Xbox ADPCM plugin 0.1.3(in_xbadpcm)
Winamp plugin for playing the audio compressed with the Xbox ADPCM codec.
supports the wave files with both tag 0x0069 and 0x0011 (used for ima adpcm which “seems” close to xbox adpcm) and XWB/WBA/XSD/XSH archives which are seen as an unique audio file and with the automatic skipping of WMA and PCM audio.
说明:此工具为Winamp播放器的Xbox ADPCM音频解码插件(包含插件源代码),可用于播放Xbox主机游戏中后缀为XWB/WBA/XSD/XSH结尾的音频文件.
Xbox ADPCM decoder and player 0.2.3a (xbadpdec)
versatile tool for creating WAV files from any audio file (WAV, raw and within raw files through some offset and size options) which uses the Xbox ADPCM codec.
it has also other interesting options which can be used to play the files on any system without codecs (stdin/stdout pipes) or adding a wave header to raw data for listening the file with the Xbox adpcm codec and more.
as the title suggests, this tool is also an audio player for the supported files encoded with the Xbox ADPCM codec.
说明:此工具为decoder的Xbox ADPCM编解码器和播放器,为命令行工具.
TXboxAdpcmDecoder C 0.1.3 (uXboxAdpcmDecoder)
deeply optimized C port of the TXboxAdpcmDecoder Delphi class written by Benjamin Haisch for decompressing the Xbox ADPCM audio.
support both file-to-file and buffer-to-buffer decompression.
说明:此工具用于解压缩Benjamin Haisch编写的Xbox ADPCM类型音频,为源代码形式工具.
XWB/ZWB files unpacker 0.3.4 (unxwb)
great tool for extracting the data contained in the Xbox files with the XWB, ZWB and WBA extensions and any other file which contains the XWB archives.
it works from both GUI (double-click on unxwb.exe) or command-line where supports various options.
it automatically recognizes the codec, frequency and channels of the audio files and adds the needed headers and extensions for trying to make them ready to play with any player.
the tool has also many options for the visualization of the files in the XWB archives, for the direct conversion of the files (executes a program for each one of them), direct stdout output and many debugging options.
it also support both little and big endian archives.
in case of problems playing the output files try with VLC or MPlayer.
the XMA files can be decoded with xmaencode: xmaencode.exe /X output.wav input_xma.wav
说明:此工具用于解压缩后缀为XWB/ZWB/WBA等结尾的Xbox ADPCM音频,为命令行形式GUI工具(包含二进制文仵及源代码)…
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