用Bryce 5随心所欲地制作带有地形起伏的TA地图(修订版)
By Shonner
To demonstrate how to make custom 8 x 8 sized 3D terrain maps of your own for importing into Annihilator 1.5 and not having to worry about height maps having their height maps match perfectly with their terrain bitmaps every time without needing to adjust any contour lines.
这篇文章的目的是向您展示制作8x8 TA 三维地形的流程,并保证您向Annihilator1.5导入制作好的地形以进一步加工成地图的时候不至于碰到诸如等高线不匹配之类麻烦。
BRYCE 5 was used for this tutorial to do the 3D terrain rendering as well as the height map exporting. You’ll also need a good photo editor program (like Paint Shop Pro or Photoshop) that allows image resizing, palette reduction, and the importing/exporting of palette information of BMP files. Be sure to download Annihilator 1.5 for step 14 if you don’t already have it.
本文使用BRYCE 5 来渲染三维地形并导出高度图(orsin注:TA的三维地形合成是依靠一个平面纹理和一个高度图的方式来完成的)。除了BRYCE 5之外,你需要诸如photoshop或者paint shop pro之类的图像编辑软件来完成图像缩放,重定义色板和色板导入/导出之类的事情。当然更不要忘了Annihilator,你需要他来完成地图。
First, you need a TA palette file. This is a file containing the 256 colors that TA uses for all its maps. To create this file, start up a game of TA and do a screen capture of it (CTRL+F9) once a game has started. Now exit out of the game and open your photo editor program and load the captured PCX file you just made from TA’s SCREENSHOTS folder. Go to the palette menu and save the photo’s palette information to a file. The palette should have these colors:
TA 地图支持256 色,所以TA的色板文件包含256个颜色。要获取TA色板,只需启动TA,开始一场战斗,然后用CTRL+F9将地图截图下来即可。启动图像编辑软件,打开TA保存的截图文件(在SCREENSHOTS文件夹,应该是pcx格式),选择“色板”菜单?保存色板信息文件 就行了。我们看到的色板应该类似于下面这个:
You’ll need this palette file later in step 13.
Now open Bryce and set your viewing area to a resolution of 600 x 600 so you’ll be able to see the entire map on your screen. Turn off any Anti-Aliasing and True Ambience settings that may be on so that your computer won’t take all week to render a map. Also turn off any Gamma Correction that may be on so that your maps don’t come out faded.
现在可以打开Bryce了。把工作区改成600x600,这样你就可以看到整幅地图。把反锯齿(Anti-Aliasing)和真实环境(True Ambience)的选项关掉,以免过一会儿渲染的时候慢到死。把Gamma纠正也给关了,免得出来的图颜色不正常。
Use the Sky Lab to clear all your environment settings by turning off your “Sun & Moon”, “Cloud Cover”, and “Atmosphere” settings since you won’t be rendering them. NOTE: Leave your Sun Light left on though so you can see your terrain. Then set your sun to 225?/b> azimuth with an altitude of 60?/b> from the horizon. Also turn off the “Link Sun to View” option. This helps match your map’s shading with the many Cavedog shaded features you’ll be placing on your cool 3D maps. Be sure to have your shadows setting turned off, though. Otherwise, TA units and features will look funny when they are on a map over a shadow and they’re not at all darkened like their surroundings are.
转到Sky Lab选项,把 “Sun & Moon”, “Cloud Cover”, 和 "Atmosphere"效果关掉。你用不上他们。但是日光Sun Light的效果要留着,不然地图就一片黑了。 把日光角度azimuth设为225,高度altitude设为地平线为基准高60 (60 from the horizon). 把 "Link Sun to View"也关了,这样可以使你地形上的阴影效果和Cavedog提供的地图物件相匹配。阴影效果shadows setting也建议关掉,以免地图显得过于真实,让缺少阴影效果的TA武器单位显得很假。
Switch your view from the “Director” to the “Camera” object and remove any terrain and/or ground planes that are already on your viewing screen. Now create a new terrain using the dimensions: X=79.50, Y=5, Z=88.85 (X goes east/west, Y is the height, and Z is going north/south).
: X=79.50, Y=5, Z=88.85。 其中X代表东西宽度,Z代表南北长度,Y 代表地图高度限制。
NOTE: Be sure your horizon plane is see-through so you can see all the terrain below it.
把视场field-of-view设为 1 ,以免渲染出的地图出现透视效果(一端大一端小)。X轴位置设定为 .18,将摄像机稍稍移右。Y轴设定为5090,将摄像机升到高处。Z轴设定为-2546。最后摄像机保持63.44度下视状态,和ta中的游戏视角保持精确一致。
So why use the 1?/b> field-of-view? This is to make the map’s vertical grid lines as parallel as possible. We don’t want any vanishing points adding any perspective to our rendered image. In other words, since TA uses a square screen to view a map, your map has to be square as well. Note the straight vertical lines created by the 1?/b> field-of-view from the rendering camera as shown in the picture below. This format works great when importing to Annihilator.
This will be your camera view for rendering all your 8 x 8 sized TA maps.
上图显示的就是正确的设置。(orsin注: 这是对8x8地图而言的,如果要建立更大的地图,你需要一把铅笔,一张白纸,一块橡皮擦,高中毕业的几何知识,以及重新计算摄像机参数的耐心)
Now it’s time for the fun part, which is deciding what kind of map to make. How about an ice/water map with lots of islands? If you can get through this part, you’ll be able to do most any kind of map. Choose an icy texture for your terrain and head on over to your terrain’s editor. NOTE: Be sure you have the texture’s bump map turned off.
无聊的部分结束了,现在来做点好玩的事情。先想想你要做个什么样的地图吧?极地岛屿怎么样?如果你能够顺利完成这一步,你差不多就可以让那些牛b烘烘的“专业”地图制作者去吃米田共了。在地形选择里找到冰雪地形,把凹凸贴图Bump map关上,然后转到地形编辑器 terrain editor.
把地形编辑器的图版尽量设得更大些,保守点用1024x1024,内存足就大胆往大了去。图版变大可以有效避免渲染的时候出现马赛克。预览图设定为512x512。选择Editing Tools窗口,Elevation标签,按NEW按钮,这样我们新建了一个平整的地形(全黑)。之后导入到Annihilator的时候,Annihilator会把黑色的部分当作地形最低处,白色的部分当作地形高处,并按颜色深浅划分过渡色高度。
NOTE: Be sure to use black pixels somewhere in your terrain. This is because when Annihilator imports your terrain’s height map, it re-assigns the darkest pixel it finds in the height map to a value of 0 because Annihilator starts counting up from 0. This is bad news if the lowest part of your terrain has an elevation value higher than 0. It means Annihilator will make the height map lower than your terrain actually is.
To make hills, you can either paint them or have the computer generate them randomly. The more white that gets laid down, the higher your hills will be. Painting your hills darker will reduce their height. Painting very dark areas onto the tops of hills will form volcanic or crater terrain. Feel free to experiment with all kinds of landscaping ideas you’ll have. Just remember to leave a black area on your Terrain Canvas so that Annihilator will know where the lowest elevation (level 0) is so it can align the height map properly. Black can be used for defining either a valley’s lowest level on a land map, or an ocean’s lowest level on a water map.
Using this 512 x 512 preview of a 256 grayscale height map…
…the icy terrain below was rendered. The 24-bit color 600 x 600 image, which took about 20 seconds to render, was used to preview our work so far.
Now add water by creating a water plane. Feel free to drag the water to the height you prefer. Be careful what kind of water you use though. Very clear water won’t look like water at all for game play. And very dark water won’t look like map water either. Experimenting, while being creative, will be your best tool here. You might want to try using opaque water rather than what this tutorial is using. Just be sure your water has its bump map turned off.
Ok. How’s our future TA map looking so far?
It’s time to render the final map now. Render the image to disk with a size of 4096 x 4096. Save it as “icemap-24bit.bmp”.
When it’s finished rendering, go back to your terrain’s editor and make a copy of the height map by clicking on Copy under the first B&W picture.
Because the TOTALA.EXE game engine uses a height map that is 1/16th the size of its game map, some math has to be done. 4096 / 16 = 256. So re-size the height map image to 256 x 256. Its original size should have been 1024 x 1024, by the way. If it wasn’t, go back to step 7 or your finished map will look like it was made with Lego blocks. Save the image as “heightmap.bmp”.
Now load the “icemap-24bit.bmp” file. It should be 4096 x 4096 in size. Reduce the map’s colors to 256 (8-bit color) by loading the TA palette file you created in step 1. Then save the map as “icemap-8bit.bmp”. NOTE: Reduce colors using error diffusion. It’ll help retain the original colors that Bryce used while creating the map.
Close your photo editor program and open Annihilator. Then click on “New Map” and browse for your “icemap-8bit.bmp” and “heightmap.bmp” files. You’re almost done here.
Turn on the contour lines and verify that they line up with the terrain. If you see contour lines crossing over other contour lines, it means your terrain at that location is too steep. Units that go near that location will appear as if they’re driving through the terrain rather than around it. Some people ignore this detail. But the ones that care about quality go back to step 7.
Use the map settings in Annihilator to set the sea level. The sea level will show up on the map as a red contour line. The map created here with this tutorial ended up having a sea level of 100 in Annihilator. Your map may be different.
Looking good!
Set the rest of the map settings to your liking and save your map as “Ice Map Tutorial.ufo” before placing any features on it. NOTE: Use a Surface Metal setting of 255 for metal maps (Core worlds) only. Use a Surface Metal setting of 1 for all other maps (Earth, Water, Martian, Acidic, Urban, Moon, etc).
Enjoy your new map! Here is the Bryce 5 file used in this tutorial.
Many thanks to AndrewAce3158 for figuring out the camera angle used in Total Annihilation.
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