

Today’s update will deal with several other recurring remarks we had from the beta testers : you couldn’t see the command zones in field view, nor didn’t know exactly where your reinforcements will enter the map from? And the game’s economy didn’t allow for much reinforcements to be brought in …

With the command zones’ boundaries fading out to finally completely disappear in maximum zoom, it was sometimes deemed difficult to place its unit (and especially command units) in the best way possible to control/defend a zone. Now, when you press on the “DISPLAY ZONE” button in the order menu, these zones will remain visible whatever the zoom, as you can see in the video below. Therefore, you may keep displayed the zone boundaries, name, command value & ownership even when you’re zoomed in. It will remain this way as long as you don’t press “DISPLAY ZONE” again. Do notice that “DISPLAY ZONE” is automatically activated when you get to Sat View (参看:战争游戏:欧洲告急 最新卫星视角).


As for the reinforcements’ entry points, we do now have a white arrows showing precisely were the reinforcements will come from. They won’t just pop up in the zone, but instead appear along the arrows and proceed in FAST MOVE from there to the point on the battlefield where you’ve ordered them to. So, there shouldn’t be reinforcements entering a command zone by an unexpected entry point anymore, sometime just in the sight of enemy guns while you expected them the other way around …

From the “after action reports” we get from the beta testers, it was also felt that Wargame’s pace was too slow and needed to be sped up. We do not speak here of units’ speed or movements, but of the game itself: command points were considered too few or too slow to collect, and therefore the game’s economy didn’t allow for much reinforcements to be called in during the course of the battle. In the light of the beta, we came to agree with that and addressed the problem by placing more high-points command zones on the maps. You still won’t be able to deploy a full Soviet armored corps, but it will give players a bit more reactivity to recover from an initial setback or exploit an enemy weaknesses.