[tr][td]1[/td][td]TA33A[/td][td]2.2[/td][td]littlecore[/td][td]Like OTA, fix bug, add sea units for sea vs land beable, add Tech3 and Tech4 units.A stable version, had changed a lots.[/td][td]http://downloads.ta3d.org/mods/ta33aen.7z[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]2[/td][td]TAAC[/td][td]1.3[/td][td]HANGIYA[/td][td]Lots of new Units! Add Tech3 for air/sea/veh/kobt! Creative and comfortable for modern PC NEW MISSIONs (Sorry for the download link holding, soon fixed)[/td][td]http://downloads.ta3d.org/mods/TAAC.7z[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]3[/td][td]GOK[/td][td]1.31[/td][td]Vohvelieläin[/td][td]I acclaim GOK Excess for TA3D! The excess II coming, it will give best models .Really nice models and weapon effect.Infact, crazy work![/td][td]http://koti.mbnet.fi/wiitanen/TA_Excess_131.zip[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]4[/td][td]DEV[/td][td]5.0[/td][td]Boogie[/td][td]Quickly! Core= veh Arm= kobt This mod super unit had halo, that alter inline units and kill more units more stong halo. Creativeable![/td][td]http://downloads.ta3d.org/mods/Devolution5.zip[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]5[/td][td]Twilight[/td][td]1.7[/td][td]Twilight[/td][td]Addtion, total addtion, new things, try TA:T when you like new.[/td][td]http://files.tauniverse.com/library/ta/mods/ta-twilight/TAT-v1.7-Full.zip[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]6[/td][td]TABA[/td][td]2.0[/td][td]BA[/td][td]TABA is a mod that creating a more entertaining and balanced game that requires less micromanagement (ability to do many things in a small amount of time) and instead shifts the focus to strategy of unit choice and attack operations. And said in serious, TABA is most nearly SupCom mod.[/td][td]http://taba.tauniverse.com/TABA%20Version%20II.zip[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]7[/td][td]TALON[/td][td]1.03[/td][td]TRO[/td][td]One of best Mod, it’s a new Race. Now talon associate with TAWP to TAesc, that most Megatron on TAU[/td][td]http://files.tauniverse.com/library/ta/mods/talon-race/Talon_v1.03.zip[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]8[/td][td]TAbugFix[/td][td]1.75b[/td][td]Switeck[/td][td]This is a OTA style mod, you can treat it as OTA, and it play like OTA. It can call ta3.1+[/td][td]http://switeck.tauniverse.com/TA_Bugfix1-7b5.zip[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]9[/td][td]AA mod[/td][td]60[/td][td]Caydr[/td][td]AA60 is a mod that more make for moder than for players. You can play it as a new idea mod.[/td][td]http://files.tauniverse.com/library/ta/mods/absolute-annihilation/AA60%20Lite.zip[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]10[/td][td]TA-merge[/td][td]1.3[/td][td]TASPC[/td][td]Talon, GOK, TLL. This is a merge mod, merge the 3 best 3rd race. You can play it as a new TA The 3 race maker: TALON:TRO TLL:M3G GOK:Vohvelielain[/td][td]http://downloads.ta3d.org/mods/TA-Merge13.7z[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]11[/td][td]The Pack[/td][td]1.33[/td][td]GB0[/td][td]THE PACK is a large mod/unit pack which is based on Uberhack 3.1.4 by BSR. This is a MAC TA mod, and well, I like that good T3 and T4, it’s like ta33a on PC.[/td][td]http://fileuniverse.com/library/ta/mods/the-pack/THEPACK_V1_3_3_Final.zip[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]12[/td][td]SUH mod[/td][td]2.7[/td][td]shrimpy[/td][td]This is a OTA style mod, based Uhack, and in my person talk, it’s best OTA patch, yes patch.[/td][td]http://downloads.ta3d.org/mods/SUH27.7z[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]13[/td][td]UH[/td][td]4.0[/td][td]BSR[/td][td]uber hack, make by BSR. Do you remeber TA power? I think so, do you forget UH age?You can’t, as one of most influential TA mod, UH4.0 isn’t bad, for me, it should be better.[/td][td]http://downloads.ta3d.org/mods/uh40.zip[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]14[/td][td]C&C mod[/td][td]?[/td][td]?[/td][td]Sorry for forget the main things on this mod, but it really like C&C[/td][td]http://downloads.ta3d.org/mods/C&C.zip[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]15[/td][td]atotal[/td][td]2.93[/td][td]okorva[/td][td]This also a Twilight like mod. It also new, so try when you want another new.[/td][td]http://www.students.oamk.fi/~okorva/ta/atotal293.rar[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]16[/td][td]sea hack[/td][td]2.0[/td][td]unknow[/td][td]All ships[/td][td]http://downloads.ta3d.org/mods/War%20At%20Sea%202Jan06%20v2.7z[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]17[/td][td]tawd[/td][td]5.0[/td][td]Wesley Blokker and Iwan Setiawan[/td][td]World Domination. If you like tanks/ AK47/ etc, you like this one. It’s a human war TA.[/td][td]http://downloads.ta3d.org/mods/tawd.7z[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]18[/td][td]DuneTA[/td][td]beta[/td][td]UU[/td][td]Dune, I like Dune 2000. But this one also intereting, you can play 3D dune at now.[/td][td]http://downloads.ta3d.org/mods/DuneTA.zip[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]19[/td][td]RTACP[/td][td]1.02[/td][td]Febuary[/td][td]A 3rd party mods. I mean this mod play like TAUIP[/td][td]http://downloads.ta3d.org/mods/RTACPPatched.7z[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]20[/td][td]Tyta[/td][td]1.12[/td][td]seamon[/td][td]TYTA is a new mod in the way of Pack/UTASP/TAUCP/GMTA. That means it has a huge number of new units, although it includes also a lot of other improvements. And, this one is a nice mod for documental TA.[/td][td]http://downloads.ta3d.org/mods/Tyta112.rar[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]21[/td][td]TA:ESC[/td][td]Beta 4.2[/td][td]wotan with TRO[/td][td]Talon+ TAWP. And this mod no need my berif, you surely know it.[/td][td]http://downloads.ta3d.org/mods/TAESC_BETA_4_2.7z[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]22[/td][td]TAExcess II[/td][td]alpha 2f[/td][td]Vohvelielain with N72[/td][td]Remake of ARM and CORE. There no more great need in energy, and you have mass metals for mass war. And in first, you will enjoy the models. [/td][td]http://downloads.ta3d.org/mods/XS_II_Alpha_2f.7z[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]23[/td][td]XTA[/td][td]0.99[/td][td]SY with TAG [/td][td]This mod had a nice creative explosion, and it can be said in “better OTA” (in SY style). Try it if you want play spring in TA3D.[/td][td]http://downloads.ta3d.org/mods/XTA99.rar[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]24[/td][td]Total Mayhem[/td][td]beta 6.2[/td][td]Gamma, Darkvamp, Sarwajagat[/td][td]This is an addon for Total Annihilation with Core Contingency which attempts to make all units useful, fixes AA units (they are not too dominating while still being able to fire at ground units)… and adds a whole bunch of 3rd party units, including a complete Level 3 tier plus some Level 4 structures. http://mayhem.tauniverse.com/totalm.htm[/td][td]http://downloads.ta3d.org/mods/TOTALM_b62.7z[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]25[/td][td]TA3D free data set[/td][td]r2796[/td][td]zuzuf[/td][td]TA3D free data set is part of the TA3D project. It provides replacements for OTA models and data files[/td][td]http://downloads.ta3d.org/mods/ta3d_free_data_set.7z[/td][/tr]
这些 mod 会报错的波?
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