what’s new:
[list][]the new mod manager[]several bug fixes in NetClient mod related code[]several rendering bug fixes[]several 3DM models fixes[]display lists are enabled again for models which uses stuffs that fit in a display list[]small fixes in VFS code[*]a new criticalMessage function that display a popup with an error message using external tools (a “standard” message box on windows, kdialog, gtkdialog or Xdialog on other platforms depending on what is found on the system).[/list]
as usual it’s there:
几个NETCLIENT mod功能的bug修复
几个3DM格式 bug修复
显示列表再次可以使用了,针对的是 使用了内涵数据适合显示列表的模型。
一个新的使用criticalMessage API的弹出消息,它调用的外部工具来显示错误时的讯息(windows下是一个标准 MessaegBox,kdialog、gtkdialog或xdialog是在其他系统平台调用的外部工具)