What's The BEST Stationary Defence....??

TAUniverse (http://www.tauniverse.com/forum/index.php)

Posted by Zilla_M20 on 09-15-2001 06:03 AM:
What’s The BEST Stationary Defence…??
In this topic i would like all people of all skills to share what the have found
to be a succesfull stationary defence e.g. HLT surrounded by Dt’s etc…
This is probably my weak area in Total Annihilation, so i need some real good
combo’s of defence.

Where there’s a will, there’s a way…

Where there’s a will, there’s a way…

Posted by DOGGY on 09-15-2001 06:59 AM:

there is no best stationary defense. Every defense depends on the situating.
Normally mass defenders do good, if u combine them with sams.
(defenders have a low armor (295) and will die 2 sams (650 armor) in small
Defenders in high numbers have some big advantages:

  1. they have better range
  2. they can shoot over wreckage
  3. they have good firepower compared their metal cost (defender 79m ; samson
    119m )
    and defenders have a better reload time(2 secs) to the 2.5sec of a sam)
    The only way (besides dts) 2 protect the low armored defenders is 2 place mobile
    units in front of ur defenders.
    They will block the incoming missiles of other sams/rockos with their much
    higher armor, and will leave wrecks, missile units cant shoot over, but ur
    defenders can.
    Later in the game, u can protect special areas with dted hlts, or, if ur
    opponent concentrates alot of defense structures (sometimes even plants) in
    guardian range. A good placed guard wins the game sometimes. Ah yes, a guard
    needs backup by a hlt or defenders. On some maps like sailaway and sometimes gow
    a bb is a perfect defense (kills crusis/pels easily).

Posted by Zilla_M20 on 09-15-2001 07:12 AM:
"Defenders in high numbers have some big advantages:

  1. they have better range
  2. they can shoot over wreckage
  3. they have good firepower compared their metal cost (defender 79m ; samson
    119m )
    and defenders have a better reload time(2 secs) to the 2.5sec of a sam)"
    Are you sure Defenders can shoot over wreckage??

Where there’s a will, there’s a way…
[This message has been edited by Zilla_M20 (edited September 15, 2001).]

Where there’s a will, there’s a way…

Posted by DOGGY on 09-15-2001 07:28 AM:

yes, i am!! the wrecks have 2 be just in front of ur defenders doh. If they are
far away, they cant shoot over them anymore. Same for dts: if u place dts just
in front of u defenders, ur defenders can shoot over them, if u build some ahead
of ur defenders, they wont be able 2 shoot over them ( that really sux if u
place ur DTed guardian in front of ur defenders, ur defenders will hit ur dts
and damage ur guardian

Posted by Archaic on 09-15-2001 08:13 AM:

a smart person who knows how to use them, can make them more useful then a big
Trust me u guys dont got a clue what u can use them for
there one of the best units in the game.


Posted by Zilla_M20 on 09-15-2001 08:26 AM:

I don’t think they are as useful as a Bertha,

Where there’s a will, there’s a way…
[This message has been edited by Zilla_M20 (edited September 15, 2001).]

Where there’s a will, there’s a way…

Posted by Archaic on 09-15-2001 08:51 AM:

I have won many many many games using dragons teeth, i will use them over a BB
anyday of the week. They cost nothing to build and easy to make and deploy. They
are a suberb item.
BB’s are just targets, waste of resources and time, a player wont allow a BB to
be build but he dont care about Dragons Teeth.


Posted by LordBeek on 09-15-2001 09:02 AM:

So how can your dragons teeth damage my base?

Proud Member of the TEA
ICQ = 102306818
Their barbarism will stand as their shame for all eternity

  • Tony Blair

im good
15 min bt

Posted by Archaic on 09-15-2001 09:54 AM:

Re-read the topic pls. As far as taking out ur base, well they dont do that, but
since when will a player let there base be taking out by a BB, anyone who does
is a complete moron and sould go back to starcrap.
98% of battles will happen on the lvl 2 tech tree, supported by lvl 1. LVL 3
tech units and buildings should not ever get the chance to be used effectivly.
No if’s and’s or But’s.
Dragons teeth do not have a single downside to them. When used properly they
still are 100% effective one way or another.


Posted by DOGGY on 09-15-2001 10:03 AM:

archaic, whats ur zone name?? (just curious)
ah yes, send plz a tad 2 tadrs, in which u kill a tag with dts on gpp =P

Posted by Pat* on 09-15-2001 11:07 AM:

Actually Dragon teeth DO cost something. 8 metal each with 0 energy but its so
small you won’t notice it.

Posted by DS_Natas on 09-15-2001 11:10 AM:

Doggy using a bb to kill pelz is stupid. u can better use a roach bomb for



Posted by DOGGY on 09-15-2001 12:26 PM:

natas, we are talking about defense!!! im mean, bb is usefull as an offensive
weapon and as defense fortification. If u are running in the situation that ur
forces might be overrun by 20 pels, then u should use the bb for it. U are right
doh, just building the bb for antipel sux, but a bb does great against crusis
(each crusi =900metal) and u have the possibility 2 attack structures (f.ex. on

Posted by WillyTheSquid on 09-15-2001 12:33 PM:

o_O Archaic, have you EVER played an online game?
Samsons, Flashes and Defenders dominate the game.

“yarr i be making small minature TA models and painting them, then creating a
battlefield from old carpets and setting up a battlefield in my loft to create
many a military plan” - The illustrious Fourth Survivor

Posted by PeterC on 09-15-2001 01:32 PM:

Of course he hasn’t. He is a total newbie.

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Posted by Archaic on 09-15-2001 01:53 PM:

Aw damn u found me out!
Thats right everyone, i’m a total newbie. Never played online…Hell i never
even played TA before, i was looking for porn and i found this so i just decided
to have some fun…
First of all, i can post screenshots of what a defense line should look like.
2nd Any good game will not allow EMG or core eqv etc. To this date i have yet to
have someone crack my defense line cause of one unit and one unit only DT’s!
I will agree defenders are good, but there too lightly armoured when face with
hvy firepower. Hence the DT’s will filter most inc shots. Samsons dont really
bother me cause i usally just have my commander d-gun a rush that way i can save
my units for my own rush, now that the dumb newbie is totally defenseless. There
aint no rush that will kill a commander if ur smart. Simply have a commander
behind some DT’s pull around the corner and do some ground d-gun shots. Rush is
over,on with ur attack. Another thing to do is put LLT’s around defenders for
air attacks, missiles drop from underneath a plane then go to there target but
if something is inthere path at the same lvl they will hit that instead, this
also include the wreckage.
A rush is not ment to kill ur commander, its got 2 purposes.
#1 To disrupt ur playing, by taking u away from ur base and putting ur valuble
time into base defense, or by #2 Taking out ur early resource structers, once
again taking ur time away from ur base to repel the attackers. BTW this is the
time ur in nanostall cause u lost ur energy makers.
Energy resource buildings are always #1!!! in target lists for me always
Well next to the lvl 3 tech tree
Peter C STFU and go back to playing the AI, he might teach u a thing or too.


Posted by Allashane on 09-15-2001 02:17 PM:

Any good game will not allow EMG or core eqv etc


Posted by PeterC on 09-15-2001 02:28 PM:

HAHAHA! I don’t think that message got a single thing about TA right. Hilarious.
That post is a classic. I am saving it to my hard drive.


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Posted by TEA_Zade on 09-15-2001 02:47 PM:


Lets go back to the topic question.

First of all, a good stationary defence has to contain Dragons Teeth for
protection against missile units (Jethro, Samson etc).

Then you have to decide what is going inside the DT, This really depends on what
your opponents style of play is if he is a flash/samson/jethro rusher it is
obvious to build a LLT/HLT surrounded by DT.

Also when your opponent start to use Hammers and other units alike, u have too
then start getting long range weapons ie. Defenders, and put a small group of
them behind your HLT/LLT.

The next step is to throw in a guardian for that extra punch in your defences.

May The Force Be With You…

Posted by SoLiD on 09-15-2001 03:43 PM:

It depends on the type of wreckage and how close it is to the firing defender


Posted by LordBeek on 09-15-2001 08:05 PM:

Any good game will not allow EMG or core eqv

How on earth are they bad. THey are key raiding units. Without them TA would be
just a mindless “build as fast as you can and wait for attack” slugfest.

98% of battles will happen on the lvl 2 tech tree, supported by lvl 1

If you played any battle online, you`d know this is wrong. More like nearly
every battle is lvl 1 swarms, maybe with lvl2 backup.

LVL 3 tech units and buildings should not ever get the chance to be used effectivly. No if's and's or But's.

What you dont build Fusions, Berthas, Flakkers, Nukes, Moho Metal Makers and

Rush is over,on with ur attack. Another thing to do is put LLT's around defenders for air attacks

Followed by…

A rush is not ment to kill ur commander, its got 2 purposes. #1 To disrupt ur playing, by taking u away from ur base and putting ur valuble time into base defense, or by #2 Taking out ur early resource structers, once again taking ur time away from ur base to repel the attackers.

So you build LLTs? Their defenses. And their very bad defenses. Theyll get run
over. YOur contridicting your own advise.

when will a player let there base be taking out by a BB, anyone who does is a complete moron

Or they are playing a better player. Why not play me? I bet i could use one on

To this date i have yet to have someone crack my defense line cause of one unit and one unit only DT's!

Allashane, PeterC, BTU_VeZoZ, BTU_Relativity, BLITZ_Molloy, DS_Natas,
ACE_CycePhemon, Screamer, TAG_Dominator, Me, tcomm, sloppyjoe, TEA_CodeMatrix,
A_Novice_Tos, etc etc etc

Are just a small few, who could easily get past your defenses and beat you, with
your style.

Peter C STFU and go back to playing the AI, he might teach u a thing or too.

Why not play him. You`ll learn that your tactics fail poorly.

Proud Member of the TEA
ICQ = 102306818
Their barbarism will stand as their shame for all eternity

  • Tony Blair

im good
15 min bt

Posted by Archaic on 09-15-2001 10:08 PM:

sure i will play anyone here just let me know when
as for emg’s
there bad for online because if one person does not have a good enough system it
will lag the game, yes i know the emg patch but still it does not always help.

as for building Tech 3 well alot of games dont last that long, in my own opinion
there are 2 games. The quick which is like rushes etc and there is the extended
where it turns into a war of attriation. Each person uses nukes bb’s yada yada
making full bases. As for LLTs i hardly use them but they are very good to hide
in a DT field, along with mines etc just before the enemy gets to ur first line.
I dont really lile emg’s due to the fact there abused units, when people make up
100 or so flashes and rush away. There is no tactics in that its mindless and
totally defeats the purpose of a real time STRATEGY. As for the tech tree which
most fights occur are u saying like 30+mins into a game ur still using massive
raids of lvl 1 attackers, while there getting wiped in in 1-3 shots from lvl 2-3
LLTS are just a drasction, they need to be taking out before u can go on to the
rest of the defenses, if u leave them then they will overlap there fire and wipe
u out.

LOL anyone want to play pls by all means lets play
i been in TA longer then 99% of this board.
i know there are better players out there then me. But i’m quite confident that
no one can shatter my defense line and make it to my center.
I am a defense whore, i love it i live it i breath i eat it up.


Posted by Albert_Gator on 09-15-2001 10:45 PM:

Archaic: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! God, I love the Jokes Foru…huh?
What? No, this can’t be! No one is that stupid! MY CAT COULD BEAT YOU! Allow me
to liberally strew quotes through my post now:

Originally written by Archaic Thats right everyone, i'm a total newbie.
Good point there! But there is a rule of good writing that states that redundancy is bad. And seeing as how you made this all too clear in your other posts...
Another thing to do is put LLT's around defenders for air attacks, missiles drop from underneath a plane then go to there target but if something is inthere path at the same lvl they will hit that instead, this also include the wreckage.
If it weren't for my exceptional stupidity, I might put a wind or some other CHEAPER structure in front of it to defend against that.
As for LLTs i hardly use them but they are very good to hide in a DT field, along with mines etc just before the enemy gets to ur first line.
Once again, I must say: HAHAHAHA! LLTs are much too expensive to EVER use practically. And as for mines, I think you are the first person ever to admit to using them online.
LLTS are just a drasction
While I won't disagree with you here, it's only because I have no idea what I'm supposed to be responding to here. It's obvious English is not your first language, and that you were high during those classes. Or maybe that's another language? Who knows!
i been in TA longer then 99% of this board.
That's because this board doesn't play TA, just the people on it. However, I'm sure that the board can already beat your a$$ down.
i know there are better players out there then me. But i'm quite confident that no one can shatter my defense line and make it to my center.
I'm confused...If you acknowledge that there are better players, then that means they could beat you. But if they don't get past your defenses, then how do they do it?????
I am a defense whore.
I acknowledge that you are a whore.
i love it i live it i breath i eat it up
That's your problem right there! Maybe you need to take bigger breaths to get a little oxygen to your brain.

And please, I ask you again to work on your language skills so that you can one
day communicate with humans.

On a closing note, I got ten bucks that this is either Bij or Peter.

Over the horizon it looms, a great fuzzy alligator 4 inches tall.

[This message has been edited by Albert_Gator (edited September 15, 2001).]

Puffkin Puffkin Puffkin Puffkin Puffkin Puffkin YAAAAAAAY!

Posted by PeterC on 09-15-2001 11:04 PM:

Grrr! I play Warchicken in two stupid smurfing games and now I am an equal to
Bijanki in the smurfing leagues? I think not! I have no smurfs on this board. I
sometimes post as Octavian, but I always acknowledge that is me, and I share his

Newbie Archaic, we can play a game on any half decent land map and I’ll shatter
your “defences” without any problems. I must admit to being terrified of your
mines though.

Your statement about Flashes is totally false. Their lag is minimal unless you
use them en masse, which is pretty stupid when mass Samsons work so much better.
I use lots of Flashes, but in very small groups. That is how they are used best,
and they don’t lag because hardly more than 2 are ever firing at once.

ICQ me at 94640960 and we can play. I can’t wait to kick your ***. Same for you
MajorBigg. I installed TA again this week and I want to silence all the newbies
who dare to contradict me.

Out of interest, can you estimate roughly how many online games you have played
in total?


Ever updated. Never rivalled. The Articles Section.

[This message has been edited by PeterC (edited September 15, 2001).]

Conservative Commentary - The news and views you all need.

If you don’t fit into any of a poll’s categories, don’t vote. People who add the
“Other” option are morons.

Posted by PeeWee3 on 09-16-2001 12:22 AM:

I’d have to say dragon’s teeth. They are cheap and heavily armored structures
and can be placed almost anywhere on land or in the water. A defensive unit is
there to thwart or repel an attack. Dragon’s teeth can block channels, valleys,
and missles or laser. It is the only unit that’s only purpose is for defence.

From a tiny spark may burst a mighty flame…

From a tiny spark may burst a mighty flame…

Posted by Albert_Gator on 09-16-2001 12:24 AM:

Peter, sorry about that, I didn’t mean you were an Olympic-grade smurf-o-rama
like Bijanki, I just meant that you might have decided to have fun with n00bs on
the board.

BTW, KaijuBaka says he gave you a week before you reinstalled TA and to stop
referring to him as Warchicken, gorshdurmnit.

Over the horizon it looms, a great fuzzy alligator 4 inches tall.

Puffkin Puffkin Puffkin Puffkin Puffkin Puffkin YAAAAAAAY!

Posted by Archaic on 09-16-2001 01:01 AM:

anyways i’m not here to flame etc. I said my opinion, thats all. Dont matter to
me if u feel diff, thanks for the good discussion. Anyone who flames etc due to
there own opinion is differnt from others should not be even posting here.

As for peter i will take u up on the offer, prolly a week or so. I only get 2
days off a week.

So everyone see ya later


Posted by GIT_Bozza on 09-16-2001 02:01 AM:

Bags me belting the newbie once Petey-bwoy is done!

“A good clanner is one who will do what he’s told, but doesn’t need to be told
what to do.”
- BulletRat

Posted by PeterC on 09-16-2001 04:27 AM:

Archaic, it is nothing to do with opinion. Some tactics will get you killed, and
some will win you games. I list the ones that wouldwin a game, and you list
those that would get a person killed. Whether or not it is a good idea to use
mines is a matter of fact, not opinion, for example.

The really frightening thing is you have so many commitments and a job. That
means you are not even just an inexperienced kid, but perhaps a fairly mature
person. I pity your employer. =(


Ever updated. Never rivalled. The Articles Section.

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Posted by LordBeek on 09-16-2001 07:45 AM:

On this point, id like to say my post wasnt a flame. It was a …umm…opinion.

Anyway, i still wholeheartedly agree that Dragons teeth are very important, and
must be used by every player to help them win games.

Proud Member of the TEA
ICQ = 102306818
Their barbarism will stand as their shame for all eternity

  • Tony Blair

im good
15 min bt

Posted by Pic on 09-16-2001 09:27 AM:

Id like to say weasel is right … Natas= Satan backwards …

everyone else that posted SUCKS and if you want to prove me wrong on my
touchpad… do it… 21166971 is my icq… 2vs1 and 3vs1 welcome .

thanks please drive through…

and no we are out of cheese no cheese with that…

best defense… : 5 fusions 5 mohometal makers
and 50 con unitz go figure… nothing good stands stilll ciao



Posted by PeterC on 09-16-2001 09:33 AM:

That would only work against inferior players. Thankfully, when you are
picardoh, nearly everyone is an inferior player.

Why do 1337 people like you seem to think that being able to beat someone
automatically means they suck? It isn’t as if you can’t beat any good players.


Ever updated. Never rivalled. The Articles Section.

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If you don’t fit into any of a poll’s categories, don’t vote. People who add the
“Other” option are morons.

Posted by Pic on 09-16-2001 09:39 AM:

Repost that last sentence it made no sense… i dont even have to argue… and i
dont assume they suck… i read i have proof



Posted by BTU_Methods on 09-16-2001 09:50 AM:

your all wrong , dted mavericks rule !!

No squealing, remember that its all in your head.

Posted by DOGGY on 09-16-2001 10:32 AM:

method, u suck =P, DT ur comm, so u can dgun ALLLLL incoming units, and they
cant hit ur comm =P

Posted by Pic on 09-16-2001 10:42 AM:

doggy ownz j-000 all

cept my left nut



Posted by BTU_Methods on 09-16-2001 11:27 AM:

maybe i should dt my land mines then. HAH! then they would never get hurt by
enemy missles and i would own all , even pics left nut

No squealing, remember that its all in your head.

Posted by Pic on 09-16-2001 11:29 AM:

k you win



Posted by BladeX on 09-16-2001 11:30 AM:

naw, i own u both with my right nut



Posted by BTU_Methods on 09-16-2001 11:34 AM:


No squealing, remember that its all in your head.

No squealing, remember that its all in your head.

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Posted by BladeX on 09-16-2001 11:36 AM:

y0000000000… Weeeeeeeeeee! LALALALALA www.usuck/iownyou.com



Posted by BladeX on 09-16-2001 11:38 AM:

when does the 1v1 tourney start? and when am i gonna get added to the 1v1 thing


Posted by PeeWee3 on 09-16-2001 11:38 AM:

Not to say you don’t already know this Methods.
Dt’d mines lose there ability to be a mine field as all those dragon teeth push
the enemy farther away from the mines.

From a tiny spark may burst a mighty flame…

From a tiny spark may burst a mighty flame…

Posted by DOGGY on 09-16-2001 12:01 PM:

lol, peewee, ur just 2 funn

Posted by Genius on 09-19-2001 01:21 PM:

i think doggy is too smart for this board…

Posted by DOGGY on 09-19-2001 01:30 PM:

ty gen, but this place is just 2 funny 2 give the posting up!!! btw, u shouldnt
post here either, u are 2 good for this board =P

Posted by Kung on 09-19-2001 01:54 PM:

damn doggy…

since when are you answering newbie questions?

and wtf are you doing here gen?

and…wtf am i doing here?

PIC!!! hi man!


Posted by DOGGY on 09-19-2001 03:12 PM:

lol, blue, im just bored =P, i like 2 argue with ppl (no1 wants 2 argue about
strats with me, not even peterc :\ )

Posted by MajorBigg on 09-19-2001 03:17 PM:

he aint arguing with you cause your name aint majorbigg. lol

Posted by Kung on 09-19-2001 03:51 PM:

Maybe he doesnt want to argue cos you make too much sense…

Posted by Pic on 09-19-2001 04:08 PM:

yOU WanT An ArguEMent? ILl GivE you ONe
!!! PeeWeEs ANd FLasHes with FelAS tO
Back THem Up Are THe BEst LInE o F sTatiONaRy DeFeNsE !!! TRy Me!!!

And my lEFt NuT owNz J00



Posted by 2Nazty4U on 09-19-2001 08:31 PM:

Best defence: Take the hole map.

My name says it all.

BTU ownz U

My name says it all.

BTU ownz U

Posted by SleepWarz on 09-19-2001 11:33 PM:

sometimes all u need 4 defence is mobile units… and yes taken the map is the
best D

“Imperials Will Win, You Will Die, Alliances Will

There is no peace, there is Anger;
There is no fear, there is Power.
There is no death, there is immortality;
There is no weakness, there is the Dark Side.

Posted by DOGGY on 09-24-2001 09:55 AM:

LOL, NAZTY, u wanna know what the best defense is?? not taking the map, just
kill ur freaking opponent, and u can be sure, that he will never break through

Posted by BLITZ_Molloy on 09-24-2001 03:36 PM:

Best stationary defence is a krogoth. You just tell him to Hold position so he
does’nt toddle off.

Altered Beast | UberCrack Shack | BLITZ Clan
Latest Annihilarity: Annihilarity: Weapon Inspection II

Posted by Bort on 09-24-2001 06:04 PM:

Imagine 2 Krogoths standing at the entrance to an enemy base along w/ all his
other defences? LOL, scary sight actually.

“I’m not lazy. It’s that I just dont care.” - Office Space

Alcohol, the cause of and solution to all of life’s problems. - Homer Simpson

Posted by CLF_Stevo on 09-24-2001 06:17 PM:
Nah not that scary, because this is only a game.

Bring back Maggie Thatcher !!

Posted by UnnecesDragon on 09-24-2001 06:32 PM:

%name, your posts have been analyzed and the following quotes have been flamed
as follows:

“Nah not that scary, because this is only a game”

It depends on how you look at it, so quit jumping to conclusions.

I’m a dragon. I flame.

I’m a dragon. I flame.

Posted by deth on 09-24-2001 07:13 PM:

Archaic: Please stop posting nonsense.

Full Member of ID, know as deth or t1000 on gbl.
Lifes short, smurf hard >

Our 39,000 would have probably exacted a heavy, heavy toll on the invaders,
perhaps as many as five enemy casualties to one friendly. - Always overestimate
the enemy…

The Cray is the only computer than can do an infinite loop in 4 hours…

[This message has NOT been edited by Screamer (not edited January 01, 1900 on
00:00 AM)]

Posted by bLoBbY on 09-26-2001 08:24 AM:

I’m a newbie to Multiplayer over the net (b/c I have a mac), but I think I know
a few things:

Never build LLT’s.

Never build mines.

Never ever ever at all ever build an Immolator

Rocket towers are good.

HLT with DT’s are good too.

Guardian’s are good


totalMac Annihilation

This is an ending you brought upon yourself.
You chose this fate. - Misato Katsuragi

Posted by PeterC on 09-26-2001 10:41 AM:

LLTs occasionally do a good job on maps like GoW and JP.


Ever updated. Never rivalled. The Articles Section.

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If you don’t fit into any of a poll’s categories, don’t vote. People who add the
“Other” option are morons.

Posted by Screamer on 09-26-2001 05:19 PM:

Immolators also may be useful, but unless you can tell exactly why they almost
always suck, you’re better off not trying them.

The taste of truth is bitter. | Pandemonium doesn’t reign
here, it pours.

The beauty of the world has two edges, one of laughter, one of anguish, cutting
the heart asunder.
Virginia Woolf

Posted by Twinge on 09-27-2001 12:28 AM:

Dragon’s Teeth don’t always work that well though… I’ve tryed both major DT
walls and pulverizer forests… and overall, I’d have to say missle tower
forests work better…
DTs don’t always work as well as one would hope. I’ve even had a time where my
punisher couldn’t shoot over the teeth right next to it, and it blew up the
puliverisers next to it :\ (really ticked me off, wasn’t uneven terrain either,
dunno what happened) Also, even missle units can shoot over teeth sometimes…
I’ve played someone whose storms massacered my fully toothed HLTs and MTs.
It also depends on the map.

Posted by Premium on 10-15-2001 08:45 PM:

this has to be one of the funiest post. I love reading on hoe dragons teath win
games. I myslef like building const air to go reclaim the enemy. much more
efficient… ROFLMAO… eheheh

Posted by Shadow252 on 10-16-2001 05:36 PM:

The really frightening thing is you have so many commitments and a job. That
means you are not even just an inexperienced kid, but perhaps a fairly mature
person. I pity your employer. =(

Peter, there you go again, how many times to I have to tell you, TA skills don’t
mean anything except how good you are at TA. The guy may be a smart worker, may
be a very sucessful intelligent guy. “Ah” you say, “If he were smart he’d be
good at TA.” All of us were newbs at some time, What if he just started playing?
What if he doesn’t really care and has never tried to get good? Yes, the guy has
no clue about TA, so what? I pity his employer because he was searching for porn
and ended up here. Any guy who can manage that needs to get a dictionary. Not to
mention I’m a Christian, and think that that kind of thing is wrong.

PeterC also said:
Why do 1337 people like you seem to think that being able to beat someone
automatically means they suck? It isn’t as if you can’t beat any good players.

Hmm you get what you give the newbs and go into holy protest. Interesting. Now
stop being a fricken hypocrite, you are also a lot harsher when you give out
critism then was given to you.

I frolic in the fields of coolness.

Posted by THE_DuDe on 10-16-2001 05:42 PM:

Build mines from Uberhack. Or build like a person liek me who 0wns j00 all and
build 50 nuclear mines! HA!

Why can’t the Arm and Core be nice?

Look for me on Phoenix Project?with the name sMiLeY

I am such a fan of Haker that if I was a woman, I would ask him to take my
virginity and have all of mah bebe’s or something close to it!

My heart goes out to Haker.

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