



Supreme Commander - 4th Dimension V1.9 (SC Only)

http://www.rtscommunity.com/mw/m … ?itemid=208&game=35

The “4th Dimension” is a modification for Supreme Commander which adds new content like (completely) new designed units, explosions and other effects. The goal of this mod is to make SC feel more realistic (as long as it is better for the gameplay) and to improve the balancing and optics of the game. Nearly all muzzle velocities have been increased a lot, and a few units move much slower now.
Another big aspect of this mod is the fact, that in 4th Dimension nearly all units have their right to exist, even in later tech levels.
Beside a new veteran system, which lets stronger units count more than weaker units and which gives units bigger buffs, the mod changes also the tarmac sizes and explosion effects.

文件大小 23.6M

Supreme Commander - Alien Nations Unit Additions

Adds over 70 new units, many with new models. And now with AI support. This unit pack now comes with four AIs of it’s own that will build and use the units.
Unit Listing:
Lead Engineers-Tier3 air engineers
Starfire-T1 swarm attack fighter
Cupid-T1 Gunship
Inquistor-T2 dogfighter
Hades-T3 assault gunship
Corsair-T3 assault mass transport(carries up to 21 seige assault bots)
Odyssey-T3 Advanced Spy
Sanctuary-T1 Shield Strucure
Eruptor MKII-T2 teleporting point defence
Pulsar-T3 point defence
Abyss-T4 point defence
Othalla-T3 Anti-Air satellite
Tier1 Hydrocarbon Power Plant-upgrades to tier2
Tier2 Hydrocarbon Power Plant-upgrades to tier3
Tier3 Hydrocarbon Power Plant
Tier2 Shield Walls
Blinding Aegis-T4 Shild Structure
Columbia Class-T2 Hovering Destroyer
Shark-T3 Sub Hunter
Abolisher-T3 Missile Bombardment Sub
Salvation-T4 destroyer bot
Sparkler-T4 assault tank

Lead Engineers-Tier3 air engineers
Hornet-swarm attack fighter
Hawk-T2 dogfighter
Lancer-T3 high speed bomber
DMI Plasma Cannon-T2 jamming point defence
War Hammer-T3 point defence
Annihilator-T4 point defence
Tier1 Hydrocarbon Power Plant-upgrades to tier2
Tier2 Hydrocarbon Power Plant-upgrades to tier3
Tier3 Hydrocarbon Power Plant
Tier2 Stratanium Walls
Sniper-mobile tank destroyer
Mercury-electronic warfare drone
Smallboy-Tier3 Assault tank
Star Carrier-T3 Assault Mass Transport(carries up to 23 seige assault bots)
Avalon-Experimental Gunship
Skimmer Class-T1 attack boat
Harpy Class Air Eliminator-T1 cruiser
Sovereign Class-T2 Shield Destroyer
Performance Class-T3 UEF Warship
VimesRan-T3 Artillery Attack Sub

Lead Engineers-Tier3 Air Engineers
Mosquito-T1 swarm attack fighter
Darkstar-T1 Ground assault fighter
Nighthawk-T2 Multi-role Strikefighter
Stingray-T3 Fast Attack Assault Gunship
Raptor-Air Supremacey Fighter
Diviner-T3 Strat Bomber
Griffen-T3 Assault Mass Transport(carries up to 16 siege assault bots)
AutoGun MKII-stealth point defence
Quad Cannon-T3 point defence
Anubis-T4 point defence
ED Advanced-T3 Multi-Shield Generator
Illusion-T3 Stealth/Cloaking Field Generator
Tier1 Hydrocarbon Power Plant-upgrades to tier2
Tier2 Hydrocarbon Power Plant-upgrades to tier3
Tier3 Hydrocarbon Power Plant
Tier2 Cybran Nano Walls
VPR II-rapid fire mobile missile launcher
Argus-Shadow scout
-Scout Deployed Radar Tower(buildable only by Ghost)
Ghost-Advanced Espionage
Shadowrunner-mobile cloaking generator
Revolutionist-Tier3 Assault Bot
Phantom-T4 Assasin Bot
Cybran Wraith-T4 Siege Assault Tank
Septor Class-T1 Frigate
Intrepid Class-T2 Destroyer
Defender Class-T2 light battleship
Cybran Warship-T3 warship
Krakken-T4 Battleship
Silent Running-Experimental Stealth Strategic Submarine

[NOTE]This mod contains four AIs, and is not compatible with other AI mods. Since AI mods are not compatible with one-another I split this mod into two .scds. One is the AIs only. So if you wanted to install a different AI mod, you would only need to uninstall the AlienNationAI .scd and could keep the unit pack. But no other AIs will build and use the units.
**There is a read me with install instructions included.**Compatible with patch 3260. For supcom only, NOT FA.


Supreme Commander - IPU
http://www.rtscommunity.com/mw/m … ?itemid=185&game=35

This mod adds a new experimental for the Aeon called the IPU. This modified GC has a Sonance Artillery in its head, a Chrono Launcher in its right arm, and a Harbinger firing unit cannon in its left arm


Supreme Commander - Terain deformation mod

http://www.rtscommunity.com/mw/m … ?itemid=184&game=35
this mod alows artiery weapons to deform the terain (beta) repoert bugs at http://forums.gaspowered.com/vie … c0f243def8fe7eecdb8

if you like this mod try earthmovers


Gilbot-X’s ModPack


My ModPack includes:

1/ Resource Networks with Remote Pipelines 资源管道接驳网络
2/ ACU uses ‘Auto-toggle’ to stop your economy stalling ACU使用自动切换避免经济停滞
3/ All-Purpose Slider Controls 全意向滑动控制器
4/ ‘Auto-Defend’ structure units 自动保护建筑
5/ Exponential Hydrocarbon Power Plants and Mass Extractors 试验级地热发电站和采矿机

… and much more!!! 更多

For details of what features this mod inludes, click 点击这里here获取更多消息 to see its listing on GPGnet.

To install this mod, download the zip file and place it in your Supreme Commander ‘MyDocuments’ folder:
(i.e. on Windows Vista, put it in C:\Users*\Documents\My Games\Gas Powered Games\SupremeCommander\mods)
It is designed to work without extracting anything from the zip file, so don’t unzip it.

Feel free to edit any of the settings in the files and give me feedback on any changes you think I should make.

This mod does not yet work with the Forged Alliance expansion pack.

Supreme Commander - The Smith Pack
http://www.rtscommunity.com/mw/m … ?itemid=204&game=35

This mod adds some units with custom skins.

ps.: This is NOT my mod. All credits go to Bob_Smith



Supreme Commander - Hawks Mod Pack

http://www.rtscommunity.com/mw/m … ?itemid=181&game=35

This first mod adds several new units to the game, such as T4 Dreadnaughts for UEF and Cybran, new buildings that repel enemy fire, Tier 3 PD and other units as well; It also changes several things in the game, new explosions, new effects, as well as an armor system.

the second mod adds a minature version of the games existing experimental units to each faction, each mini-experimental has been slightly altered in a way, such as weapons or abilities.

read the readme for more details, and a complete change log.


Supreme Commander - Dark Star
http://www.rtscommunity.com/mw/m … ?itemid=182&game=35
Aeon Airbone Airplatfom.

Totally new unit… Original 3D mod, UV Map and textures.

Installation: Uncompress the RAR file and place the Dark Star’s files within your MOD directory.


Supreme Commander - Upgraded factories built by engineers

This mod allows T2 and T3 factories to be built by their respective tech level engineers. The factories are also upgradable from T1->T2 and T2->T3.

Hey guys - to make this mod, I had to make T2 factories into actually T2 factories and T3 factories into actually T3 factories - originally they are seen as T1 and T2 buildings. They programmed it that way so that they show up on the same build menu as the units built at the factory. I had to work around that and make the factories represent their tech level so they were built correctly by engineers, but this also made the upgraded versions of the factories on a higher tier, where the only thing to be built there is them.
When you first select your factory, it will have you on the tech level above the factory that you are at and you can only build the upgrade there (example : T1 factory goes to T2 build menu), so to build normal units you have to select Tier one every time. Sorry about this, there was no other workaround I could do.


Supreme Commander - Carpet Bombing


Janus, Zeus and Shimmer can now Carpet Bomb!


Supreme Commander - Intelligent Shields 1.0

[table=98%][tr][td][/td][td]This mod will automate your shields so that they turn off when they are not needed and turn on when enemy fire is incoming.

There are several changes to the way shields behave:[list][]Shields will turn off (go idle) 15 seconds after the last shot blocked.[]Shields will activate when they detect enemy fire incoming.[]Shields no longer recharge while active.[]While inactive, shields will recharge.[]While recharging, shields will still draw power.[]Idle shields draw no power unless recharging.[]Recharge rate is slowed if you are low on energy.[]If you are low on energy while the shields are active, they will drain at a rate based on how much energy they are not getting rather than simply turn off. It still doesn’t take long for them to go down if you have no energy at all.[]If shields go down due to low energy or damage, they will not activate until fully recharged. (You can still manually cycle them to get them to block shots.)[]If you toggle shields off manually, they will not stop enemy fire nor recharge. They will stop drawing all power in this state.[/list]This mod combos well with Recon’s Automated Mass Fabricators. Your economy will be robust and flexible with out wasting any power.

Please post any question/concerns in this Discussion Thread.

To install it simply drop the un-extracted zip file into your mods folder under “My Documents\My Games\Gas Powered Games\SupremeCommander\Mods”[/td][/tr][/table][table=98%][tr=rgb(19,][td=1,1,300]File Name[/td][td]Downloads[/td][td]Size[/td][/tr][tr][td]intelligent_shields.zip[/td][td]2445[/td][td]0.01 MB[/td][/tr][/table]

Supreme Commander - Sorian/Jaws2002 AI Merge Pack 2.7d (Regular)


[table=98%][tr][td=1,1,120][/td][td]This pack includes the following:

Sorian/Jaws2002 AI Pack 2.7d + Conventional AIs

Giskard’s Rommel and Yamamoto AI 4.6

Aralez’s Bean AI 1.0 and Tortuga AI 1.0

Brent_w’s Brent AI 0.2

Duncane’s Duel AI 2.5

How to install

Simply place 01_sorian_ai_merge.scd into your THQ\Gas Powered Games\Supreme Commander\gamedata folder. When you start your next game the new Ai’s will be available from the dropdown list. You do not have to choose this mod from the in-game mod menu, it will be active automatically.

How to uninstall

Simply remove the 01_sorian_ai_merge.scd from your THQ\Gas Powered Games\Supreme Commander\gamedata folder.

For more information on Sorian’s AIs: http://forums.gaspowered.com/viewtopic.php?t=2866

For more information on Giskard’s Thirdlaws Plus AIs: http://forums.gaspowered.com/viewtopic.php?t=5655[/td][/tr][/table][table=98%][tr=rgb(19,][td]File Name[/td][td]Downloads[/td][td]Size[/td][/tr][tr][td]01_sorian_ai27d_merge.zip[/td][td]2233[/td][td]0.41 MB[/td][/tr][/table]

Supreme Commander - Resin’s Mod Pack V1.0

[table=98%][tr][td=1,1,120]Author:[/td][td]Resin_Smoker[/td][/tr][tr][td]Last Updated:[/td][td]2007-09-26 23:47:04[/td][/tr][tr][td=1,1,120]Screenshots:[/td][td]  [/td][/tr][tr][td]Description:[/td][td]Fixed the download problem
This mod pack contains:

Firebase V2.0
-New Models.
-Better drone behavior and types of attacks.
-Improved and expanded build patterns. (T1 thru T3)

Carrier Air force
-Uses the improved swarm drones.

-Made some minor adjustments to the unit for balence.

SAM / TML Auto Re-targeting
-SAM抯 and TMLs will now check for an 揙verkill�situation on launch and select a new target.
-Should the target be destroyed before the missile impacts, a new target will be selected within the missiles radius.

Installation: Just drop the SCD file into your GAMEDATA directory.
[/td][/tr][/table][table=98%][tr=#132F2F][td=1,1,300]File Name[/td][td]Downloads[/td][td]Size[/td][/tr][tr][td]resins_mod_pack_v1.0.scd[/td][td]3101[/td][td]1.36 MB[/td][/tr][/table]


Supreme Commander - Modular Damage

[table=98%][tr][td]Author:[/td][td]Neruz[/td][/tr][tr][td]Last Updated:[/td][td]2007-09-25 14:53:05[/td][/tr][tr][td=1,1,120]Description:[/td][td]With this mod unit’s weapons can be destroyed without destroying the unit.
You can target a weapon by clicking on it(You’ll see when you roll over it with mouse).
You can repair the weapons by repairing the unit.

See http://forums.gaspowered.com/viewtopic.php?t=16876 for more info.[/td][/tr][/table][table=98%][tr=#132F2F][td]File Name[/td][td]Downloads[/td][td]Size[/td][/tr][tr][td]modulardamage.rar[/td][td]2075[/td][td]0.27 MB[/td][/tr][/table]

Supreme Commander - Transparent Cloak 3


[table=98%][tr][td]Description:[/td][td=1,1,560]Will make cloakable units turn transparent when cloaked. Transparency color is based on faction color. Applies to all three Cybran units with cloaking: ACU, SCU, and Land Scout.

This third version of the mod adds support for cloak fields. See the discussion thread for more details if you wish to use it in your own mod.

This flavor of the mod doesn’t remove the stealth effects that are normally applied when a unit cloaks. Because of this, it should be compatible with most, if not all mods that modify the ACU/SCU. I have also released a version that does fix the stealth effects.

To install it simply drop the un-extracted zip file into your mods folder under “My Documents\My Games\Gas Powered Games\SupremeCommander\Mods”

If you have any problems please post in the linked discussion thread.

Discussion Thread[/td][/tr][/table][table=98%][tr=rgb(19,][td]File Name[/td][td]Downloads[/td][td]Size[/td][/tr][tr][td]transparent_cloak_v3.zip[/td][td]1586[/td][td]0 MB[/td][/tr][/table]


Supreme Commander - Time Dilation Generator

This mod adds a new unit T3 unit to all factions which slows down projectiles.
The unit has 500 hp, costs 100k energy and 8k mass and takes 2 mins 46 seconds to build.
The default maintenance consumption is 500 + projectiles in field * 20.

[table=98%][tr][td=1,1,300]File Name[/td][td]Downloads[/td][td]Size[/td][/tr][tr][td]tdg.scd[/td][td]1884[/td][td]0.36 MB[/td][/tr][/table]

Supreme Commander - GC of Doom

Adds a (slightly) more expensive GC to the game that can teleport.

[table=98%][tr=rgb(19,][td=1,1,300]File Name[/td][td]Downloads[/td][td]Size[/td][/tr][tr][td]tgc.scd[/td][td]1490[/td][td]1.24 MB[/td][/tr][/table]

Supreme Commander - Red’s Unit Pack

Adds 36 new units to the game. More coming soon!

Descriptions for the units can be found in the forums listed below.

Simply unzip the file to your Supreme Commander folder, it’s set up sothat it should do the rest. Or, you could rename the .zip to .scd anddrop it in your gamedata folder. Either one should work.

Come visit our forums at http://z11.invisionfree.com/Reds_Unit_Pack/index.php?act=idx

[table=98%][tr=rgb(19,][td=1,1,300]File Name[/td][td]Downloads[/td][td]Size[/td][/tr][tr][td]reds_unit_pack_v2.11.zip[/td][td]8218[/td][td]3.31 MB[/td][/tr][/table]