

大大 做到多少嚕?

期待 還是期待











回复 10# wangyaoalan


[quote]回复 wangyaoalan

塘鹅实际上是个气垫单位,如果按塘鹅的方式做一个机甲,入水变成潜艇好像不是 …
星月有约 发表于 2011-6-2 17:04 [/quot]


#define TA

#include "sfxtype.h"
#include "exptype.h"

piece base, hips, wing1, wheel1a, wheel1b, wheel1c, wheel1d, wheel1e, wing2, wheel2a, wheel2b, wheel2c, 
wheel2d, wheel2e, flashing, turret, sleeve, barrel1a, barrel1b, barrel1d, flare1, barrel1c, barrel2a, 
barrel2b, barrel2d, flare2, barrel2c;

static-var restore_delay, gun_1;

#define SIG_AIM1 2

SmokeUnit(healthpercent, sleeptime, smoketype)
sleep 400;
while( TRUE )
healthpercent = get HEALTH;
if( healthpercent < 66 )
smoketype = 256 | 2;
if( Rand( 1, 66 ) < healthpercent )
smoketype = 256 | 1;
emit-sfx smoketype from base;
sleeptime = healthpercent * 50;
if( sleeptime < 200 )
sleeptime = 200;
sleep sleeptime;

restore_delay = 6000;
hide flare1;
hide flare2;
gun_1 = 1;
start-script SmokeUnit();

spin wheel1a around x-axis speed <120.000000> accelerate <30.000000>;
spin wheel1b around x-axis speed <120.000000> accelerate <30.000000>;
spin wheel1c around x-axis speed <120.000000> accelerate <30.000000>;
spin wheel1d around x-axis speed <120.000000> accelerate <30.000000>;
spin wheel1e around x-axis speed <120.000000> accelerate <30.000000>;
spin wheel2a around x-axis speed <120.000000> accelerate <30.000000>;
spin wheel2b around x-axis speed <120.000000> accelerate <30.000000>;
spin wheel2c around x-axis speed <120.000000> accelerate <30.000000>;
spin wheel2d around x-axis speed <120.000000> accelerate <30.000000>;
spin wheel2e around x-axis speed <120.000000> accelerate <30.000000>;

stop-spin wheel1a around x-axis decelerate <30.000000>;
stop-spin wheel1b around x-axis decelerate <30.000000>;
stop-spin wheel1c around x-axis decelerate <30.000000>;
stop-spin wheel1d around x-axis decelerate <30.000000>;
stop-spin wheel1e around x-axis decelerate <30.000000>;
stop-spin wheel2a around x-axis decelerate <30.000000>;
stop-spin wheel2b around x-axis decelerate <30.000000>;
stop-spin wheel2c around x-axis decelerate <30.000000>;
stop-spin wheel2d around x-axis decelerate <30.000000>;
stop-spin wheel2e around x-axis decelerate <30.000000>;

restore_delay = time * 2;

sleep restore_delay;
gun_1 = 1;
turn turret to y-axis <0> speed <15>;
turn sleeve to x-axis <0> speed <7.5>;
wait-for-turn turret around y-axis;
wait-for-turn sleeve around x-axis;
sleep 50;
move barrel1b to z-axis [0] speed [5];
move barrel2b to z-axis [0] speed [5];
move barrel1c to z-axis [0] speed [5];
move barrel2c to z-axis [0] speed [5];
move barrel1d to z-axis [0] speed [5];
move barrel2d to z-axis [0] speed [5];
wait-for-move barrel1b along z-axis;
wait-for-move barrel2b along z-axis;
wait-for-move barrel1c along z-axis;
wait-for-move barrel2c along z-axis;
wait-for-move barrel1d along z-axis;
wait-for-move barrel2d along z-axis;
sleep 50
move barrel1a to x-axis [0] speed [5];
move barrel2a to x-axis [0] speed [5];
move barrel1c to x-axis [0] speed [5];
move barrel2c to x-axis [0] speed [5];
move barrel1d to x-axis [0] speed [5];
move barrel2d to x-axis [0] speed [5];
wait-for-move barrel1a along x-axis;
wait-for-move barrel2a along x-axis;
wait-for-move barrel1c along x-axis;
wait-for-move barrel2c along x-axis;
wait-for-move barrel1d along x-axis;
wait-for-move barrel2d along x-axis;
sleep 50;
move turret to y-axis [0] speed [5];
wait-for-move turret along y-axis;
cache flashing;

SweetSpot (piecenum)
piecenum = base;

QueryPrimary (piecenum)
if(gun_1 == 1)
piecenum = flare1;
if(gun_1 == 2)
piecenum = flare2;

AimFromPrimary (piecenum)
piecenum = turret;

AimPrimary(heading, pitch)
signal SIG_AIM1;
set-signal-mask SIG_AIM1;
dont-cache flashing;
move turret to y-axis [3.4] speed [5];
wait-for-move turret along y-axis;
sleep 50;
move barrel1a to x-axis [-0.6] speed [5];
move barrel2a to x-axis [0.6] speed [5];
move barrel1c to x-axis [-0.5] speed [5];
move barrel2c to x-axis [0.5] speed [5];
move barrel1d to x-axis [-0.5] speed [5];
move barrel2d to x-axis [0.5] speed [5];
wait-for-move barrel1a along x-axis;
wait-for-move barrel2a along x-axis;
wait-for-move barrel1c along x-axis;
wait-for-move barrel2c along x-axis;
wait-for-move barrel1d along x-axis;
wait-for-move barrel2d along x-axis;
sleep 50;
move barrel1b to z-axis [15] speed [5];
move barrel2b to z-axis [15] speed [5];
move barrel1c to z-axis [2] speed [5];
move barrel2c to z-axis [2] speed [5];
move barrel1d to z-axis [-6] speed [5];
move barrel2d to z-axis [-6] speed [5];
wait-for-move barrel1b along z-axis;
wait-for-move barrel2b along z-axis;
wait-for-move barrel1c along z-axis;
wait-for-move barrel2c along z-axis;
wait-for-move barrel1d along z-axis;
wait-for-move barrel2d along z-axis;
sleep 50;
turn turret to y-axis heading speed <15>;
turn sleeve to x-axis (0-pitch) speed <7.5>;
wait-for-turn turret around y-axis;
wait-for-turn sleeve around x-axis;
while(gun_1 == 2)
sleep 10000;
gun_1 = 1;
start-script RestoreAfterDelay();

if(gun_1 == 1)
gun_1 = 2;
show flare1;
move barrel1b to z-axis [-2.7] speed [300];
sleep 150;
hide flare1;
move barrel1b to z-axis [0] speed [3];
if(gun_1 == 2)
show flare2;
move barrel2b to z-axis [-2.7] speed [300];
sleep 150;
hide flare2;
move barrel2b to z-axis [0] speed [3];

Killed(severity, corpsetype)
if (severity <= 25)
corpsetype = 1;
explode wheel1a type BITMAPONLY | BITMAP1;
explode wheel1b type BITMAPONLY | BITMAP1;
explode wheel1c type BITMAPONLY | BITMAP1;
explode wheel1d type BITMAPONLY | BITMAP1;
explode wheel1e type BITMAPONLY | BITMAP1;
explode wheel2a type BITMAPONLY | BITMAP1;
explode wheel2b type BITMAPONLY | BITMAP1;
explode wheel2c type BITMAPONLY | BITMAP1;
explode wheel2d type BITMAPONLY | BITMAP1;
explode wheel2e type BITMAPONLY | BITMAP1;
explode turret type BITMAPONLY | BITMAP1;
explode sleeve type BITMAPONLY | BITMAP1;
explode barrel1a type BITMAPONLY | BITMAP1;
explode barrel1b type BITMAPONLY | BITMAP1;
explode barrel1d type BITMAPONLY | BITMAP1;
explode barrel1c type BITMAPONLY | BITMAP1;
explode barrel2a type BITMAPONLY | BITMAP1;
explode barrel2b type BITMAPONLY | BITMAP1;
explode barrel2d type BITMAPONLY | BITMAP1;
explode barrel2c type BITMAPONLY | BITMAP1;
if (severity <= 50)
corpsetype = 2;
explode wheel1a type SHATTER | BITMAP4;
explode wheel1b type SHATTER | BITMAP4;
explode wheel1c type SHATTER | BITMAP4;
explode wheel1d type SHATTER | BITMAP4;
explode wheel1e type SHATTER | BITMAP4;
explode wheel2a type SHATTER | BITMAP4;
explode wheel2b type SHATTER | BITMAP4;
explode wheel2c type SHATTER | BITMAP4;
explode wheel2d type SHATTER | BITMAP4;
explode wheel2e type SHATTER | BITMAP4;
explode turret type SHATTER | BITMAP4;
explode sleeve type SHATTER | BITMAP4;
explode barrel1a type SHATTER | BITMAP4;
explode barrel1b type SHATTER | BITMAP4;
explode barrel1d type SHATTER | BITMAP4;
explode barrel1c type SHATTER | BITMAP4;
explode barrel2a type SHATTER | BITMAP4;
explode barrel2b type SHATTER | BITMAP4;
explode barrel2d type SHATTER | BITMAP4;
explode barrel2c type SHATTER | BITMAP4;
if (severity <= 99)
corpsetype = 3;
explode wheel1a type FALL | SMOKE | FIRE | EXPLODE_ON_HIT | BITMAP2;
explode wheel1b type FALL | SMOKE | FIRE | EXPLODE_ON_HIT | BITMAP2;
explode wheel1c type FALL | SMOKE | FIRE | EXPLODE_ON_HIT | BITMAP2;
explode wheel1d type FALL | SMOKE | FIRE | EXPLODE_ON_HIT | BITMAP2;
explode wheel1e type FALL | SMOKE | FIRE | EXPLODE_ON_HIT | BITMAP2;
explode wheel2a type FALL | SMOKE | FIRE | EXPLODE_ON_HIT | BITMAP2;
explode wheel2b type FALL | SMOKE | FIRE | EXPLODE_ON_HIT | BITMAP2;
explode wheel2c type FALL | SMOKE | FIRE | EXPLODE_ON_HIT | BITMAP2;
explode wheel2d type FALL | SMOKE | FIRE | EXPLODE_ON_HIT | BITMAP2;
explode wheel2e type FALL | SMOKE | FIRE | EXPLODE_ON_HIT | BITMAP2;
explode turret type FALL | SMOKE | FIRE | EXPLODE_ON_HIT | BITMAP2;
explode sleeve type FALL | SMOKE | FIRE | EXPLODE_ON_HIT | BITMAP2;
explode barrel1a type FALL | SMOKE | FIRE | EXPLODE_ON_HIT | BITMAP2;
explode barrel1b type FALL | SMOKE | FIRE | EXPLODE_ON_HIT | BITMAP2;
explode barrel1d type FALL | SMOKE | FIRE | EXPLODE_ON_HIT | BITMAP2;
explode barrel1c type FALL | SMOKE | FIRE | EXPLODE_ON_HIT | BITMAP2;
explode barrel2a type FALL | SMOKE | FIRE | EXPLODE_ON_HIT | BITMAP2;
explode barrel2b type FALL | SMOKE | FIRE | EXPLODE_ON_HIT | BITMAP2;
explode barrel2d type FALL | SMOKE | FIRE | EXPLODE_ON_HIT | BITMAP2;
explode barrel2c type FALL | SMOKE | FIRE | EXPLODE_ON_HIT | BITMAP2;
corpsetype = 3;
explode hips type SMOKE | FIRE | EXPLODE_ON_HIT | BITMAP2;
explode wing1 type SMOKE | FIRE | EXPLODE_ON_HIT | BITMAP2;
explode wheel1a type FALL | SMOKE | FIRE | EXPLODE_ON_HIT | BITMAP2;
explode wheel1b type FALL | SMOKE | FIRE | EXPLODE_ON_HIT | BITMAP2;
explode wheel1c type FALL | SMOKE | FIRE | EXPLODE_ON_HIT | BITMAP2;
explode wheel1d type FALL | SMOKE | FIRE | EXPLODE_ON_HIT | BITMAP2;
explode wheel1e type FALL | SMOKE | FIRE | EXPLODE_ON_HIT | BITMAP2;
explode wing2 type SMOKE | FIRE | EXPLODE_ON_HIT | BITMAP2;
explode wheel2a type FALL | SMOKE | FIRE | EXPLODE_ON_HIT | BITMAP2;
explode wheel2b type FALL | SMOKE | FIRE | EXPLODE_ON_HIT | BITMAP2;
explode wheel2c type FALL | SMOKE | FIRE | EXPLODE_ON_HIT | BITMAP2;
explode wheel2d type FALL | SMOKE | FIRE | EXPLODE_ON_HIT | BITMAP2;
explode wheel2e type FALL | SMOKE | FIRE | EXPLODE_ON_HIT | BITMAP2;
explode flashing type SMOKE | FIRE | EXPLODE_ON_HIT | BITMAP2;
explode turret type FALL | SMOKE | FIRE | EXPLODE_ON_HIT | BITMAP2;
explode sleeve type FALL | SMOKE | FIRE | EXPLODE_ON_HIT | BITMAP2;
explode barrel1a type FALL | SMOKE | FIRE | EXPLODE_ON_HIT | BITMAP2;
explode barrel1b type FALL | SMOKE | FIRE | EXPLODE_ON_HIT | BITMAP2;
explode barrel1d type FALL | SMOKE | FIRE | EXPLODE_ON_HIT | BITMAP2;
explode barrel1c type FALL | SMOKE | FIRE | EXPLODE_ON_HIT | BITMAP2;
explode barrel2a type FALL | SMOKE | FIRE | EXPLODE_ON_HIT | BITMAP2;
explode barrel2b type FALL | SMOKE | FIRE | EXPLODE_ON_HIT | BITMAP2;
explode barrel2d type FALL | SMOKE | FIRE | EXPLODE_ON_HIT | BITMAP2;
explode barrel2c type FALL | SMOKE | FIRE | EXPLODE_ON_HIT | BITMAP2;






能不能依此做个巨炮 我是巨炮控



