




Using script script.txt
SDL: 1.2.10
GL: 1.5.5
GL: NVIDIA Corporation
GL: GeForce4 MX 440 with AGP8X/AGP/SSE2
GLEW: 1.4.0
Section game\mapoptions missing in file buffer
Section game\modoptions missing in file buffer
Using script Commanders
Map: 2Lakes.smf
Mod: “BOTA v1.3” from BOTA_13.sd7
Became player 0
Client connected on slot 0
Connecting to server .
error = 2, gamedata/modrules.lua, [string “gamedata/modrules.lua”]:19: Error parsing modrules.tdf: missing file
Error loading modrules, using defaults
[string “gamedata/modrules.lua”]:19: Error parsing modrules.tdf: missing file
Error parsing units/armscorp.fbi: Bad TDF text at line 50
Error parsing units/corthud.fbi: Bad TDF text at line 25
WARNING: removed the “corthud” entry from the “corlab” build menu
Loading all definitions: 1.575000
You are missing an OpenGL extension needed to use shadowmaps (fragment_program_shadow)
Opening map file
Loading Map
Loading detail textures
Creating overhead texture
Creating ground shading
Loading tile file
Reading tiles
Reading tile map
Creating projectile texture
Number of damage types: 13
Loading weapon definitions
Loading unit definitions
Loading feature definitions
Parsing unit icons
Creating unit textures
Initializing map features
Couldnt find wreckage info
Unknown map feature type
Reading estimate path costs
Creating sky
Loading LuaCOB
Loading LuaRules
Loading LuaGaia
Spring 0.76b1
Reloaded ctrlpanel with: LuaUI/ctrlpanel.txt
LuaUI: bound F11 to the widget selector
LuaUI: bound CTRL+F11 to tweak mode
Hardware is incompatible with Xray shader requirements
Loaded widget: Eyes <gui_eyes.lua>
Loaded widget: DoLine <cmd_doline.lua>
LuaUI v0.2
Player Player joined as 0
GameID: c4a97148fccf56c183a757666261e78b
AI\Bot-libs\AAI.dll has C++ interface
Spring 0.76b1 has crashed.
Exception: Access violation (0xc0000005)
Exception Address: 0x6d7fa128
DLL information:
0x00400000 spring
0x7c920000 ntdll
0x7c800000 kernel32
0x77da0000 ADVAPI32
0x77e50000 RPCRT4
0x77fc0000 Secur32
0x73e70000 dsound
0x77be0000 msvcrt
0x76990000 ole32
0x77ef0000 GDI32
0x77d10000 USER32
0x77bd0000 VERSION
0x76b10000 WINMM
0x68e20000 GLU32
0x5ef10000 OPENGL32
0x736d0000 DDRAW
0x73b30000 DCIMAN32
0x76c60000 IMAGEHLP
0x71a40000 WSOCK32
0x71a20000 WS2_32
0x71a10000 WS2HELP
0x6ed80000 glew32
0x10000000 SDL
0x7c340000 MSVCR71
0x00e30000 DevIL
0x66fc0000 freetype6
0x61b80000 zlib1
0x00fc0000 ILU
0x76300000 IMM32
0x62c20000 LPK
0x73fa0000 USP10
0x5ce30000 serwvdrv
0x5b0f0000 umdmxfrm
0x70000000 ijt_base
0x7d590000 SHELL32
0x77f40000 SHLWAPI
0x77180000 comctl32
0x5d170000 comctl32
0x60000000 olemon
0x5adc0000 uxtheme
0x74680000 MSCTF
0x01dd0000 safemon
0x770f0000 OLEAUT32
0x76bc0000 PSAPI
0x76d70000 apphelp
0x73640000 msctfime
0x69500000 nvoglnt
0x719c0000 mswsock
0x60fd0000 hnetcfg
0x71a00000 wshtcpip
0x76c00000 WINTRUST
0x765e0000 CRYPT32
0x76db0000 MSASN1
0x72c90000 wdmaud
0x72c80000 msacm32
0x77bb0000 MSACM32
0x77ba0000 midimap
0x73e40000 KsUser
0x6d7c0000 AAI
0x68d60000 DBGHELP
(0) F:\Program Files\Spring\AI\Bot-libs\AAI.dll [0x6D7FA128]
(1) F:\Program Files\Spring\AI\Bot-libs\AAI.dll [0x6D7E23D5]
(2) F:\Program Files\Spring\spring.exe [0x005A851C]
(3) F:\Program Files\Spring\spring.exe [0x005AB03C]
(4) F:\Program Files\Spring\spring.exe [0x00644632]
(5) F:\Program Files\Spring\spring.exe [0x005D8DC6]
(6) F:\Program Files\Spring\spring.exe [0x005F495A]
(7) F:\Program Files\Spring\spring.exe [0x005F684B]
(8) F:\Program Files\Spring\spring.exe [0x00855AB9]
(9) F:\Program Files\Spring\spring.exe [0x0085ED08]
(10) F:\Program Files\Spring\spring.exe [0x0085F0DE]
(11) F:\Program Files\Spring\spring.exe [0x0085F316]
(12) F:\Program Files\Spring\spring.exe [0x0095D309]
(13) F:\Program Files\Spring\spring.exe [0x004010A7]
(14) F:\Program Files\Spring\spring.exe [0x00401123]
(15) C:\WINDOWS\system32\kernel32.dll(RegisterWaitForInputIdle+0x49) [0x7C817067]



0.76版本的Spring貌似已经不支持BOTA 1.3了。。。



BOTA 1.5谁有,给个下载地址。