
Combat rating = (0.5 x dps x (armor hp + shield hp))-11) How to calculate combat rating for units using multiple weapons?
Combat rating = (weapon 1 combat rating 2 + weapon 2 combat rating 2 + …)-1
2) How to calculate combat rating of multiple units?
Group combat rating = number of units x combat rating
3) How to compare unit groups?
If group A has 10000 combat rating and group B has 12000 combat rating group B will most likely win
If unit A has 1000 combat rating and unit B has 2000 combat rating you will generally need 2 unit A for every unit B
4) Can I compare units 1 vs 1?
No, it will be very inaccurate. Each group should have at least 10 units.
Combat rating / cost = combat rating / (mass cost + energy cost / 40)
Muzzle velocity - initial speed of a projectile, in case of missiles the final speed will be higher (as the missile accelerates in air).
