

Ok, we’re hearing about stuff like automated grouping, and flow-based pathfinding in SupCom2.

It sounds to me that they’re making an effort to make using large numbers of units simpler and more intuitive.

Someone wrote a thread on this regarding bombers, but I thought it could be generalised.

First of all, area commands are great, we need them regardless. :slight_smile:

But what about automatic target/overkill managment? For example, if you select a large group of bombers, and assign them to attack an area of targets (ie. choose Attack, then drag a box around some enemy) the first X bombers will attack target 1, the next X bombers will attack target 2, etc. With X being (Target HP / Attack damage) ie. number of bombers required to kill the target in 1 pass.

Granted, damage over time weapons, rapid fire weapons, AOE weapons etc complicate this calculation, but its simple enough to design in a handwritten value for each unit that gives a rough approximation.

Thus this could be applied generically to all units. Select a group of Percivals and area-attack some T1 units. Each Percival will probably target a different enemy. And so forth.

I chose this example specifically because it highlights a controversial issue : currently overkill is used as a factor in unit balance. (although even in the above example, overkill is still a factor if a Percy does enough in 1 shot to kill many T1 tanks).

Is “stupid” unit behaviour AI something we want to be used as a balancing factor? I prefer not - I would rather all units behave as optimally as possible, and balance comes from hard statistics. Otherwise its just a recipe for frustration.

So I dont think balance is a valid argument against this feature.

Code wise there isnt much difficulty or performance hit in this. Each attacking unit could register an approximate damage value on its target. If the sum of registered damage exceeds the target’s HP, then other units will choose a different target IF AVAILABLE.

(thus if you force target a single enemy, there are no alternative targets so all your units will concentrate fire, as you intended).

When units are auto-attacking, they can apply this behaviour for “all enemy in my weapon range”. Although this will still produce overkill for the first enemy to come within a group’s range.

Anyways, I think if they are trying to improve the usuability of masses of units in SupCom2, they should seriously consider unit behaviour improvements such as this.

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