Congratuaz on opening this new section~~

:lolFeel free to talk about TA or other topics.
if you meet any problem understanding mistranslated words by Google, we may try to help.

Are HF board Admin?

:lol will not take the post of moderator of this section recently.

kan bu dong ni men zai shuo shen me …

…water in Chinese Pinyin…

真人游戏|足球篮球|时时┛彩| 六合投┛注| 网络赚钱去SO娱┛乐┛城:顶级信用┛提现百分百即时到账SO.CC

Post Last Edit by sulbon at 2009-2-17 12:29

i strongly doubt if any foreigner would come to this place and irrigate.

Conratuations,welcome international friends~~~


hem, well… if no international TA fans comes here… i will not have anything to do in this section…:lol

anyway, all ta fans from all over the world are welcomed here.

A door into ocean.
A door that prelude to space.
A door seven steps to the sun.
A door you see the time scape.
A door you will see the impact parameter.
A door that you will be see the mysteries of the unknown.

Why we are serious and talk with no passion?i think that cause we don’t know how to show passion in English.

English is so hard to me~~~

Post Last Edit by 零星 at 2009-2-18 19:48

:lol Holy crispy s…

Look who’s posting~

all moderators & O’zi

[n’ water in Chinligsh

oh damn! you are so good!


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Hi i come from English Spring Community. I’m French and i have been playing spring since several years. I have some questions about your community. Do you have a dedicated server to play online ? What version of spring do you use ? How many are you in your spring community ?

We are around 200 300 players on the server. We use Spring Lobby or Tas Client server on
We play mostly Balanced Annihilation mod (7.04 version) but also other mods like Complete Annihilation, XTA, Nota.

Our spring site is there :
Our forum :

Thanks for reading !

16# Baden
i donno actually. maybe there was a spring server before. but now, definitely no.
some of us play spring for single-player games only. some joins your official server, and so their version should be the latest. i dont know the total number of spring players. but sometimes you can see some chinese playing in the lobby, just few people though. most of us are still playing ota due to hardware requirement and some other reasons.
i have a question too. i and several members in our forum who named chaosch and cdyjn have joined the translation project of the springlobby, but i donno if this is finally out now?

I posted your question in the forum. I don’t think this project is out but i don’t know about it. To have the confirmation i posted it and if someone is aware of it maybe he will answer. Ty for your answer !

Post Last Edit by xpoy at 2009-11-17 00:33

There are little ppl able to talk with you, effect here more like a FAQ+chat lobby than a forum(for english speakers). So sorry for little posters /:^}~

I play spring in some time, well, a bit times, and surely play in lobby. Said in ture the most spring players isn’t good enough, so I win most of the games, and spring made me feel diffrent from OTA.
The main of this forum is TA multi-play games, in this case spring’s mod/ maps/ units topics are more than game topics, and then here no mass online spring players, but nearly all of them play in single.
OTA had same problem, about 99% players choose single but forgot Best online game.

Did you play on our server ? Where did you play spring multiplayer ? We have some good players that can be a challenge to beat. I know there is not a lot of english posters but i am pleased to have an answer. Multiplayer games are really a lot of fun !