I’ve built a new alpha package for windows (from windows this time ).
What has changed since alpha 17 ? Basically some internal data structures have been replaced with safer ones (orders lists should not be responsible for any memory related crash) and several bugs have been fixed (but because of some internal stuffs being rewritten a few new bugs may have been introduced). You can also make a poster of the game using the new makeposter command and AI is now more agressive and less CPU consuming. This is probably the last alpha before the first 0.6 beta .
As usual it’s there:
zuzuf在windows下build的alpha 18,因此我们也可以直接从源代码处下载了自己编译最新版的TA3D了。
从alpha 17开始的改变有不少。很值得一提的是一些内核结构的变化,使用了一些新的更安全的结构(再复杂的单位指令序列也不会引起内存溢出了)。几个bugs的修复(不过采用新内核也可能使得一些新bugs出现了)。
你可以用 makeposter命令得到一个巨幅战场海报,还有,AI变聪明了,并且AI占据的CPU更少了。