemy troops sent to attack will be very big.

Defend all Arm attacks…

Loose Condition: Loose all units


Mission Briefing:
Core forces had expanded at brutal speed to take full control of all the planets in this sector, until the discovery of some Arm’s bases which have evidently existed even before the Core’s expansion into this region. Core HQ want them all removed at once.

A large number of long range artilleries are deployed in this region.

Some KrogTaar kbots will aid you in this mission. They are equipped with N.D.I shields which are useful resisting long range fire power.

Heavy losses is expected, but the full elimination of the Arm forces will make critical damage to Arm’s war machine.

Destroy the enemies. All of them.

Loose Condition: Loose Commander

CORE-MISSION 5-Complexity of battlefield

Mission Briefing:
Arm navy forces are disturbingly active. We must search and destroy them in the open sea.

Poseidon HQ gathers up all veteran ships for this mission, including a group of Poseidones.

Poseidon is a large amphibious battleship. It will prove its value in the coming beachhead battles.

The purpose of using this Poseidon ship in this battle is obvious. Be sure to destroy all Arm navy bases after the water is clear.

Our forces are strong enough, but Arm is no less tough.

Destroy the enemies. All of them.

Loose Condition: Loose Commander

CORE-MISSION 6-The Longest Day

Mission Briefing:
We have just found an Arm fortress which is of considerable strategic importance in this sector. We must take time to destroy it, before it comes into full use.

An Arm main strike force is stationed at this fortress which is naturally heavily guarded. Alexander is among them.

Alexander is a massive amphibious mobile platform with unimaginable firepower.

Heavy losses is expected, but the full elimination of the Arm forces will make critical damage to Arm’s war machine.

Destroy the enemies. All of them.

Loose Condition: Loose Commander

Notice: Some new units can only be used in campaign missions.

Design: HangiyA
Script Assistance:zwzsg/Zodius/TheRegisteredOne
2D Design:Drsa/HangiyA/Ender
3D Design:HangiyA
Units Merging:HangiyA
Unit Design:HangiyA
Campaign Design:HangiyA/sulbon
Map Design:HangiyA
Chinese Version Making:HangiyA/sulbon/Chaos
Text Translation:sulbon/Chaos


Total Annihilation TAUNIVERSE


Release Date:2007.10.19

Download it here

1: Copy or move the files to TA folder and run TAAC.exe.
2: For tademo users: copy the files in taacdemo to tademo folder and run ACDEMO.EXE

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