
Demigod builds
By Frogboy Posted September 6, 2009 15:05:20

Greetings! I’m currently at PAX, getting ready to head back. New builds have been coming in from GPG.

Right now, they’re trying to get the replays nailed down. I also asked about a number of player requests such as Torcher Bearer casting when running (the answer on that is that he’s not intended to be able to do that be design – some people will obviously disagree but there’s the answer).

Some exploits have been addressed that I won’t get into here. I won’t give an ETA since the build is in internal beta and it’s hard to guestimate how long it will take to eliminate bugs and such in order to make is public.

The mod handling is also pretty advanced in this build but there are some security features that have to be in to help avoid some malicious mods that we’re looking to put in before that goes out.

The two new Demigods look pretty good. The visual quality is absurdly good. The demon assassin is definitely something that I think will be very useful in a team based game. I’ll try to get some screenshots up shortly.

It was great being at PAX and meeting many of you. It’s nice to hear a lot of positive feedback on the game since sometimes, reading the forums, you tend to get a…specific demographic of players that aren’t necessarily representative of the wider Demigod player base.

More to come shortly.
