:7_347: 额。。。猫版里的普通运输机缺少一个武器,也缺少与之相关的零部件,而且我没打算让初级运输机有这个功能。
:lol 抄别人的万一被说闲话咋办啊 :lol
:lol cob似乎可以被反编译,当然咯,bos肯定看起来更容易一些。
[泄什么密? 我已经知道原理是什么了 =p
:loveliness: 对于TRO来说,大多数脚本几年前就研究出来了。
:lol 这些脚本很多在TAU的论坛里都有,我才刚知道,不过还是自己写的脚本感觉比较舒服。。。当然也够辛苦的说。。。:L
“打开TA,回车,向下键,回车,回车,Ctrl+C,鼠标左键,鼠标左键,G,鼠标左键,鼠标左键,鼠标左键…” 这样的动作序列我都快重复100遍了。。。
To TRO: I’ve got several questions. Could you help me?
- Aircraft cannot use its 3rd weapon as d-gun. why? and any solution?
- Is there any method to show a circle (or other shape) at any place in the map ( i’ve already know the xz position of the circle)? Can it be 3d modeled or GAF animation? if it can, how?
- Aircrafts with long range weapons (i use those weapons as xz_locator. i bet you know what i mean.) would not like to attack its target directly. They always fly a random path instead of the straight line from themselves to the target. (and because of the weapon range, they always fly out of the map for minutes! ) how to avoid/solve that?
- Air-Transports seems not to use TransportPickup & TransportDrop? they only use querytransport, begintransport and endtransport. Is that right? and i want to know what parameters have been passed to ‘querytransport’, ‘begintransport’ and ‘endtransport’ function-calls, like ‘TransportPickup’ having ‘unitid’ and ‘TransportDrop’ having ‘unitid’ and ‘position’.
i really hope to get your reply asap. :loveliness:
- no solution.
- you can move a circle as a piece in 3do
- there isn’t a way I know of
- no, aircrafts don’t use those
:6_313: 既然LS挖坟,我也挖上一锹。。。