
This refers to Sandbox mode. The way I do it:
Start a skirmish game with a few null AIs (from DuncanE’s AI pack)

Look up the console commands you’re going to need in advance, then open the console with the tilde (~) key and type in your commands. This lets you tweak alot of stuff.

The commands I use are:
“SetFocusArmy X” X=0-7, where 0 is you and 1-7 are the remaining players.

“Sallyshears” This is a cheat code that gives full map vision, (cheats must be enabled… so you could also just set the map vision to “none” when setting up your game) Also, I think this was the no-fog-of-war cheat code from Warcraft and Wc2… I love that GPG honored a classic there.

“AI_Freebuild” =everything is free to build
“AI_Instabuild” =everything builds instantly

Note that there seems to be a glitch with the instabuild and upgrading factories… they disappear but they’re still functional.

After that you can build massive armies and squirrel around to your heart’s content. You can also issue orders for one army, then switch sides and issues orders for the other. Most of the time the Null AI won’t do anything, so your orders persist even after you switch sides.