TA EXCESSII 的更新!在制作中的海军和T2

There has been lots of delays and distractions with this project lately, but atleast naval stuff is thoroughly thought out now and making the models should be quite fast once I can really get to it.

Also, I’ve done plenty of patching again and I’m considering releasing Alpha 2e to get these tested more widely.

Current changelog for upcoming Alpha 2e :
-Armored state system of several units inverted and reworked as vulnerability state. (Custodian, Broadside, Ballista, Laborer, AF, LGF, HGF, AL, GL)
-Workertime values of all aircraft factories increased to 450 from 300. Build times of aircraft adjusted.
-Workertime value of Arm light ground factory reduced to 450 from 480. Build times of light units adjusted.
-Arm Settler stunner damage to map features reduced to 1.
-Core Aurora weapon base damage reduced to 350 from 400, but siege weapon bonuses added.
-Core air laboratory radar range increased to 1000 from 900.
-GoK Scourge cost increased to M:315 E:630 BT:21000 from M:306 E:612 BT:20400.
-GoK Scourge pulsar cannon range reduced to 500 from 525.
-GoK Disciple swords’ reload time reduced to 0.75 from 1.0. This won’t really make them hack and slash faster as rate of attacks is determined by the script but it should prevent some delays.
-GoK Disciple swords’ damage against other Disciples reduced to 5 from 10.
-Wave particle emissions of all hovercraft halved.

About that inverting damage modifier part… For instance, Arm HGF MaxDamage was changed to 3750 from 2500 while DamageModifier was changed to 1.5 from 0.66 and script’s FALSE/TRUE values inverted. For most parts these are identical in practice. Anyhow, once mobile flamethrower units are later added, any units with sufficiently high armor class and damage reducing modifier might take no damage at all from those. Some units then are meant to do that, but not these few that were now changed.

and from voh, "Speaking of which, I don’t think I’ve ever played with you yet! Add me to your Messenger, show up in IRC QuakeNet #totala or Hamachi channel TA-ExcessII. "


http://files.tauniverse.com/fu/F … ods/TAExcessII.aspx


Apart from changes to aircraft factories (and aircraft build times in general) the changes to balance are quite minor. Changes to Core Aurora’s laser cannon do make them more like a bomber and less like a Commander killing game ender, but that doesn’t happen too often anyway. Alpha 2e is largely just about technical patching of problems that didn’t even exist yet.

Alpha 2e :
-Armored state system of several units inverted and reworked as vulnerability state. (Custodian, Broadside, Ballista, Laborer, AF, LGF, HGF, AL, GL)
-Workertime values of all aircraft factories increased to 450 from 300. Build times of aircraft adjusted.
-Workertime value of Arm light ground factory reduced to 450 from 480. Build times of light units adjusted.
-Arm Settler stunner damage to map features reduced to 1.
-Core Aurora weapon base damage reduced to 350 from 400, but siege weapon bonuses added.
-Core air laboratory radar range increased to 1000 from 900.
-GoK Scourge cost increased to M:315 E:630 BT:21000 from M:306 E:612 BT:20400.
-GoK Scourge pulsar cannon range reduced to 500 from 525.
-GoK Disciple swords’ reload time reduced to 0.75 from 1.0. This won’t really make them hack and slash faster as rate of attacks is determined by the script but it should prevent some delays.
-GoK Disciple swords’ damage against other Disciples reduced to 5 from 10.
-Wave particle emissions of all hovercraft halved.

I think I’m now done with Alpha 2 series and patching whatever new issues that appear will be left for upcoming Alpha 3 release.

又更新了,不过在alpha 3 带海军的出来前,不会再有这种为调节属性而作的更新了。


