
Die verbotene Welt宣传片:

Die verbotene Welt演示:


Die verbotene Welt简介:
Die verbotene Welt(The forbidden world) is a real-time strategy game developed by spare-time amateur development team sechsta sinn. The team’s designated goal is not to create a state-of-the-art game, but to finish a complex project. Once finished, DVW will be available for download free of charge - our journey is our reward.
Die verbotene Welt故事情节:
Earth was the arena of an interplanetary war and became uninhabitable. The planet was quarantined, and all life was evacuated. All? Not all. A forgotten group of men barricaded in subterranean bunkers. Sickened by the aftermath of the war, a new kind of mankind was bred: the Bunkermenschen. Hundreds of years later, a troup transport of the KPB (Konföderierter Plantenbund, confederate alliance of planets) is on course near planet Earth and encounters technical problems. The ship has to go down on the devastated surface. Not knowing how to deal with each other, the encounter of the two parties ends in a terrible armed conflict. Who will prevail? The technologically highly advanced KPB, or the hard-bitten, steeled Bunkermenschen?
Die verbotene Welt地图类型预览:

Die verbotene Welt地图编辑器预览:

Die verbotene Welt支持平台:
Windows, Mac OS X, Linux
Die verbotene Welt阵营图标:
Die verbotene Welt俩阵营建筑:

Die verbotene Welt官方网站:
indiedb的Die verbotene Welt项目主页:

