TA :EXC2 core单位介绍

TA: Excess II - Core Units                       
 Core Units - TA: Excess II

Feel free to discuss Core units here. Some basic information is provided here which should prove helpful when you first start playing, since Excess II is completely redesigned from the ground up. In case you are wondering what the penetration level of a weapon is, it’s simply a damage modifier related to the target’s Armor Class; weapons will do full damage to targets that have armor class matched to or below their penetration level and less damage to higher armor classes. For example a penetration level 4 weapon will do full damage to armor classes 1-4 and progressively less damage to armor classes 5-10. Of course there are many other variables but this is just a simple guide to get you started.

MaxDamage - 5000
Armor Class - 7
Weapon 1   - Laser Cannon (Penetration Level 5)
Weapon 3   - Modulated Burst Laser (Penetration Level 3)

The Commander builds most T1 structures and has a powerful nanolathe. It is equipped with a laser cannon as well as an energy-draining Modulated Burst Laser that can spray an area with rapid-fire laser streams. The Commander is amphibious, equipped with short-ranged radar and sonar, cannot be stunned, and has the ability to cloak itself. Like most constructors, the Commander can capture or reclaim enemy units and repair itself and others.

Tier 1 Resource Structures

MaxDamage - 500 (756 when closed)
Armor Class - 3

The Metal Extractor simply extracts metal. It has extremely short sight distance, but it will close when under fire attack to defend itself.

MaxDamage - 250
Armor Class - 2

The Power Generator provides good amounts of energy but is very vulnerable.

MaxDamage - 300
Armor Class - 3

The Fabricator will convert energy to metal as long as you keep it turned on. One Power Generator can power one Fabricator.

MaxDamage - 1000
Armor Class - 3

The Geothermal Power Plant produces more energy than a Power Generator, but it takes longer to build and you can only place them on geothermal vents.

MaxDamage - 800
Armor Class - 3

This unit increases your metal storage capacity by 2000 units.

MaxDamage - 400
Armor Class - 2

Increases your energy storage capacity by 1500 units.

Tier 1 Defensive Structures

Hex T1 Perimeter Defense 防御
MaxDamage - 500
Armor Class - 7

The Hex is Core’s most basic defense. They are cheap and build quickly. Press Shift-X and drag-click to build them in a line or click them over existing units to surround; in either case you can adjust spacing via the mouse wheel.

Puncturer T1 Laser Turret镭射炮塔
MaxDamage - 600
Armor Class - 4
Weapon 1   - Laser Cannon (Penetration Level 4)

The Puncturer provides good sight distance and is equipped with a point defense laser.

Sentry T1 Missile Turret导弹塔
MaxDamage - 600
Armor Class - 4
Weapon 1&3   - Missile Launcher (Penetration Level 2)

The Sentry is armed with guided missiles which can attack both ground and air units, but it can fire at air units at much longer range and will always prefer to attack aircraft. The Sentry provides the same sight distance as the Puncturer.

Incinerator T1 Flamethrower Pillbox喷火碉堡
MaxDamage - 900 (1800 when closed)
Armor Class - 6
Weapon 1   - Flamethrower (No Penetration Level)

When idle, the Incinerator stays in an armored state. It will pop open when units come near its powerful, short-ranged flamethrower.

Retributor T1 Artillery Rocket Battery火箭塔
MaxDamage - 800
Armor Class - 6
Weapon 1   - Rocket Barrage (Penetration Level 2)

The Retributor’s ballistic rockets boast the greatest range of any Tier 1 unit. However, the Retributor is expensive and cannot be built by the Commander. This unit relies on others to provide sight and radar coverage.  

Argus T1 Radar Tower雷达塔
MaxDamage - 400
Armor Class - 1

Provides the longest sight distance and radar coverage of any Core Tier 1 unit. One Power Generator can power one Argus.

Tier 1 Nanolathing Structures

T1 Ground Laboratory陆军工厂
MaxDamage - 2273 (1500 while building)
Armor Class - 3

Builds Tier 1 ground units.

T1 Air Laboratory空军工厂
MaxDamage - 1389 (1250 while building)
Armor Class - 3

The T1 Air Factory builds Tier 1 air units. It is also equipped with radar that provides half the coverage of the Argus radar tower.

Aircraft Repair Center飞机维修中心
MaxDamage - 2000
Armor Class - 3

The Aircraft Repair Center features three landing pads which quickly repair aircraft. This structure cannot be built by the Commander.

Tier 1 Ground Units

Laborer T1 Construction Vehicle建造工程车
MaxDamage - 400 (200 when open)
Armor Class - 3

The Laborer is amphibious and builds all Tier 1 structures. Like most constructors, it can capture or reclaim enemy units as well as repair itself and others.

Errant T1 Light Attack Bike轻型攻击摩托
MaxDamage - 150
Armor Class - 2
Weapon 1   - Pulse Gun (Penetration Level 2)

Speedy attack bike mounted with a pulse gun. When it reaches top speed it will sometimes do a wheelie.

Pathfinder T1 Scout Kbot侦察兵
MaxDamage - 100
Armor Class - 2
Weapon 1&3   - Laser Sniper Rifle (Penetration Level 5&3)

The amphibious Pathfinder has good sight distance and radar and makes an effective recon and spotting unit. It is armed with a laser rifle that boasts long range, but cannot be used to full effectiveness unless the Pathfinder is not moving. In addition, the Pathfinder jams itself from radar, but only when it’s not moving.

Grunt - T1 Assault Kbot攻击兵
MaxDamage - 200
Armor Class - 3
Weapon 1   - Laser Assault Rifle (Penetration Level 3)

The Grunt is an amphibious Kbot armed with a rapid-fire laser gun.

Aegis T1 Laser Tank激光坦克
MaxDamage - 600
Armor Class - 5
Weapon 1   - Laser Cannon (Penetration Level 5)

The Aegis is an armored battle tank armed with a laser cannon.

Arclite T1 Artillery Tank火炮坦克
MaxDamage - 600
Armor Class - 4
Weapon 1   - Plasma Cannon (Penetration Level 3)

The Arclite’s ballistic cannons have the longest range of any Core Tier 1 mobile unit.

Tracker T1 Missile Half-Track半履带导弹车
MaxDamage - 400
Armor Class - 3
Weapon 1&3   - Missile Launcher (Penetration Level 2)

Like the Sentry, the Tracker launches guided missiles that can attack both ground and air units, but it can target air units at longer range and will prefer them to anything else. The Tracker is equipped with radar.

Tier 1 Air Units

Overseer T1 Transport and Construction Aircraft运输工程一体机
MaxDamage - 200
Armor Class - 1

Builds all Tier 1 structures except underwater. Like all constructors, it can reclaim enemy units and repair itself and others, but it cannot capture units. However, it can transport units.

Hornet T1 Interceptor拦截机
MaxDamage - 100
Armor Class - 1
Weapon 1   - Pulse Gun (Penetration Level 2)

The Hornet is an interceptor armed with rapid-fire anti-air pulse guns. It can only attack aircraft and is equipped with radar.  

Hunter T1 Gunship武装直升机
MaxDamage - 200
Armor Class - 2
Weapon 1   - Laser Gun (Penetration Level 3)
Weapon 3   - Depth Charges (Penetration Level 3)

The Hunter is equipped with rapid-fire laser guns, depth charges, and sonar. The Hunter cannot attack aircraft, it only fires at ground and sea units.  

Aurora T1 Laser Bomber激光轰炸机
MaxDamage - 175
Armor Class - 1
Weapon 1   - Laser Cannon (Penetration Level 5)

The Aurora is armed with a powerful laser cannon that is effective against most units.

Miscellaneous Info
Radar Units, least coverage to most: Hornet, Commander, Tracker, T1 Air Laboratory, Argus.
Sonar Units, least coverage to most: Hunter, Commander








