talantin移动核弹车的履带脚本分析- from fonter456

#define TA // This is a TA script

#include “sfxtype.h”
#include “exptype.h”

piece base, body, stand, missile, tracks_animated, door, spinner, smoker1, smoker2, tracks_reverse, tracks_move;

static-var Static_Var_1, Static_Var_2, statechg_DesiredState, statechg_StateChanging, fired, smoking, bmoving;

// Signal definitions
#define SIG_AIM 2
#define SIG_MOVE 4


var pre;
var now;
pre = get XZ_ATAN(-419);
var dif;
now = get XZ_ATAN(-419);
dif = pre - now;
if(dif > <2>)
hide tracks_reverse;
hide tracks_move;
show tracks_animated; //这三句是三个部件
if(dif < <-2>)
show tracks_reverse;
hide tracks_move;
hide tracks_animated;
if(dif <= <2> && dif >= <-2>)
hide tracks_reverse;
show tracks_move;
hide tracks_animated;
sleep 200;
pre = now;

var preang;
var prepos;
var ang;
var pos;

preang = get XZ_ATAN(-419);
prepos = get PIECE_XZ(base);

	ang = get XZ_ATAN(-419);
	pos = get PIECE_XZ(base);
	bmoving = 0;
	if (ang != preang)
		bmoving = 1;
	if(pos != prepos)
		bmoving = 1;
		dont-Cache tracks_animated;
		dont-cache tracks_reverse;
		dont-cache tracks_move;
		Cache tracks_animated;
		cache tracks_reverse;
		cache tracks_move;
	sleep 200;
	prepos = pos;
	preang = ang;


SmokeUnit(healthpercent, sleeptime, smoketype)
sleep 400;
while( TRUE )
healthpercent = get HEALTH;
if( healthpercent < 66 )
smoketype = 256 | 2;
if( Rand( 1, 66 ) < healthpercent )
smoketype = 256 | 1;
emit-sfx smoketype from base;
sleeptime = healthpercent * 50;
if( sleeptime < 200 )
sleeptime = 200;
sleep sleeptime;

HitByWeapon(Func_Var_1, Func_Var_2)
signal 8;
set-signal-mask 8;
turn base to z-axis Func_Var_2 speed <105.021978>;
turn base to x-axis Func_Var_1 speed <105.021978>;
wait-for-turn base around z-axis;
wait-for-turn base around x-axis;
turn base to z-axis <0.000000> speed <30.005495>;
turn base to x-axis <0.000000> speed <30.005495>;

Static_Var_1 = 0;
Static_Var_2 = 10000;
start-script SmokeUnit();
spin spinner around z-axis speed <100>;
spin base around y-axis speed <-30.005495>;
bmoving=0; //这里有一句
sleep 1;
stop-spin base around y-axis;
turn base to y-axis <0> speed <30>;
hide tracks_reverse; //
hide tracks_move; //
start-script track_tracks(); //
start-script ismoving(); //以上4句

/*StartMoving() ///这个部分用/**/包起来的是无效的,应该是测试用的。
signal SIG_MOVE;
set-signal-mask SIG_MOVE;
dont-Cache tracks_animated;
dont-cache tracks_reverse;
dont-cache tracks_move;

Cache tracks_animated;
cache tracks_reverse;
cache tracks_move;
signal SIG_MOVE;

sleep Static_Var_2;
set-signal-mask 0;
turn stand to x-axis <0.000000> speed <100.021978>;
wait-for-turn stand around x-axis;
move door to x-axis [0] speed [10];
wait-for-move door along x-axis;
show missile;

AimPrimary(heading, pitch)
signal SIG_AIM;
set-signal-mask SIG_AIM;
while (fired)
sleep 100;
move door to x-axis [-3.18999] speed [10];
wait-for-move door along x-axis;
turn stand to x-axis <-90.021978> speed <100.021978>;
wait-for-turn stand around x-axis;
while ( smoking < 15 )
emit-sfx 256 | 1 from smoker1;
emit-sfx 256 | 2 from smoker2;
sleep 100;
smoking = 0;
start-script RestoreAfterDelay();
return (1);

hide missile;
sleep 1000;
turn stand to x-axis <0.000000> speed <100.021978>;
wait-for-turn stand around x-axis;
move door to x-axis [0] speed [10];
wait-for-move door along x-axis;
show missile;
sleep 1000;

piecenum = missile;

piecenum = base;

Killed(severity, corpsetype)
if( severity <= 25 )
corpsetype = 1;
explode base type BITMAPONLY | BITMAP1;
explode stand type BITMAPONLY | BITMAP2;
explode missile type FALL | SMOKE | FIRE | EXPLODE_ON_HIT | BITMAP3;
explode tracks_animated type BITMAPONLY | BITMAP4;
explode body type BITMAPONLY | BITMAP5;
return (0);
if( severity <= 50 )
corpsetype = 2;
explode base type BITMAPONLY | BITMAP1;
explode stand type SHATTER | BITMAP2;
explode missile type FALL | SMOKE | FIRE | EXPLODE_ON_HIT | BITMAP3;
explode tracks_animated type BITMAPONLY | BITMAP4;
explode body type BITMAPONLY | BITMAP5;
return (0);
if( severity <= 99 )
corpsetype = 3;
explode base type BITMAPONLY | BITMAP1;
explode stand type SHATTER | EXPLODE_ON_HIT | BITMAP2;
explode missile type FALL | SMOKE | FIRE | EXPLODE_ON_HIT | BITMAP3;
explode tracks_animated type BITMAPONLY | BITMAP4;
explode body type BITMAPONLY | BITMAP5;
return (0);
corpsetype = 3;
explode base type BITMAPONLY | BITMAP1;
explode stand type SHATTER | EXPLODE_ON_HIT | BITMAP2;
explode missile type FALL | SMOKE | FIRE | EXPLODE_ON_HIT | BITMAP3;
explode tracks_animated type BITMAPONLY | BITMAP4;
explode body type BITMAPONLY | BITMAP5;