Zhon stratiges

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Zhon stratiges

My favorite race is Zhon pleas give me stratiges on them!
No. 10103-06-2001 02:47 PM

if no one will tell me anything i’ll have to talk to myself!
my favorite unit is the spirt wolf!
mine too!
sorry about the double posting
dont worry i did that too
WhiteHammer103-06-2001 05:27 PM

(land map)
build a handler
set that handler to build a tamer
gather some mana with thirsha
when tamer is built start building hunters
build more beast handlers and set them to do hunters or trolls.
build a beast lord when you have enough mana
start building stone giants or a shaman first to get divine mana.
build gryphons with the tamer.
build a few harpies to capture enemy units.
basilisks are good defensive units.
Lastie03-06-2001 07:24 PM

I won’t say anything.

“Jesus paid for our sins! Now let’s get our money’s worth!”
Lastie’s Domain
TerminotaurX03-07-2001 09:00 AM

Harpies are antiskyknight.
Wisps are the best air to air unit in the game.
PeterC03-07-2001 09:42 AM

Aren’t Drakes also invulnerable to Sky Knight attacks?

PeterC has a god given right to make an idiot of himself. Screamer

PraetorFenix03-07-2001 10:05 AM

What? No, not hardly. Drakes take standard damage from sky knights.
No. 10103-07-2001 11:51 AM

don’t drakes take less damage from fire attacks?
PeterC03-07-2001 12:17 PM

I read somewhere that Drakes are invulnerable to SK attacks, but maybe it
was false. HPIView certainly reveals no such facts.

PeterC has a god given right to make an idiot of himself. Screamer

No. 10103-07-2001 12:35 PM

Quote from The Cronicles of Darien v.1
This small dragon-like beast spews fire from its mouth and itself is
immune to fire.”
allthough The Chronicles of Darien isn’t allways right, I mean the swiched
the pichers of the Zhon loadston and the Zhon Divine Lodstone (take a
PraetorFenix03-07-2001 02:33 PM

Drakes are damage category monster, sky knights do normal damage vs
monsters. That manual is basically useless.
WhiteHammer103-07-2001 03:02 PM

Maybe this (drake fire resistance) is something to discuss for warmod?

[This message has been edited by WhiteHammer1 (edited March 08, 2001).]
TerminotaurX03-07-2001 03:36 PM

That is such a silly idea.
WhiteHammer103-07-2001 04:00 PM

not total immunity, 0.75 or something similar.
Lastie03-07-2001 07:37 PM

What from Tarosian Sky Knights? That would really throw out the
possibility of some great air fights out the window. The scene of dozens
of Sky Knights fighting Drakes just above yor base, seeing them flying
around trying to kill each other, the joy when your tougher Sky Knights
(4400 Hit Points compared to the Drakes 2876) eventually win and do barrel
rolls in a victory celebration. Alright, so they won’t do barrel rolls
like the fighters from TA, but you will be doing some victory
But lets think about it anyway, there are many fire breathing (Or
fire-shooting) creatures on offer, the Fire Spout and the Fire Wagon for
instance. Many of these, in groups, are actually quite effective at
bringing down a Drake because Dragons stop and hover around their target
to aim correctly. This makes them a slow moving and vulnerable target
which anything can hit. Making the Drakes invulnerable to fire will cut
completely that method of bringing them down, and you’ll then have to rely
on arrows, cannons, and stones thrown by the Stone Giant, and of course
other airborne units such as the Sky Knight. I find fire an effective way
of bringing down a flying unit, once they stop to attack, because it is
very damaging and quick when use in large numbers.
The manual says Drakes are invulnerable to fire attacks, but I for one am
glad they’re wrong, the air battle described earlier wouldn’t happen if it
was right.
But as to a decrease in damage from fire, yes, certainly, it would give
Drakes a more sporting chance against their stronger Tarosian

“Jesus paid for our sins! Now let’s get our money’s worth!”
Lastie’s Domain
WhiteHammer103-07-2001 10:09 PM

I never meant total immunity.
A 0.75 damage modifier for all units that have a fire weapon.
PeterC03-08-2001 02:23 AM

Zhon already has a great air force. I see little reason to make the Drake

PeterC has a god given right to make an idiot of himself. Screamer

Faust03-08-2001 03:06 AM

And the other races have great AA units.

btw as you can see I have my old account back no more WhiteHammer1.
PeterC03-08-2001 07:33 AM

Hehe. I see. My point is that Zhon has the Drake, the Wisp, the Roc, the
Gryphon, the Wisp and the Bat, and of course Thirsha herself. Why allow
that air advantage to be decimated so easily?

PeterC has a god given right to make an idiot of himself. Screamer

Lastie03-08-2001 07:46 AM

You mentioned Wisp twice.

“Jesus paid for our sins! Now let’s get our money’s worth!”
Lastie’s Domain
PeterC03-08-2001 09:39 AM

So I did.
Don’t worry. The slower minded will think it is an extra Zhon air unit and
be more convinced of my case.

PeterC has a god given right to make an idiot of himself. Screamer

Lastie03-08-2001 07:33 PM

Oh yes! We have the Wisp, and the Wisp! The Wisp is an excellent air unit,
which needs practice to master, and the Wisp is an excellent air unit,
which needs practice to master. Any questions about these two units,
please see Peter.

“Jesus paid for our sins! Now let’s get our money’s worth!”
Lastie’s Domain
Lastie03-09-2001 02:42 AM

Actually, while I’m thinking (Something that rarely happns to me) Zhon
strategies … hmm.
[] One sneaky strategy is to build Bats early in the mission and land
them on Sacred Sites. Enemies will assign their builders to build
Lodestones on Sacred Sites far away and hidden by the mist, but when they
get there, they’ll find the Bat and of course they can’t build because the
Bat is in the way. Often the players won’t notice - stupid fools.[
] In my
Cavedog TAK Strategy forums years, I once read an interesting strategy
involving the Basilisk. Someone suggested that when playing, choose green
as your colour and play on a Zhon map with loads of trees. What you would
do is park your Basilisk amongst the trees. It’s pattern will camoflauge
it and Human playesr probably won’t notice - Stupid fools.[*] Stone Giants
are a much-loved unit. Many people enjoy using them as long-range
artillery. They’re tough, and they’re mean and they can drive players nuts

  • Stupid fools.[*] Zhon is mobile - use this to your advantage. In big
    maps, move if your main staging area is found to another location. Keep
    moving, it’s easy when you’re Zhon.
    That’s enough before Peter comes down with reason why not to listen to me.
    I think that Metal Maker is getting to his head.

“Jesus paid for our sins! Now let’s get our money’s worth!”
Lastie’s Domain
PeterC03-09-2001 05:52 AM

Actually those ideas are very good, but I would usually prefer eight
trolls or ten or so hunters to a Stone Giant.
The bat strategy is a Wolfclan one, not yours though. The Basilisk idea
sounds cool. I love hiding my units in trees you see.
Have you ever considered playing online? What costs a 56k modem nowadays?

PeterC has a god given right to make an idiot of himself. Screamer

PeterC03-09-2001 06:25 AM

I guess I can answer the question, too.
Start by making a beast handler, obviously. He should be placed somewhere
a little closer to the enemy than your starting position. Set him in
between two sacred sites. Get him to make two lodestones, a Tamer and then
+++ Hunters.
Thirsha should go off to another part of the map and make a second handler
in between two sacred sites, who will repeat the process, while leaving
out the Tamer usually. By now your mana will be low, so send Thirsha off
building lodestones all over the place, supplementing your income. Use her
to make Handlers in spots where they cannot get there easily. Build a
defensive structure (forgotten the name I am afraid) in a few good places,
but do so sparingly. Zhon抯 may be one of the best, but it cannot be
walled in (without an enemy builder captured). In OTAK they are almost
never useful, except in places where they can fire down from on high.
As soon as the Tamer mentioned above is done, get him to make +++
Handlers, who can grab mana. If you run low, this is the first guy you
should stop building. Obviously, as your income starts to increase you
will want more of these units to build, so do so when it seems sensible. I
build roughly 3 Hunters per Troll, or at least set three quarters of my
handlers on the Hunters and 1/4 on Trolls.
Attack rapidly and constantly, remembering that if you both expand
peacefully, you will lose, as your builders are so much more expensive.
Goblins are good on small maps for killing builders, so try making a few
at the start and sending them straight at the enemy.
In between making early lodestones, send Thirsha safely at the enemy to
“level three” the area and then get out of there. She will hopefully take
many attackers and builders with her. This is very important to slow down
the inevitably better expansion of your enemy. Once the game progresses a
bit, do not risk her, but use her well - she has the best attack of any
monarch, and easiest escape of course, but she is very fragile.
Capturing enemy builders is not essential, but it helps tremendously. Try
to do it if you can. A decent player will self-destruct a builder at the
first sign of any Harpies, so you need to try to use them in squads of
three to five. They can fly over together, and five shots should convert
any builder without difficulty. Aiming for where the enemy is expanding to
is a good thing first because you get some idea of how far they are
expanding, second because you get to reduce their expansion ever so
slightly with each converted builder, third because your Harpies will be
safer, and fourth because your builder, once converted, is much less
likely to be struck down by the enemy.
Once it seems prudent, make a Beast Lord. He should make a Shaman, who can
slowly replace your lodestones. Then he can focus on Jungle Orcs and Rocs,
at a ratio of five to one. Every time you get five, use the Roc to pick
them up, and drop them all off near enemy factories, and get them to
destroy them. Ignore the defending units and/or structures. (Terminotaur
has been ruthless with this tactic towards me ). This will slowly degrade
their base.
Lodestone smashing is the role of Gryphons, which you should use in
swarms. Ten at a time should travel around the map, attacking lodestones.
Click furiously to make them form a cool circle as they fire and fire at
the lodestone. Keep adding to your flock, and get ready for a monarch
assassination with them should such a rare situation where it might work
arise (ie. Elsin is on red after just surviving a separate attack).
Spirit Wolves are overrated, and rarely do many other level two units come
in handy. Obviously the Kraken is a blessing on a sea map, as is the Swamp
To win, just keep using Orc drops to destroy the enemy factories, and
slowly advance with a force made up mainly of hunters and a few trolls,
and maybe even the odd stone giant to soak up damage. The Hunters are very
useful at monarch killing, and this is your eventual aim.
The Gryphons should keep smashing lodestones, and you really need to
ensure that you are causing the enemy some harm all the way through the
game. Long periods with no combat mean he will get the chance to plan to
kill your builders and once this occurs, you lose.
The above all assumes you are against a non-Zhon player, of course.
Briefly, if you are not, then the Orc drops are pointless, as they have no
structures to smash. Use your Gryphon swarms much more; to get their
builders and their lodestones, of course. Try to have a big squad of them
ready, but watch out for Thirsha. Her level three spell can get rid of
many Gryphons. If they are doing this, the secret is to use maybe five as
normal, and wait for the level three to come. After she does that, get a
squad of about fifteen, and send them right after her. They will be able
to kill her fairly easily under most circumstances.
Good luck with this. I think it will help you, although I must say I am
worst with Zhon, and I have missed out a few units many build, like the
Drake and Wisp. Terminotaur will probably be able to show you any flaws in
the plan, and some other good ideas.
Lastie, feel free to post this on your site if you would like. You may
edit my grammar and spelling, should you judge it necessary.

PeterC has a god given right to make an idiot of himself. Screamer
[This message has been edited by PeterC (edited March 09, 2001).]
Lastie03-09-2001 09:11 AM

Wow … Peter said my ideas were good … thanks … thank you … this
means a lot to me …
Actually I knew that the Bat Strat was a Wolfclan one, but I forgot to
mention that in my post - sorry!
As to your strat - it’s on my site. Now I’ve just got to do a pic for Zhon
like I’ve done for Aramon.

“Jesus paid for our sins! Now let’s get our money’s worth!”


Lastie’s Domain

PeterC03-09-2001 12:04 PM

You an see the above article in column form at my new site, the link for
which is below.


TAU Wisdom - Where great posts go to die. See your
genius immortalised now.

Lastie03-10-2001 01:33 AM

Great site, as soon as I get my Links page up I’ll feature the address on
the page as the kind guy I am OK?
Can you still send me some strategies for the other races? As the master
that you are with all things strategic (No sarcasm intended).

“Jesus paid for our sins! Now let’s get our money’s worth!”


Lastie’s Domain

No. 10103-10-2001 06:43 AM

Where can I download the Swamp Beast? I dont think spirt wolfs are
overrated! I take groups of 3-5 and pick off loan units then take all my
guys and attack, have 4-5 groups attack at once from all sides! Pick of
defenses then do a Spirt Wolf, Jungle Orc and Hunter attack.

TerminotaurX03-10-2001 07:14 AM

Download 3.0BB over at www.cavedog.com

Search through the site to find the patch.

No. 10103-10-2001 08:21 AM

Thanks Terminator I’m downloading now!

No. 10103-10-2001 02:07 PM

What does “Crusades Balence” do, it’s in the skimmish menu?

Faust03-10-2001 02:44 PM

It turns on Crusades Balance, which is much better than OTAK. It balances
the sides.

No. 10103-10-2001 04:12 PM

what do you mean “balences th sides”?

PeterC03-10-2001 04:21 PM

Well if the sides are imbalanced, then in your multilplayer games, or your
“skimmishes”, you wil find that some players are granted an unfair
advantage by virtue of having a better race. So the game is unfair before
it starts if one person chooses a worse race than another. Before 3.0
patch came out, along with Crusades Balance, this was very true, with
Aramon and Zhon much inferior to Taros and Veruna, simply because the same
amount of mana invested wisely in their forces would yield a much lesser
army than that yielded by those two better sides.

With CUT, most sane TAK fans agree that the races are pretty balanced, and
much better than in OTAK.


TAU Wisdom - Where great posts go to die. See your
genius immortalised now.
Faust03-10-2001 06:07 PM

One big bonus for CUT over OTAK is that divine lodestones are much cheaper
and build faster.

for example an aramon divine lodestone costs 8564 in OTAK and 3564 in CUT.

low level towers are more effective vs tier1 in CUT.

Totems are cheaper and build faster.

Lastie03-10-2001 10:51 PM

I refuse to play on CUT, it weakens some units I love, and at the end of
the day, it isn’t war. War always has a side better than the other, it’s
all about trying to exploit your enemy’s weakness. Besides, take it as a

“Jesus paid for our sins! Now let’s get our money’s worth!”


Lastie’s Domain

Faust03-11-2001 12:15 AM

which units does it weaken?

PeterC03-11-2001 02:05 AM

Lastie, that is an absurd idea. You are not really talking about war, but
about a game. Would you play a football match with one goal much larger
than the other? Would you start a fencing match where you opponent had
twice as big a sword?

Of course one side will be better than another, but that is what the game
is for: each side will imrpove as time goes on until one overwhelms the
other. It is madness to decide which side is better before the game
begins. Do you really want a game of two races rather than five, Lastie?

The most weakened unit is the Fire Demon, I think, which increases in cost
by about 60%.


TAU Wisdom - Where great posts go to die. See your
genius immortalized now.

Neo-UU03-11-2001 04:23 PM

Strategy is not using a side with too much power, it’s finding out how to
defeat an equal team. Strategy is not using a large force to overwhelm a
small froce, strategy is defeating a larger army with fewer troops.

Neo- UnitUniverse.com
Death Row Design

Lastie03-12-2001 07:20 AM

I perfectly understand your points of view, it’s just that I’ve never been
one for all this ‘Fair’s fair’ business. It’s a long story, and I can’t be
bothered to tell you it now.

“Jesus paid for our sins! Now let’s get our money’s worth!”


Lastie’s Domain

PeterC03-12-2001 11:58 AM

Lastie, do you not understand that if the races are not fair then they
will not be chosen? Why would anyone bother with Aramon if it is always
significantly worse than Veruna? It was you who raised objections about a
cheating AI at first, yet you are against removing unfair advantages that
one player has over another? Not logical.
I want TAK to be a game of five races, not of two.


TAU Wisdom - Where great posts go to die. See your
genius immortalized now.

Lastie03-12-2001 07:41 PM

Lastie, do you not understand that if the races are not fair then they will not be chosen? Why would anyone bother with Aramon if it is always significantly worse than Veruna? It was you who raised objections about a cheating AI at first, yet you are against removing unfair advantages that one player has over another? Not logical. I want TAK to be a game of five races, not of two.

I perfectly understand, and I perfectly agree. Please, just ignore my
illogical mutterings.

“Jesus paid for our sins! Now let’s get our money’s worth!”


Lastie’s Domain

[This message has been edited by Lastie (edited March 13, 2001).]

TerminotaurX03-13-2001 08:44 AM

Your views sway quickly, good sir.

Lastie03-13-2001 08:03 PM

Naw, I’m just totally insane.

“Jesus paid for our sins! Now let’s get our money’s worth!”


Lastie’s Domain

TerminotaurX03-14-2001 10:32 AM

You daft individual

Lastie03-14-2001 07:44 PM

True, but come one! It’s only a game, not worth having heated debates over
is it?

“Jesus paid for our sins! Now let’s get our money’s worth!”


Lastie’s Domain

He who rules03-14-2001 10:34 PM

It's only a game,

Blasphemy!!! The gates of hell open to consume the blasphemer!!!

Lastie03-15-2001 06:41 AM


Actually I can’t talk, I have a passion for Half-Life, but that’s another

“Jesus paid for our sins! Now let’s get our money’s worth!”


Lastie’s Domain

TerminotaurX03-15-2001 08:51 AM

Half-life’s single player is overrated.

PraetorFenix03-15-2001 12:02 PM

Terminotaur, master of the pointless comment and spam. Take a bow.

Strategy is not defeating a larger army with fewer troops. That would be
effeciency and luck.

Strategy is, simply put, the use of an army and its men in a combat

Swarms are often successful, although hardly graceful. It is a widely used
strategy, but will fall to anyone of high playing calibre.

<Stares evil stare at Term> Say you did not mean that, and I will
spare your life!

On second thoughts, don’t bother, I really don’t want to argue.

“Jesus paid for our sins! Now let’s get our money’s worth!”


Lastie’s Domain

PeterC03-15-2001 11:19 PM

On the contrary, it is the multiplayer which is overrated, mainly in the
form of that hideously unoriginal Counterstrike. Everyone forgets how
great the single player is because of that.


TAU Wisdom - Where great posts go to die. See your
genius immortalized now.

Lastie03-16-2001 06:31 AM

It is odd to see Peter on my side, or at least arguing for the same
subject that I am, I will enjoy this brief moment before Peter replies.
Half-Life’s singleplayer experience is the finest that a game could offer.
The multiplayer side however is disappointing, but Valve’s add-on Team
Fortress Classic raised Half-Life multiplayer to the heights it should
have been. I don’t really enjoy Counter-Strike even though it is the most
popular online game ever created and possibly the most addictive substance
ever created by mortal hands. Maybe because it’s so easy to be killed,
even if you’re the most stealthy b**tard on the planet (Like me), and once
you die that’s it - game over.

“Jesus paid for our sins! Now let’s get our money’s worth!”


Lastie’s Domain

[This message has been edited by Lastie (edited March 16, 2001).]

TerminotaurX03-16-2001 08:46 AM

Counter-strike is overrated, too. It has its merits, however.

I prefer TFC and DoD.

What is so great about Half-life that makes it have a single player that
is the finest a game could offer? o_O

Lastie03-16-2001 09:55 AM

The greatest singleplayer experience ever! I’ll explain later, it’s
something you just have to experience.

I am nearly falling asleep and therefore do not accept any responsibility
for what I may or may not say.

“Jesus paid for our sins! Now let’s get our money’s worth!”


Lastie’s Domain

PeterC03-16-2001 10:21 AM

I think he was suggesting he has experienced it. Considering he owns CTF
and DoD (whatever DoD is) I do not see why he should not try single


TAU Wisdom - Where great posts go to die. See your
genius immortalized now.

TerminotaurX03-17-2001 06:24 AM

Indeed, I have. It is better than some other mindless FPSs, but I wouldn’t
go out on a limb and say it is the best single player experience of a

Lastie03-17-2001 08:06 AM

It’s good to see a person who keeps his/her feet firmly on the ground.

“Jesus paid for our sins! Now let’s get our money’s worth!”


Lastie’s Domain

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