
Supreme Commander - Strategic Whiteboard


With this mod you’ll be able to draw stuff on the map.
Go to " http://forums.gaspowered.com/viewtopic.php?t=12793" for further informations.

[table=98%][tr][td=1,1,300]File Name[/td][td]Downloads[/td][td]Size[/td][/tr][tr][td]strategicwhiteboard.rar[/td][td]1593[/td][td]0.02 MB[/td][/tr][/table]

CYBRAN 过滤隐藏开垦单位

Adds new Cybran T1 unit, “Leach” (Stealth Reclamation Unit):

Note: Uses modified Cybran “Mole” T1 Scout chassis.

-Added Basic reclamation abilities, and the Leach will reclaim whilepatrolling. (Will reclaim 3 units per second, little more then 1/2 whatan T1 engineer can do)
-Increased unit speed by 50%.
-Reduced unit size by 50% and decreased hit points to 1/3rd.
-Reduced unit vision area to 10.
-Removed Radar.
-Increased unit turn rate.
-Increased build cost by 20% and build duration by 50%.
-Unit stealth default is on, but can be toggled off. (maintenance cost of 10 per second)
-Unit UI icon now works
-Explodes on death and damage is scaled by range. 300 point-blankand 50 at a range of 5. Uses the SCU graphic thats been scaled downdrasticly and the shockwave removed.

Usage notes: Just set the Leach patrolling near an opponents base and watch as the leach consumes everything in sight!

Installation: Just decompress the zip file to your gamedata directory.

Side note: if you’d like to use this unit in your mod thats ok, just please credit me.

Your feedback and comments are welcome… Enjoy the mod!

[table=98%][tr][td=1,1,300]File Name[/td][td]Downloads[/td][td]Size[/td][/tr][tr][td]cybran_t1_leach_stealth_reclamation_unit_v1.zip[/td][td]1505[/td][td]0.44 MB[/td][/tr][/table]

Supreme Commander - Have Mercy
http://www.rtscommunity.com/mw/m … =168&game=35&page=2
Adds a T4 Mercy called the Nyx.
It has 500 hp, its cost and build time are multiplied by 10 (or 100 I forgot and I’m to lazy to check), it can now land and regenerate fuel.
The Nyx has nuke (!!!) damage…

Supreme Commander - AirStaging Fire-Bases v1.90

[table=98%][tr][td=1,1,120]Description:[/td][td]Updated 6 September 2007

-The Firebase is now compatable with Goom’s Build pattern mod…Specificly you’ll now no longer need to click 1000 times to build upyour base!

Note: Please keep in mind that the patterns I’ve made avalible so farare just basic ones (T1 stuff only) and that multi-leveled patternswill be made avalible shortly.

04 September 2007

-All units and Buildings now have “custom” icons. (Well at least the units i have been working on)
-Revamped and added the Graviton to the Firebase pack. (This unit kicks ass!)
-The Multi-Role drone now can launch torpedos as well as use it’s beam weapon.
-Added the projectile scripts from “After the War” as optional content.(Can be switched on and off seperatly from the other mods) I added thisbecause I found the scripts extreamly useful. (Yes i am runing ATW athome so i included the basic scripts just incase folks haven’t downloaded the full version of that mod)

17 August 2007

-Firebase will now refresh the UI after they have completedbuilding. Hopefully this will resolve the issue of the build cue fromanother unit overlapping with the Firebases.

-Removed the artillery piece that was auto spawning from the Cybran Firebase.

-Repair bots can now be selected and assigned commands as required.

15 August 2007
Added or modified list

Completed the “Gamecommon.lua” files required to make the Firebase compatable with the Mod-Vault.

-Firebases no longer build point defenses automaticly afterupgrading from one tier to the next… but rather it’s now done as abuild cue similar to what the engineers are currently using. This buildcue can be stopped, paused and assisted on the fly. Overall this givesyou a huge amount of flexability and tailoring options for how you canbuild up your Firebase. The build cue can be built up by dragging anddropping what you want where you want it within the Firebases buildarea. This build area is the space defined by the blue circle aroundthe Firebase. (An area of 10 around the Firebase)

Note: Selecting the Firebase automaticaly shows its avalible build area.

As you can see this gives you a hell of alot of room to build up yourdefensive fortifications with guns, shields and what ever else youwant. Yes, that means basicly every T1 thru T3 non-factory structure isavalible within reason and the Firebase will get and provide Adjacencybonuses for most strructures it’s built along side.

Level 1-2, T1 Structures

Level 3-4, T1 & T2 Structures

Level 5-6, T1 thru T3 Structures

-Firebases are now amphibious, thus greatly enhancing it’s strategicvalue as an anti-naval platform. (Yes, you can build torpedo launchersfrom the Firebase)

13 August 2007

Added or modified list

-Swarm Drones now cost 50 mass / 1000 energy to rebuild and Firebaseswill check to see if you have the required mass / energy prior toauto-respawning the drones.

-Added a “Production Toggle” button to the Firebase to pause thereplacement of the Swarm drones if the are dying at a rate that isadversely affecting your economy. Once the toggle is released alldrones will respawn as normal and will the required cost deducted fromyour economy.

-Firebases can now pause their upgrades without having to re-start the upgrade process.

-Adjacency has been enabled for Mass Extractors T1 thru T3 and T1power generators built alongside a firebase. (Size 4 structures only)This bonus increase as the firebases are upgraded… Maxes out with 20per second for T3 Mass Extractors and 30 per second for T1 PowerGenerators.

-Updated swarm drone veterancy… You should see a marked improvement in your drones as they rack-up kills.

-Added a shielded Czar with 12 Swarm drones. (There was a request for this in GPG forums)

06 August 2007
Current Upgrade path

Stage 1: Form Fitting Shield (1k), Hit-points (2k), 1 Multi-Role Drone.

Stage 2: Sphere Shield (4k), Hit-points (4k), 1 Multi-Role Drone, 1 Anti-Air Drone.

Stage 3: Sphere Shield (7k), Hit-points (6k), 1 Multi-Role Drone, 1 Anti-Air Drone, 1 Gunship Drone, 2 Anti-Air Turrets (T2).

Stage 4: Sphere Shield (10k), Hit-points (8k), 2 Multi-Role Drones,2 Anti-Air Drones, 2 Gunship Drones, 2 Anti-Air Turrets (T2), 2 PointDefense Turrets (T2).

Stage 5: Sphere Shield (15K) Hit-points (10K), 2 Multi-Role Drones,2 Anti-Air Drones, 2 Gunship Drones, 2 Anti-Air Turrets (T2), 2 PointDefense Turrets (T2), Basic Radar, Tactical Missile Defense.

Stage 6: Sphere Shield (20K) Hit-points (12K), 3 Multi-Role Drones, 3Anti-Air Drones, 3 Gunship Drones, 2 Anti-Air Guns (T2), 2 PointDefense Guns (T2), Basic Radar, Tactical Missile Defense, 1 ArtilleryGun (T2), 1 Tactical Missile Launcher (With auto-fire enabled).

Added or modified list

-Modified the drone GSR / GRR for better drone behavior. Theyshould stay closer to the base now but may still run off if in pursuitof a target. (Much better then before, trust me)

-All drones now patrol a defined path near the Firebase rather thenjust guard the Firebase. These patrol points can be selected and movedbut will reset once the drone using that path is killed. (Each dronehas it’s own patrol path… Hold “shift” to see ands modify the patrolpaths)

-Mobile Drone Carriers: Added drone fighters to the Aircraft Carriersfor the Aeon and Cybran factions. Didn’t use the UEF carrier as it issubmersible as this would cause allot of problems due to the layerchanges. The carriers spawn drones just like the platforms do but thedrones are set to guard the carrier not patrol.

-Slowed down the drone replacement speed… There is now a 3 second delaybefore they are replaced and there is a graphical “Teleport Effect” forwhen they are spawned. Drones are still generated at no cost but thatmay change in the next update. Still considering balance related issuesas well as scripting the cost / spawn effect in.

-Added Roman Numerals for the platform upgrades….Should be easier to read the platforms level.

-Added Repair drones… They patrol the area near your base and repair/ reclaim / assist in upgrading as needed. (Repair units areun-selectable) Please note that the repair drones are given during thefirst platform upgrade and if they are destroyed during combat you’llnot be able to receive another one without totally rebuilding theplatforms from scratch.

30 July 2007

With this mod all of the Airstaging platforms are now upgradeableto Air Staging Fire-Bases! The platforms can be upgraded in four stepswith each step adding better drones (AI controlled), hitpoints, shieldsand gun emplacements.

Note: The AI controlled drones are replaced by the platforms as thedrones are destroyed. Scout enhancement pack included within this mod.[/td][/tr][/table][table=98%][tr=#132f2f][td=1,1,300]File Name[/td][td]Downloads[/td][td=1,1,390]Size[/td][/tr][tr][td]airstaging_firebase_v1.90.scd[/td][td]3207[/td][td]1.23 MB[/td][/tr][/table]

Supreme Commander - Fire&Forget SAM
http://www.rtscommunity.com/mw/m … =161&game=35&page=2

SAM’s will shoot autotargeting Missiles that target different enemys depending ond their health. If a Missile loose its target it takes a new one.

Script is in weapon.lua and projectile.lua. The tracking ability can be enabled for all AA Missiles by adding “advancedTracking = true” to the launcher’s weapon blueprint.

GPG Forum Thread: http://forums.gaspowered.com/viewtopic.php?t=10228

Supreme Commander - Thirdlaw AI

http://www.rtscommunity.com/mw/m … d=41&game=35&page=2

[table=98%][tr][td=1,1,120]Author:[/td][td]giskard[/td][/tr][tr][td=1,1,120]Last Updated:[/td][td]2007-09-02 21:30:11[/td][/tr] [tr][td=1,1,120]Description:[/td][td]Thirdlaw AI Version 2 for Supreme Commander.


The name does indeed come from Asimovs third law, which i believe is arobot must protect its own existance. Seems appropriate to me and yesso does the nickname Giskard, or rather R Giskard.

I get questions about that so its good to get that out in the open early.

Thirdlaw AIs are designed primarily for turtle players but since Ibelieve any good turtle player should easily be able to cope with asimple rush, I have made sure on some maps this AI will try a simplerush and keep up the attacks all the way through the game.

The AI is designed to use normal units as much as possible butstill surprise you with lvl4 experiemental units, nukes or artilleryoccasionally. So you cannot count on that fact they will never appearor even that they will appear later rather than sooner. They can stillappear at any time in any numbers. Its just a lower priority for theAI.

The frequency of the lvl4 units appearance is still being monitoredand may change again in future versions. Feedback on this is welcome.

Also Building 1 lvl4 unit is the equivelent of 300 normal units tothe AI, so when the AI goes quiet, thats when you need to worry. Byquiet i mean its attacks seem to lighten up, not stop.

This release includes the Thirdlaw Land AI V1 but not the Air Seaor River AIs. They will come in future releases. This release is beingmade public slightly earlier than I planned because users wanted tohave a none alpha version to enjoy and the land AI was ready to use.

Alpha versions seen else where are not recommended for all users,only those who feel confident that they can fix any problems that mayarrise whilst testing them should download them. So avoid those if yournot confident about your computer skills.


Just copy the 01ThirdlawAI.scd scd found in this zip in to yourSupreme Commandergamedata folder. To remove this mod, just delete the01ThirdlawAI.scd file in gamedata.

PLEASE ALSO NOTE that when the /mods folder finally works andallows mods like these to be dropped in there and enabled in the game.I will be changing over to that system and these install instructionswill change drastically.

Check out the extras menu and the mods option in skirmish if youwant to see the system I plan to use in the future. Its Cool stuff, youwill like it.

Also only 1 AI mod can be active in the gamedata folder at a time.The good news is GPG is working on a new mod system that may make thatproblem obselete. Watch this space for news on that.

Land AI Features.

This AI has the following features and is based on the Horde AI.

It scouts better than the Horde AI.

Grabs resources faster than any other default AI.

Its build queue has been optimized to increase its early buildspeed. making it far faster than GPGs fastest building AI early on.

It builds additional defenses to help keep the player away from its base, especially level 2 artillery.

In all other respects, this is the horde AI.
I could not match the horde AI for a consistance early/mid/lategame performance and support a basic rush so I applied some of my triedand tested changes directly to the Horde AI. Other AIs will not usethis system, the design goals for them will be completely different andmore turtle based.

This AI can reach lvl2 within 15 minutes and lvl3 within 30minutes, by 55 minutes it can have a lvl4 unit at your base. Other AIsive made can reach lvl2 in 8 minutes and lvl3 in 22 minutes. You maysee those in future releases but not this one.

Advanced changes I have experiemented with are not part of this AIbecause I am expecting some changes from GPG that may have an effect onthose advanced changes. So for know, im keeping the actual releaseversions nice and straight forward.

Also, the AI commanders often love to fight so its best not to usethe assination gametype when playing AI skirmish games. The AIcommanders know when the pull back but apparently do not know when theyshould stop and repair them selves. So becareful you set up your gameto allow for the odd commander rush. This applies to all AIs btw.

Further developement.

Testers will know I have a Sea, Air and River AI in testing too. Iwill be rebuilding those from scratch. They will not be rusher AIs andshould work well on any island or river maps. The land AI it self isnot exactly cripped by island maps so do not be afraid to use it onwater maps in the mean time.

People who want to help test the AI and get some of their ideas into it should sign up on the Respawn and check out the thirdlaw AI devthread. You will find the alpha versions in there that contain all AIsand not just the Land one.

AIs and Multiplayer.

First of all, make sure all players have this mod if you playonline or remove the mod entirely before you join a multiplayer game.It should not make any difference if the AI is not being used but itswise to avoid any potential problems just in case I am wrong. I haveseen people without the AI crash out in games the AI was not being usedin, I do not know if its the presence of the AI on my system causingthat or something else. So becareful.

Also, as long as the AI builds and gets its units killed in normalgames, the AI will function fine and current unit limits on onlineconstantly change. But if you use a map that is not suitable for the AIand the AI does not attack you, it will build units but not send themout to fight, evetualy it will max out its unit cap. Sooner or laterthe game will slow down to crawl and crash out due to the number ofunits sat around doing nothing. I have never known the game not tocrash when it slowed down to a rate of 1 in game second for every 5real time seconds or slower. So watch out for that online, even if theAI is not present.

So to recap, if the AI does not attack you on certain maps, dropout the game and choose a new map. This is caused by bugs on the mapspaths for land units and usually does not effect aircraft or ships butdoes appear to increase the chances of an in game crash. I do not knowwhy, I just know its happened several times in my test games.

Heres some of my notes about maps i tested on. It is not complete because I often forget to add maps to this list.

Emerald Crater = Good map for the AI
Open Palms = ok but AI has navigation problems, not many ground based assaults.
Drakes Ravine = BAD map for the AI
Frostmill Ruins = Seems to lack ground rally points for ground attackers, ok for AIR AIs.

One final tip for coop fans:

Recent online testing with me and a mate verse 3 Thirdlaw Land AIsresulted in an embarrishing loss for me and my mate. Not once buttwice. 3 AIs just swamped us one at a time. So if you play coop andyour mates getting attacked a lot, help him defend his base or be theAIs next victim your self.

The AI is more than capable of keeping you or your friend busyreplacing your loses and not developing your base until its ready tocrush you so do not think for a second that the AI is not doing anyharm, it is preventing your friend from building stuff he wouldnormally have built and that will eventually cost you the game.


PS anybody whos confortable with the idea of mods destroying theircomputers are welcome to sign up on respawn and help test the alphaversions of sea, air and river AIs I’m still working on.

Creator = giskard
Website = http://www.respawn.co.uk

Special thanks to the GPG guys and mod makers such as Sorian andseveral others for the friendly compition they offer and the help thatsbeen given and recieved. It makes it all worth while being part of sucha cool modding community.

Download link and Release News.

Giskard [/td][/tr][/table][table=98%][tr=#132f2f][td=1,1,300]File Name[/td][td]Downloads[/td][td=1,1,390]Size[/td][/tr][tr][td]thirdlawai_v2.zip[/td][td]1832[/td][td]0.05 MB[/td][/tr][/table]



Supreme Commander - UI Mass Fab Manager
http://www.rtscommunity.com/mw/m … =160&game=35&page=2

[table=98%][tr][td=1,1,120]Description:[/td][td]This is a UI mod, you can play multiplayer without your opponents having it too.

Will automatically switch mass fabs on/off to try and maintain yourenergy levels. Mass fabs need to be set to auto switch with the UIpanel due to this being a UI mod. This can be automatically done byright clicking the add all fabs button, but this isn’t reallyrecommended due to the workaround I’m forced to take to find mass fabsand keep the mod UI only. It will only update the list while you havenothing selected.

extract to your \supreme commander\mods\ folder, and activate the mod in the extras menu.[/td][/tr][/table][table=98%][tr=rgb(19,][td]File Name[/td][td]Downloads[/td][td=1,1,390]Size[/td][/tr][tr][td]uimassfabmanager.zip[/td][td]2359[/td][td]0.02 MB[/td][/tr][/table]

Supreme Commander - Shield Size Slider

http://www.rtscommunity.com/mw/m … =124&game=35&page=2

[table=98%][tr][td=1,1,120]Description:[/td][td]With this mod you’ll be able to change the shield size with a slider.

How to use :

Select a shieldgen, click with the right mouse button, adjust the sizeand click with a button again, the shield will then change it’s size.
The shieldgen’s consumption will decrease as the size decreases.[/td][/tr][/table][table=98%][tr=#132f2f][td=1,1,300]File Name[/td][td]Downloads[/td][td=1,1,390]Size[/td][/tr][tr][td]shieldslider.zip[/td][td]2352[/td][td]0.01 MB[/td][/tr][/table]

Supreme Commander - AI Name T4 Units


Author: Sorian
Last Updated: 2007-08-08 21:11:56
Description: This mod allows the AI to name it’s T4 units.
File Name Downloads Size
ainameunits.zip 1560 0 MB

Supreme Commander - Divide Unit Cap
http://www.rtscommunity.com/mw/m … =151&game=35&page=3

[table=98%][tr][td=1,1,120]Author:[/td][td]Sorian[/td][/tr][tr][td]Last Updated:[/td][td]2007-08-08 21:10:40[/td][/tr][tr][td=1,1,120]Description:[/td][td]Divides the unit cap amongst the remaining players when a player dies.[/td][/tr][/table][table=98%][tr=rgb(19,][td]File Name[/td][td]Downloads[/td][td=1,1,390]Size[/td][/tr][tr][td]divideunitcap.zip[/td][td]1601[/td][td]0 MB[/td][/tr][/table]

Supreme Commander - Target Priority Changer
http://www.rtscommunity.com/mw/m … =141&game=35&page=3

[table=98%][tr][td=1,1,120]Author:[/td][td]Neruz[/td][/tr][tr][td]Last Updated:[/td][td]2007-08-07 06:54:01[/td][/tr][tr][td=1,1,120]Description:[/td][td]With this mod you’ll be able to change the target priorities of units, removing some micro.

Extract TargetPriorites.zip the ‘TargetPriorityChanger’ folder into ‘/Supreme Commander/mods/’.

More info at :
http://forums.gaspowered.com/viewtopic.php?t=10039[/td][/tr][/table][table=98%][tr=rgb(19,][td]File Name[/td][td]Downloads[/td][td=1,1,390]Size[/td][/tr][tr][td]targetprioritychanger.zip[/td][td]1633[/td][td]0.03 MB[/td][/tr][/table]

Supreme Commander - Anti Nuke ship’s
http://www.rtscommunity.com/mw/m … =150&game=35&page=3

[table=98%][tr][td=1,1,120]Author:[/td][td]Hughesdylan[/td][/tr][tr][td]Last Updated:[/td][td]2007-08-04 10:45:09[/td][/tr][tr][td=1,1,120]Description:[/td][td]Adds a ship to each race that protects against nukes.
Legion Darrath for help with anti-nuke coding and advice.

Updated to current patch standards by Legion Darrath[/td][/tr][/table][table=98%][tr=rgb(19,][td]File Name[/td][td]Downloads[/td][td=1,1,390]Size[/td][/tr][tr][td]anti-nuke_ships_mod.zip[/td][td]1871[/td][td]4.86 MB[/td][/tr][/table]

Supreme Commander - T4 Point Defence

[table=98%][tr][td=1,1,120]Description:[/td][td]T4 Point defence

“TML8 Anubis”
Health 10000
Energy cost 350000
Mass cost 20000
Range 100
DPS 2000
One shot damage 6000
Rate of fire 0.33
Energy required per shot 4400
Special ability - Regenerate 100HP per second

Health 14000
Energy cost 280000
Mass cost 15000
HP 14000
Range 100
DPS 1500
One shot damage 500x3
Rate of fire 1
Energy required per shot 1200

Health 30000
Energy cost 400000
Mass cost 25000
Range 105
DPS 2500
One shot damage 20000
Rate of fire 0.125
Energy required per shot 16000[/td][/tr][/table][table=98%][tr=rgb(19,][td]File Name[/td][td]Downloads[/td][td=1,1,390]Size[/td][/tr][tr][td]01_t4pdef.scd[/td][td]4632[/td][td]3.32 MB[/td][/tr][/table]

Supreme Commander - Underwater Buildings

[table=98%][tr][td=1,1,120]Description:[/td][td]This mod makes all buildings except Point Defense, Artillery,Factories, Air Staging Facilities, Stealth Field Generators, and Radarsbuildable underwater. It does not modify the actual unit files butrather uses the blueprints.lua file, so it is compatible with any newunits that may come out.[/td][/tr][/table][table=98%][tr=rgb(19,][td]File Name[/td][td]Downloads[/td][td=1,1,390]Size[/td][/tr][tr][td]underwaterbuildings.zip[/td][td]2574[/td][td]0 MB[/td][/tr][/table]

Supreme Commander - Increased Unit Pop Cap


[table=98%][tr][td=1,1,120]Author:[/td][td]moddingmadjohny[/td][/tr][tr][td]Last Updated:[/td][td]2007-07-27 16:39:42[/td][/tr][tr][td=1,1,120]Description:[/td][td]Note: This mod is for the 1.1.3254 patch.

This mod gives you a pop cap range from 250 units to 50000 units.

Just a little note 5000+ units slaughters my PC !

My system speciation is as follow,

CPU is Intel Pentium D 945 Dual Core 3.4GHz & 2x 2Mb
RAM is 2GB Elixir PC2-5300/667mhz DDR2 128Meg x 64
HDD is 160GB Seagate SATAII HDD - 8MB Cache

[/td][/tr][/table][table=98%][tr=rgb(19,][td]File Name[/td][td]Downloads[/td][td=1,1,390]Size[/td][/tr][tr][td]increased_unit_pop_cap_for_1.1.3254_patch.zip[/td][td]2622[/td][td]0.01 MB[/td][/tr][/table]

Supreme Commander - Graviton v1.3
[table=98%][tr][td=1,1,120]Description:[/td][td]24 July 2007,

Added Graviton D Air Assault Platform!

  • Unit has Shock wave area effect weapon. (Massive Damage)
  • Can divert SAM’s with it’s Anti-Missle system.
  • Anti-Aircraft lightning weapons.
  • Quad Air-to-ground missles
  • Heavy Beam Weapon

Made a totally new unit this weekend 3D model and scripts!

there are three versions of this.

Graviton “A” is a ground assault model with a rapid fire pulse cannon.

Gravation “B” have the tractor effect from the GC.

Gravaton “C” has a beam weapon.

Please post comments about this mod on GPG net about what you like anddont like… This will have a direct impact on the final outcome ofthis mod.[/td][/tr][/table][table=98%][tr=rgb(19,][td]File Name[/td][td]Downloads[/td][td=1,1,390]Size[/td][/tr][tr][td]graviton.scd[/td][td]2729[/td][td]2.79 MB[/td][/tr][/table]

Supreme Commander - Quantum Gate Teleporter
http://www.rtscommunity.com/mw/m … =122&game=35&page=3

[table=98%][tr][td=1,1,120]Author:[/td][td]Neruz[/td][/tr][tr][td]Last Updated:[/td][td]2007-07-21 14:13:05[/td][/tr][tr][td=1,1,120]Description:[/td][td]This is a mod that allows Quantum Gates to be used as a teleporter.

How to use:

Build 2 gates, click on LOAD and then click on the other gate.
Send the units you want to teleport in the gate, after they teleport they should move to the destination gate’s rallypoint.
( It’s best to let the units go into the gate using the ferry toggle,because telling them to go into the gate will scatter them around ifthe group is big.)

To be able to send just built units into the gate without yourinteraction, switch the ‘Production Toggle’ on, and set the factory’srallypoint to the gate’s rallypoint. Any units standing on therallypoint will move into the gate.

Be sure to switch the ‘Production Toggle’ off on the destination gate, if you don’t want the units to teleport again!

The energy cost to maintain the quantum tunnel while teleporting is4000 energy for the main gate and 2000 energy for the destination gate,plus unit’s energy cost * 0.3 to teleport a unit.

The time to teleport is unit’s energy cost * 0.00025. ( So to teleportan UEF support commander it costs 12000 energy + 6000 for the gates,and 10 seconds)
You cannot teleport to gates which are sending units, but you can which are recieving.

Be Warned ! If you are teleporting to one gate from multiple gates, and 1 unit dies in the tunnel, the whole system collapses!

When the teleporter/destination/unit is killed, the gates and theirareas will be damaged for 5250 damage. Also all units currently’halfway’ in the tunnel will die. [/td][/tr][/table][table=98%][tr=rgb(19,][td]File Name[/td][td]Downloads[/td][td=1,1,390]Size[/td][/tr][tr][td]quantumteleporter.rar[/td][td]2309[/td][td]0.01 MB[/td][/tr][/table]

Supreme Commander - Build Patterns v1.3

http://www.rtscommunity.com/mw/m … =114&game=35&page=3

[table=98%][tr][td=1,1,120]Description:[/td][td]Allows multiple buildings to be placed in one click. Middle mousebutton rotates the patterns. Patterns can be accessed either via keyshortcuts if you use SCA UI mod, shift+middle mouse for a radial menu,or a slide out menu on the right side of the screen.

extract to your \supreme commander\mods\ folder, and activate the mod in the extras menu.

Note: It’s a sim side mod which means all players in a multiplayer game need a copy. I can’t do anything about this sorry.[/td][/tr][/table][table=98%][tr=#132f2f][td=1,1,300]File Name[/td][td]Downloads[/td][td=1,1,390]Size[/td][/tr][tr][td]build_patterns.zip[/td][td]3711[/td][td]0.24 MB[/td][/tr][/table]

Supreme Commander - Area Commands 0.4 ALPHA

[table=98%][tr][td=1,1,120]Description:[/td][td]Allows commands to be given over an area. Use x to cycle throughavailable commands, left click to execute, right click to cancel.

Colour code:
Red - attack all enemy in an area
Yellow - reclaim an area
Green - guard all friendlies in an area.
Blue - repair/rebuild an area - this will constantly guard anyfriendlies in the area, repairing any damage. If used with an SCU, itwill rebuild everything too. To cancel this order, hold shift and clickthe red square.

extract to your \supreme commander\mods\ folder, and activate the mod in the extras menu.

Note: It’s a sim side mod which means all players in a multiplayer game need a copy. I can’t do anything about this sorry.[/td][/tr][/table][table=98%][tr=rgb(19,][td]File Name[/td][td]Downloads[/td][td=1,1,390]Size[/td][/tr][tr][td]area_commands.zip[/td][td]2367[/td][td]0.01 MB[/td][/tr][/table]