update #19 Happy New Year!

A quick update for everyone. We are working on a major update, but in the meantime here’s some teasers of what we’re working on.

Many of you may have already seen them, but if not, we’ve released some early concept images of the desert biome, as well as a few renders designed to show scale of various units against the terrain. These are still conceptual works, not to be mistaken for final assets that will never change. If you are a Kickstarter/Paypal backer or have pre-ordered, you can gain early access to images like this in the future by joining us on the forums using the UberNet account you registered with. You can find them at http://forums.uberent.com

Desert Biome Concept Images:

Unit Scale Tests:

More coming very soon, but we wanted to show you some of the awesome conceptual work going through the art pipeline.

Thanks again for all your support!

乍一看标题我以为穿越了- - 新年好, 都快春节了 有木有.
这次放出了沙漠以及单位尺寸的概念图 大家可以加入论坛并提早看到这些概念图