Althought TAUniverse is supposed to support TA:K too, our TA:K user base is very small, so don’t be surprise if others TA members don’t know what you’re talking about when you do TA:K posts. Here’s the TAU TAK forums <http://www.tauniverse.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?s=&forumid=11>. Post in it <http://www.tauniverse.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?s=&forumid=11> before it gets deleted for prolonged inactivity.
Update to the latest version of TA:K :
The latest patch to be used is TAK v3.0, non BY version It exist in two flavors:
TAK30BBupdate.exe> without the Darien Crusades pack of maps and balance (6MB)
Crusades.exe> with the Darien Crusades pack of maps and balance (32MB)
The Darien Crusades map pack and balance is already included in the Iron Plague extension. So get only the light patch TAK30BBupdate.exe> if you have Iron Plague. And get the large patch if you don’t have Iron Plague.
Don’t bother with the 4 units of the download page <http://www.fileuniverse.com/Total_Annihilation_Mirror/ta-kingdoms/downloads.html> (Rolling Tower, Kamikaze Rat, Spirit Wolf, Lighthouse) as they are already included in both 3.0 patches, along with others new units.
There’s also the 2 thanksgiving maps <http://www.fileuniverse.com/Cavedog/thanks.exe> and the the 4 bonus maps <http://www.fileuniverse.com/Cavedog/BonusMP2.exe> to get to be done with official files.
**EXTRAS non-essential
I heard that the 3rd party utility TA:K Switcher <http://pocketgeek.mine.nu/> is a must.
However I’m much unsure about all that, and would appreciate TAKer who know better to enlighten me.
How to use third parties units in TA:K :
Step 1
Unzip the files if needed and put the .ufo in the main TAK folder.
Step 2
Find in your start menu the shortcut to launch TAK
(Start Menu → TA Kingdoms → Play with TA Kindgoms)
Do a right click on this shortcut and click Properties
There should be a field like Target, containing something like
“C:\Cavedog\Total Annihilation Kingdoms\Kingdoms.exe”
Change that line into something like :
“C:\Cavedog\Total Annihilation Kingdoms\Kingdoms.exe” -disablecavedogverification
Step 2 bis (Step 2 can be replaced by Step 2 bis)
Go into the folder where TAK is installed, find the file kingdoms.key and rename it kingdoms.key.backup
Step 3
Run that modified shortcut and do a skirmish. Make sure you disable Crusade Balance in the skirmish screen battleroom. Or make sure you enable it, it depends. If it is whole new race, cycle through races until you find it. Play the skirmish. Your new units should now be available.
Where to play TA:K online :
- Currently the only place left to play TA:Kingdoms is at GSA: <http://www.gamespyarcade.com/>.
- There were rumors of works under way to add TA:K support at GBL <http://www.gamingbattleleague.com/>. But now GBL is dead. However not all hope is lost, AxlRose RX, Cire and Pocket Geek are currently working on a TAK gaming client <http://www.rxclan.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=77>.