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No. 10103-06-2001 08:52 AM
- Zhon stratiges (http://www.tauniverse.com/forum/showthread.php?t=2046)
Zhon stratiges
My favorite race is Zhon pleas give me stratiges on them!
No. 10103-06-2001 02:47 PM
if no one will tell me anything i’ll have to talk to myself!
my favorite unit is the spirt wolf!
mine too!
sorry about the double posting
dont worry i did that too
WhiteHammer103-06-2001 05:27 PM
(land map)
build a handler
set that handler to build a tamer
gather some mana with thirsha
when tamer is built start building hunters
build more beast handlers and set them to do hunters or trolls.
build a beast lord when you have enough mana
start building stone giants or a shaman first to get divine mana.
build gryphons with the tamer.
build a few harpies to capture enemy units.
basilisks are good defensive units.
Lastie03-06-2001 07:24 PM
I won’t say anything.
“Jesus paid for our sins! Now let’s get our money’s worth!”
Lastie’s Domain
TerminotaurX03-07-2001 09:00 AM
Harpies are antiskyknight.
Wisps are the best air to air unit in the game.
PeterC03-07-2001 09:42 AM
Aren’t Drakes also invulnerable to Sky Knight attacks?
PeterC has a god given right to make an idiot of himself. Screamer
PraetorFenix03-07-2001 10:05 AM
What? No, not hardly. Drakes take standard damage from sky knights.
No. 10103-07-2001 11:51 AM
don’t drakes take less damage from fire attacks?
PeterC03-07-2001 12:17 PM
I read somewhere that Drakes are invulnerable to SK attacks, but maybe it
was false. HPIView certainly reveals no such facts.
PeterC has a god given right to make an idiot of himself. Screamer
No. 10103-07-2001 12:35 PM
Quote from The Cronicles of Darien v.1
This small dragon-like beast spews fire from its mouth and itself is
immune to fire.”
allthough The Chronicles of Darien isn’t allways right, I mean the swiched
the pichers of the Zhon loadston and the Zhon Divine Lodstone (take a
PraetorFenix03-07-2001 02:33 PM
Drakes are damage category monster, sky knights do normal damage vs
monsters. That manual is basically useless.
WhiteHammer103-07-2001 03:02 PM
Maybe this (drake fire resistance) is something to discuss for warmod?
[This message has been edited by WhiteHammer1 (edited March 08, 2001).]
TerminotaurX03-07-2001 03:36 PM
That is such a silly idea.
WhiteHammer103-07-2001 04:00 PM
not total immunity, 0.75 or something similar.
Lastie03-07-2001 07:37 PM
What from Tarosian Sky Knights? That would really throw out the
possibility of some great air fights out the window. The scene of dozens
of Sky Knights fighting Drakes just above yor base, seeing them flying
around trying to kill each other, the joy when your tougher Sky Knights
(4400 Hit Points compared to the Drakes 2876) eventually win and do barrel
rolls in a victory celebration. Alright, so they won’t do barrel rolls
like the fighters from TA, but you will be doing some victory
But lets think about it anyway, there are many fire breathing (Or
fire-shooting) creatures on offer, the Fire Spout and the Fire Wagon for
instance. Many of these, in groups, are actually quite effective at
bringing down a Drake because Dragons stop and hover around their target
to aim correctly. This makes them a slow moving and vulnerable target
which anything can hit. Making the Drakes invulnerable to fire will cut
completely that method of bringing them down, and you’ll then have to rely
on arrows, cannons, and stones thrown by the Stone Giant, and of course
other airborne units such as the Sky Knight. I find fire an effective way
of bringing down a flying unit, once they stop to attack, because it is
very damaging and quick when use in large numbers.
The manual says Drakes are invulnerable to fire attacks, but I for one am
glad they’re wrong, the air battle described earlier wouldn’t happen if it
was right.
But as to a decrease in damage from fire, yes, certainly, it would give
Drakes a more sporting chance against their stronger Tarosian
“Jesus paid for our sins! Now let’s get our money’s worth!”
Lastie’s Domain
WhiteHammer103-07-2001 10:09 PM