
Supreme Commander - BigO’s New Air Superiority Fighters v4.3

[table=98%][tr][td=1,1,120]Description:[/td][td]ALL ASFs have Afterburners, Missiles and Rapid Fire Weapons. SmartBehavior code for T1 AND T3 Interceptors. Nicer Weapon Explosions.Stronger flying experimentals to balance out the ASF’s.

Hey guys. Ive been playing Supreme Commander for a while and italways bugged me that the Air Superiority fighters werent really thatsuperior in their killing potential. The fact that they always overflew their targets because they were going to fast also bugged me.

So this mod tries to remedy some of that. Hopefully now the dogfights are more like what you would see in a movie like Top Gun.


----->> NOTE: DONT FORGET TO DELETE PREVIOUS versions of the MOD <<------

Depending on how you extracted the BigO_ASFv4_2.zip file, you should check to make sure that after opening the

BigO_newASF folder you should see the folders “hook” and "proj.

After extraction, put the Bigo_NewASF folder in your /mods folder where you installed Supreme Commander.

Usually the folder is located at: (either will work)

C:\Program Files\THQ\Gas Powered Games\Supreme Commander\mods


C:\Documents and Settings\Oscar\My Documents\My Games\gas powered games\supremecommander\mods

Then when you’re in the game, you can select it from the mods menu.

----->> NOTE: DONT FORGET TO DELETE PREVIOUS versions of the MOD <<------


Just delete the BigO_NewASF folder.

Main Features

Main Features:
(1) New Weapons (Missiles and Machine guns)
(2) Smarter Behavior
(3) AfterBurners
(4) Fiery Death trail when falling from the Sky
(5) Strong Air Experimentals

(1) New Weapons


(a) Heat seeking missiles
Yea yea fancy name. They dont really track heat, but they do tracktheir targets pretty good. The UEF ASF launches 2 missiles every 15seconds that tracks its target doing a lot of damage. THey arentguarenteed to hit, but when they do, its devastaing. I used the missilemodel from the UEF t3 samsite.

(b) Heavy machine gun
Jets usually have a machine gun to fire for close combat, so i includedone. FOr the projectile I used the mechmarines bullet. The ASF firesoff 6 of those in a rapid burst. Looks like tracer fire you’d see likein Top Gun.

I also used the sound effect from the UEF T2 missile defense (you kno that giant machine gun)


(a) Single Missile
Yup it just fires one at a time, but its fast and its more powerfulthan a single UEF missile. It also lasts longer in the air too, so ifit misses once, watch out, it might loop back to come get you.

(b) Burst Fire energy weapon
Fitting for the aliens to use energy weapons. The Aeon ASF now shootsthree High Velocity plasma bolts. Used the sound fx from AEON t3 Siegebot (it sounds meaner). Used original impact gfx though from before cuzit looked so cool.


(a) Swarm Missiles
The cybran like the “shotgun” approach. They launch 5 missiles atonce, but each one only does a small amount of damage. The blastradius, however, is impressive =). Because the missiles are so small,they dont carry alot of fuel, thats why their projectile lifetime isntas high.

(b) Dual Laser Beams
The Cybran like their lasers. Using the same laser weapon from theCybran t2 Heavy Tank, the ASF now starts firing, then sweeps the beamuntil it hits its target. Not very powerful, but it fires extremelyfast.

(2) Smarter Behavior

The ASF now adjusts its speed to linger behind its target, tryingto match its speed instead of always flying past their targets doingminimal damage. However it will only go as slow as it’s minimum speedallows, so it wont hover around if the target is going super slow. GOahead and spawn 30 bombers and see now that the ASF will make mincemeat out of them. This makes haveing your own air superiority veryimportant. Some of the orignal ideas for this new asf ai came fromworking with DeadMG on his own interceptor speed mod. Big thanks tohim!

UPDATE: ADDED this code to ALL T1 interceptors as well!

(3) AfterBurners

Jets should be able to do bursts of speed to escape danger, at theexpense of higher fuel costs. So if the ASF is in danger, it will fireoff a sudden burst of speed (3 times faster), but it will burn fuel 3times faster during that time. It will also let of a exhaust effect tolet you kno (in case u cant tell its goign faster…and it looks cooltoo =) )

(4) Fiery Death Trail

Tired of seeing your ASF die in only a white unspectacular flash? surethey do a cool spinning descent to the ground, but its largerlyunexciting. BEHOLD! The ASF, upon being dealt its killing blow, willspew a fiery trail while falling to the ground.

(5) Stronger Air Experimentals

Because the new ASF’s are so powerful, the air experimentals needed to have an increaes in HP.

The Aeon Czar has 7500 hp and a 2500hp shield now. It sucks up 200 energy tho.
The Cybran Soul Ripper remains untouched.

Change Log


  • Changes to UEF ASF:
  • Damage Radius set to 0 (now the bullets are guaranteed to do damage upon impact)
  • Damage reduced to 10 per shot (used to be 15)
  • Missile gfx tweaked to make it look more “explosive”
  • Changes to CYbran ASF:
  • Missile damage reduced to 15 per missile (used to be 20)
  • Changes to Experimentals:
  • All health changes to Soul Ripper removed. It is now a regular Soul Ripper.
  • Czar health changed back to GPG default (7500hp)
  • Czar Shield reduced to 2500hp (used to be 5000hp)
  • Czar energy consumption cut in half (400 → 200)
  • Czar shield re-enable delay increased by alot


  • Compatible with newest SupCom Patch (v3251) =D

  • Made cybran missiles a little more powerful

  • Decreased Soul Ripper Health Boost (used to be +75%, now its only +50%)

  • Fixed several bugs that cropped up from the new patch. (thx to yacoub for helping me out)


*Fixed a bug where Aeon t1 Interceptor wouldnt fire. They fire now =)


*Cybran ASF missile effects made 2.5x times larger to better represent Area of Effect damage

*UEF ASF missile impact gfx updated. Bigger and Sexier.

*Increased Soul Ripper health by 75% (from 18000 → 31500)

*Increased Czar health by 200% (from 5000 → 10000)

*Added 5000hp Shield to Czar (uses 400 energy)

*Fixed a bug that sometimes caused the smart behavior mod to override the afterburner speed code.

*Fixed a bug that sometimes made t1 and t3 fighters go at full speed even though they ran out of fuel


*Fixed a major bug where missiles would “slip and slide” off aeon ASF so it wouldnt get hit.


*fixed a critical error that caused Aeon ASF not to load properly


*Fixed Aeon Bug where Aeon ASF would not Afterburn when shields were on

*Added Flashier Green Explosion effect for Aeon T3 Missile

*Added Flashier purple Explosion effects for Cybran T3 Missile


*Fixed bug where Landed planes would not disappear after being destroyed.

*MUCH improved Afterburner AI for all ASF!

*Added improved AEON ASF

  • Replaced 100hp with a Shield

  • Fast Firing Weapon
    *Weapon replaced with High Velocity plamsa (blue) shot (same one from original UEF ASF)
    *Used AEON T3 Siege bot laser sound fx (it sounds meaner)

  • Missile Weapon
    *Missile flies like aeon T3 sam-site missile, but i used the cruise missile mesh (it looks cooler). Has a green

laser trail.
*Fast. Makes wide turns, likely to miss, but since its so fast its ok.
*Long life time (compared to uef and cybran)
*Small blast radius

*Added improved CYBRAN ASF

*Fast Firing Weapon
*DUAL High rate of fire Laser. Kinda like MOnkeylord in the sky.
*Low damage

*Missile Weapon
*Same kind of swarm missiles as before, but it only shoots 4 at a time now.
*Low damage
*Shoots more frequently in comparsion to other racess’ ASF’s

  • Gave T1 interceptors of ALL races the Smarter Behavior code.


*Added Machine guns and Missiles to UEF ASF
*Afterburner added
*Fiery Death Trail added
*Smarter behavior
[/td][/tr][/table][table=98%][tr=rgb(19,][td]File Name[/td][td]Downloads[/td][td=1,1,390]Size[/td][/tr][tr][td]bigo_asfv4_3.zip[/td][td]3503[/td][td]0.03 MB[/td][/tr][/table]

Supreme Commander - BigO’s Atomic Annie: Mobile Nuclear Artillery

Version 2.0

This unit fires NUKES or a secondary firing option of carpeting an areawith explosive artillery shells. It cant fight on its own so it’ll needprotection. If the enemy manages to airdrop a bunch of fast unitswithin the Atomic Annie’s Min range, its as good as dead without atleast SOME units protecting it.

Main Features


It has two firing modes which you can switch between using the weapon toggle button.

  1. Single Nuke Mode – Fires a single accurate nuclear shell. Same damage as a regular silo nuke.

  2. HellFire Mode – Fires off a volley of 11 shots with about 1/2 seconds between each shot. It’s less powerful than

a single nuke, but it covers a far greater damage area.

A little blue halo will appear above the Unit to let you know its in hellfire mode.

Range and Health:

Health = 20000
MaxRange = 200
MinRange = 75


Equivalent radar coverage of a T1 radar station.


Exactly the same as a nuke silo. The fact that this unit doesnt need to build nukes before firing is offset by its

crappy range (compared to nuke silo) and long reload and unpacking time (which cant be sped up by engineers). Its

also very slow and vulnerable.

How to INstall

Unzip the AtomicAnnie.zip file.

Put 01_AtomicAnnie_MobileNuke.scd file into your /gamedata folder where you installed the game.

Most likely it will be located here:

C:\Program Files\THQ\Gas Powered Games\Supreme Commander\gamedata

How To Remove

Just go to your /gamedata folder and delete the file 01_AtomicAnnie_MobileNuke.scd

Change Log:


  • Compatible with new patch (v3251)
  • Name Change: from Terminator → Atomic Annie (equally cheesy =D ) thanks to Exavier Macbeth for the idea!
  • Placeholder icon now replaced with actual unit icon.
  • Hellfire shell’s damage radius reduced to 10 (used to be 40)
  • Atomic Annie can now travel underwater
  • Bug Fix: Now you can build as many Atomic Annies you want and pressing the toggle button wont mess anything up.


  • first release

Known Issues

  • The tool tip of the Weapon toggle button says it switches between firing at air or ground targets, but that’s

because i dont kno how to change the tooltips. It should say it switches between single and multi shot.
[/td][/tr][/table][table=98%][tr=#132f2f][td=1,1,300]File Name[/td][td]Downloads[/td][td=1,1,390]Size[/td][/tr][tr][td]atomicannie.zip[/td][td]2487[/td][td]0.02 MB[/td][/tr][/table]

Supreme Commander - Enhanced_ACU

[table=98%][tr][td=1,1,120]Author:[/td][td]Terminator[/td][/tr][tr][td=1,1,120]Last Updated:[/td][td]2007-06-02 19:10:14[/td][/tr] [tr][td=1,1,120]Description:[/td][td]This mod enhances the ACU in a number of ways:

  1. Health & regeneration rates increased by 2.5x
  2. Cost of enhancements decreased to .5x
  3. Increased buffs at every veteran level
  4. Main weapon damage increased by 1.5x, and now fires at air targets

Unzip and place in gamedata directory; enjoy. Comments welcome! [/td][/tr][/table][table=98%][tr=#132f2f][td=1,1,300]File Name[/td][td]Downloads[/td][td=1,1,390]Size[/td][/tr][tr][td]enhanced_acu.zip[/td][td]1889[/td][td]0.01 MB[/td][/tr][/table]

Supreme Commander - Power Generator Enhancer
[table=98%][tr][td=1,1,120]Author:[/td][td]Killers2[/td][/tr][tr][td=1,1,120]Last Updated:[/td][td]2007-06-02 18:50:58[/td][/tr] [tr][td=1,1,120]Description:[/td][td]Power generators produce more power now 1000 on hydro carbon 80 on tech 1 1250 on tech 2 7500 on tech 3 [/td][/tr][/table][table=98%][tr=#132f2f][td=1,1,300]File Name[/td][td]Downloads[/td][td=1,1,390]Size[/td][/tr][tr][td]powergeneratorenhancer.scd[/td][td]1971[/td][td]0.01 MB[/td][/tr][/table]

Supreme Commander - Mass Fabricator Enhancer v2

[table=98%][tr][td=1,1,120]Author:[/td][td]Killers2[/td][/tr][tr][td]Last Updated:[/td][td]2007-06-02 18:50:48[/td][/tr] [tr][td=1,1,120]Description:[/td][td]Enhances mass fabricators 15 mass on t1 500 on tech 3 but tech 3 makes a large explosion when killed [/td][/tr][/table][table=98%][tr=rgb(19,][td]File Name[/td][td]Downloads[/td][td=1,1,390]Size[/td][/tr][tr][td]massfabricatorenhancer.scd[/td][td]1992[/td][td]0 MB[/td][/tr][/table]

Supreme Commander - Fat Boy booster v2

[table=98%][tr][td=1,1,120]Author:[/td][td]Killers2[/td][/tr][tr][td]Last Updated:[/td][td]2007-06-02 18:50:37[/td][/tr] [tr][td=1,1,120]Description:[/td][td]Gives the fat boy 100k shield and 50k hp czars weapon can now firedirectly through shields so they are not much of a match against 1 butwithout them they are pretty power full [/td][/tr][/table][table=98%][tr=rgb(19,][td]File Name[/td][td]Downloads[/td][td=1,1,390]Size[/td][/tr][tr][td]fatboyboosterv2.scd[/td][td]1708[/td][td]0 MB[/td][/tr][/table]

Supreme Commander - Moopowerd Shields fix v2

[table=98%][tr][td=1,1,120]Description:[/td][td]Moo powered shield is a nearly impenetrable shield that is quick tobuild their is 1 for every faction. They are under the experimentalsection [/td][/tr][/table][table=98%][tr=rgb(19,][td]File Name[/td][td]Downloads[/td][td=1,1,390]Size[/td][/tr][tr][td]moopoweredshields2.1.scd[/td][td]3143[/td][td]2.56 MB[/td][/tr][/table]

Supreme Commander - sACU Resource Allocation System Removal

[table=98%][tr][td=1,1,120]Author:[/td][td]Leonard [/td][/tr][tr][td]Last Updated:[/td][td]2007-06-01 21:00:54[/td][/tr] [tr][td=1,1,120]Description:[/td][td]Removes the Resource Allocation System upgrade from all factions’sACUs. This is mostly intended so that people can playtest thiscontroversial idea themselves, rather than merely debate ithypothetically. [/td][/tr][/table][table=98%][tr=rgb(19,][td]File Name[/td][td]Downloads[/td][td=1,1,390]Size[/td][/tr][tr][td]no-sacu-ras.zip[/td][td]1433[/td][td]0.01 MB[/td][/tr][/table]

Supreme Commander - Double Build Speed and Resource Production

[table=98%][tr][td=1,1,120]Author:[/td][td]DmitriZhukov[/td][/tr][tr][td]Last Updated:[/td][td]2007-06-01 01:19:27[/td][/tr] [tr][td=1,1,120]Description:[/td][td]I noticed that the DoubleTime Mod doesn’t work when the Resorce Richmod that comes with SupCom is enabled, so I made a mod that does whatboth of these mods do!
This makes base building and army mustering much faster, leading to earlier and more spectacular battles. [/td][/tr][/table][table=98%][tr=rgb(19,][td]File Name[/td][td]Downloads[/td][td=1,1,390]Size[/td][/tr][tr][td]x2_buildspeednresourceprod.zip[/td][td]1983[/td][td]0 MB[/td][/tr][/table]

Supreme Commander - No Nukes

[table=98%][tr][td=1,1,120]Author:[/td][td]Trianine[/td][/tr][tr][td=1,1,120]Last Updated:[/td][td]2007-06-01 01:17:12[/td][/tr] [tr][td=1,1,120]Description:[/td][td]This mod removes nukes and anti-nukes from the game.

This seems to be a popular request in custom games, so I figured someone should make it. [/td][/tr][/table][table=98%][tr=#132f2f][td=1,1,300]File Name[/td][td]Downloads[/td][td=1,1,390]Size[/td][/tr][tr][td]nonukes.zip[/td][td]1966[/td][td]0 MB[/td][/tr][/table]

Supreme Commander - Strategic Icons on Build Pics

[table=98%][tr][td=1,1,120]Author:[/td][td]uXses[/td][/tr][tr][td=1,1,120]Last Updated:[/td][td]2007-06-01 01:15:14[/td][/tr] [tr][td=1,1,120]Description:[/td][td]I never see the difference between all those silly Aeon units, so Iwanted a way to differentiate them better. Turns out ()((() already hadcode in his mod to do this, so I took it out, and packed it up.

So all the credit should really go to him here. If you want to seewhat it looks like, go tohttp://forums.gaspowered.com/viewtopic.php?t=3293, which is the threadfor ()((()'s mod. What my mod does is only change the build pics, allthe rest is standard.

The one thing I changed is that I moved some code to resize theicons for the minimal layout to after the code that adds the strategicicons, because otherwise the minimal layout has buttons that are toolarge.

To use, unzip the file into your Supreme Commandergamedata folder, and enable the mod in the manager. [/td][/tr][/table][table=98%][tr=#132f2f][td=1,1,300]File Name[/td][td]Downloads[/td][td=1,1,390]Size[/td][/tr][tr][td]strategicbuildicons.zip[/td][td]1503[/td][td]0.01 MB[/td][/tr][/table]

Supreme Commander - Devastating Nuke Mod

[table=98%][tr][td=1,1,120]Description:[/td][td]Basically it increases the range of nulcear bomb by 2.5 times(Exception : Nuke inner ring damage is 250000), and the size of nuclearexplosion by 10 TIMES.

Devastating Nuke - Just For Fun

you can build a strategic missle launcher with your commander.

It takes 1 mass, 1energy and 1 second to builld the launcher and building.

The launcher also has 99 nukes right after it’s built! [/td][/tr][tr][td]

[/td][/tr][/table][table=98%][tr=rgb(19,][td=1,1,300]File Name[/td][td]Downloads[/td][td]Size[/td][/tr][tr][td]devnuke.zip[/td][td]2303[/td][td]0.03 MB[/td][/tr][/table]

Supreme Commander - AA ACU

[table=98%][tr][td=1,1,120]Author:[/td][td]Legion Darrath[/td][/tr][tr][td=1,1,120]Last Updated:[/td][td]2007-06-01 01:11:43[/td][/tr] [tr][td=1,1,120]Description:[/td][td]Allow the ACU to use its main canon on airborne targets. [/td][/tr][/table][table=98%][tr=#132f2f][td=1,1,300]File Name[/td][td]Downloads[/td][td=1,1,390]Size[/td][/tr][tr][td]aaacu.zip[/td][td]2063[/td][td]0 MB[/td][/tr][/table]

Supreme Commander - Weight of Fire
[table=98%][tr][td=1,1,120]Author:[/td][td]Jotto[/td][/tr][tr][td]Last Updated:[/td][td]2007-06-01 01:11:11[/td][/tr] [tr][td=1,1,120]Description:[/td][td]Adds “Weight of Fire” to all non-instant hit projectiles, moving the units they hit around based on damage and unit health.


Initial (broken >.<) release

Fixed a copy+paste error in the mod_info file that caused the mod tonot show up in the mod manager. If you downloaded 0.5b you MUSTdownload this update, I made a stupid mistake so 0.5 is worthlessunless you manually edit the mod_info >.>

Initial RTSC release.
Added weight of fire effects to splash damage.
Added a new balance curve for weapon damage and unit health thatshould adjust the overall “weight” of a projectile to a moreappropriate level. [/td][/tr][/table][table=98%][tr=rgb(19,][td]File Name[/td][td]Downloads[/td][td=1,1,390]Size[/td][/tr][tr][td]weight_of_fire.zip[/td][td]1543[/td][td]0 MB[/td][/tr][/table]

Supreme Commander - Beefed Up Experimentals V2.5 HOTFIX + VETERAN TWEAKS

[table=98%][tr][td=1,1,120]Description:[/td][td]I decided to give the monkey lord, the galactic colossus, and thefatboy and now the czar, the UEF shield generator unit, AND the aeonshield generator unit.

Both ML and the GC now have a personal shield (after much trial and error lol)

All have been beefed up, may seem over the top at first, but buildtimes and economic costs have been alternate to balance (hopefully)

Further info in the readme.




–All the experimentals have now been scaled, they are much bigger and shit.
–Added t2 shield generator tweaks, now more usefull with slight radius increase!
–Cleaned up code (i hope)


Me lol
Everyone who helped on GPGNet
And people for helping with scaling =)




–Added my version of the CZAR, beefed of course,
–Added new veteran level health gaining, damage increase etc
–Inreased damage levels on death (comparitive to size)
–Fixed treads being out-scaled (?), they now fit each expermental, (99% near perfect lol)
–Tweaked the code abit, did over the HP’S
–Tweaked economy, units now need much more energy to be sustained(lol duh there fucking massive!!) =D they should also take longer tobuild to

In V3:

–Artillary scaling/upgrading
–New unit (hopefully) ion laser cannon
–Beefed up other experimental units
–Working on more t3 units, and will do a sea beed (lol)

But thats not for some time lol, need to take a break hehe

Please post any bugs, issues, or whatever on my thread or here, (i try my best lol)

As for pics, fatboy doesnt look different lol, but i assure you it is biggger =), and so is the czar hehe


If you are using exaviers mod with mine, you mite want to turn of the “unit tweaks” bit of his mod, or do the following…

go to “gamedata/exavierMod1.scd”

Then in “mods” go to “exavier units”, “hook” and delete the "units"file, it contains his aeon beef up, but since it conflicts with mine,either turn it off or delete that entry, it wont mess up your game,promise =)

More info in readme!!

Many thanks once again, and most of all…


check previous upload for more pictures [/td][/tr][/table][table=98%][tr=rgb(19,][td]File Name[/td][td]Downloads[/td][td=1,1,390]Size[/td][/tr][tr][td]beefed_up_experimentals_v2.5_(hotfix_+_vet_tweaks).zip[/td][td]2330[/td][td]0.02 MB[/td][/tr][/table]

Supreme Commander - ThirdlawPlus AI

[table=98%][tr][td=1,1,120]Author:[/td][td]giskard[/td][/tr][tr][td]Last Updated:[/td][td]2007-06-01 01:06:26[/td][/tr] [tr][td=1,1,120]Description:[/td][td]ThirdlawPlus AI Version 4 for Supreme Commander.

Creator = giskard
Website = http://www.respawn.co.uk

Special thanks to the GPG guys and mod makers such as Sorian andseveral others for the friendly compition they offer and the help thatsbeen given and recieved. It makes it all worth while being part of sucha cool modding community.


Before I tell you about the AI, I want to just say I make these AIs forplayers who enjoy longer games using normal units mostly eg turtlefans. I am not a fan of the rusher game but if you are rusher, try theLand AI or the Rommel, they are right up your street. You turtle fansshould find all AIs in this pack good fun.

Time to tell you about the AI

For the first time your going to see a subcom AI respond to realthreats against it in a manner thats both effective and very human. TheYamamoto AI and the Rommel AI in this release is perhaps the most humanAIs available for Subcom so far and certainly a lot more advanced thanany simple aiarchetype-ThirdlawLAND style release you may have used sofar. Those old releases are what I call lemming AIs. They march withoutthought, to their deaths and are happy to do so. They do not considerwhat is the best unit to use to achieve their objectives because theyhave no objectives other than to kill anything thats not their colour.

The Land and Water AIs are the old AIs, they should provide you with alittle fun, for a while but if you want an AI that will appear to havea brain wave and hit you where it hurts suddenly and perhaps even turnthe game around in that instant, then you really want to be using theYamamoto or Rommel AIs or new releases I make.

Older releases:

If you have the old AI “01ThirdlawAI.scd” or the "01ThirdlawAIPlus.scd"the installed in gamedata, remove them. “01ThirdlawAI.scd” is notcompatible with this release and “01ThirdlawAIPlus.scd” is about to bereplaced.

Merged AI Packs.

All files in this release have been edited and are used. AIbehavoursand Platoon can be left out of merged AI packs safely but by doing so,you lose some of the thirdlaw Plus AIs features that as of version 3,should start to make a noticable difference to ALL AIs actions. Namelywhat they target first is chosen based on the threat the targetrepresents to the Unit doing the targeting. This brings platoon.luainline with my own archetype files. Just do a search for the wordSPECIAL to find the targeting priority entries i edited.

The platoon templates file has been renamed to platoontemplatestl.luaand is now unique to thirdlaw plus AIs. So you just need to copy my newone across as is. Thanks to Sorian for letting me know it works now, itshould make it easier to merge the AIs safely.


Just copy the 01ThirdlawPlusAI.scd scd found in this zip in to yourSupreme Commandergamedata folder. To remove this mod, just delete the01ThirdlawAI.scd file in gamedata.

PLEASE ALSO NOTE that when the /mods folder finally works and allowsmods like these to be dropped in there and enabled in the game. I willbe changing over to that system and these install instructions willchange drastically.

Check out the extras menu and the mods option in skirmish if you wantto see the system i plan to use in the future. Its Cool stuff, you willlike it.

Also only 1 AI mod can be active in the gamedata folder at a time. Thegood news is GPG is working on a new mod system that may make thatproblem obselete. Watch this space for news on that.

Features of this mod.

First I would just like to say that I am designing these AIs to keepplayers who like to play longer games. Like so many players I like thechallenge of taking out an established enemy but usually have to sitfor an hour to give it time to get going. Well these AIs will entertainyou whilst you wait.

TL Land AI = Hard AI For pure land maps or maps with some water, this one churns out units basically, very stupid.

TL Water AI = Medium AI For Island Maps, slightly less stupid than the land AI but basically the same.

TL Yamamoto AI = Hard AI for Island Maps, uses strategy, understandsvarious threats and will react against them.Very advanced AI.

TL Rommel AI = Hard AI for Land Maps. This AI seeks to control the mapand fortify it as it goes. Very Advanced compared to the land and WaterAIs.

The Water and Land AIs are first generation AIs that do very little more than churn out units.

Yamamoto and Rommel are next generation AIs but cannot be compared toeach other. Each is designed to fill its own unique roll. For examplethe Yamamoto AI likes to tech up quickly so it can get its hands on thelvl3 ships and bombers for island games. Where as Rommel has to make dowith some cheap italian infantry and a few tanks, but has plenty ofthem…Sorry that was the real Rommel but the AI works the same way andeven fortifies the ground it has taken. Rommel will use up what everunit cap you give it, but I do not recommend Rommel on 250 unit caplimit games, it would be crippled.

Targeting was been greatly improvemented and ALL AIs benefit from it inthe thirdlaw AI pack. Yamamoto and Rommel also have targetingimprovements built in to them which will work no matter what AI packthey are in, but the other targeting improvements only work if theThirdlawplus pack is used. Sorry but all AI makers have vastlydifferent design goals and some differences will occur from time totime. We do share ideas though so good ideas do make it in to all AImods.

Its enough that we try and make our AIs compatible with each so they can be merged in the first place.

Future work.

I plan on a Land AI based on the Yamamoto Water AI but will be applyingnew additions to the yamamoto AI first before renaming the yamamoto AIto another famous general type guy name for a new land AI, beforefinally tweaking it for land use.

Change Log

Version 3.

Tweaked the Commanders early Build Queue in Yamamoto.
Tweaked my Platoonstemplatetl file.
Changed the Support commanders in to combat units.
Edited platoons.lua to change the default targeting preferences of some units.
Edited the AInames to add side specific titles such as Cit = Citizen (Aeon), Gen = General (UEF), Node = Node (Cybran).

Lots of other edited where made then scrapped. Im talking hundreds oftests totaling 40+ hours worth of testing. Some cool stuff worked, someof it didnt, expect to see some of them that did in future releases.

Version 4

Released the Rommel AI.
Fixed a lvl3 power issue in Yamamoto.
Fixed a Land AI issue.
Added the Support Commander Attack unit to the Land and Water AIs.
Updated the AIbehavours file to patch 1.3223.

Some op those 40+ hour test results mentioned above appear as part of the Rommel AI here btw. Hense the rapid release

Giskard [/td][/tr][/table][table=98%][tr=rgb(19,][td]File Name[/td][td]Downloads[/td][td=1,1,390]Size[/td][/tr][tr][td]thirdlawplusai_v4.zip[/td][td]2126[/td][td]0.08 MB[/td][/tr][/table]

Supreme Commander - Bonomel’s Airborne Engineers v.0.8.1


[table=98%][tr][td=1,1,120]Description:[/td][td]AIRBORNE ENGINEERS VERSION 0.8.1
Hey! This is the second release of my Airborne Engineer mod! What doesit do? Something I feel that should have been done by GPG; add flavorto the types of engineers you have available to build.

So, what does this mod do exactly?

  • Adds one Airborne Engineer to each faction, buildable from Tech 2 & 3 Air Factories.
  • Airborne Engineers are capable of building Tech 1 & 2 buildings.
  • Airborne Engineers can reclaim and repair.
  • Airborne Engineers can be set to patrol. While on patrol they will reclaim and repair automatically.
  • Airborne Engineers fly like gunships and circle worksites.

I tried to balance this mod as much as I can. The time it takes andthe resources it requires to be built have been doubled from theirland-based counterparts, as well as a 20% reduction in build speed. Itis quite sturdy and fast, and thus is very suited for front-linebuilding.

Since the last release I have added / changed / done:

  • Fixed the icons on the UEF Airborne Engineer.
  • Removed the Sacrifice ability from the UEF Airborne Engineer.
  • Increased the idle height by 0.02 to remove the ‘shaking’.
  • Removed the models/skins/animations. Using clones for now. Thanks to Dragon Redux for pointing this out!
  • Packed the mod in an .scd file for user convenience. Thanks to Aralez for the request!

There are no bugs that I know of. Let me know if you find any!

Things I have planned for future releases:

  • Final balancing.
  • Polishing and optimizing.
  • Finding someone who can remodel / skin them.
  • Maybe adding some T3 engineering suite upgrades.

Just put the .scd file in your ‘gamedata’ directory, fire up thegame, and activate the mod from the extra’s → mod manager menu.

0.8.1 This Release

  • Fixed the icons on the UEF Airborne Engineer.
  • Removed the Sacrifice ability from the UEF Airborne Engineer.
  • Increased the ‘idle’ height to remove the ‘shaking’.
  • Removed the models/skins/animations. Using clones now. Thanks to Dragon Redux for pointing this out!
  • Packed the mod in an .scd file for user convenience. Thanks to Aralez for the request!

0.8 Second Release

  • Aeon version, built from Tech 2 & 3 Air Factories.
  • UEF version, built from Tech 2 & 3 Air Factories.
  • Strategic icon, as seen in the above image.
  • Removed capture command. It was overpowered on an aircraft.
  • Fixed a small glitch with formations.
  • Some minor tweaks to physics, speed and health.

0.3 Initial Release.

  • Cybran version, built from Tech 2 & 3 Air Factories.[/td][/tr][/table][table=98%][tr=rgb(19,][td]File Name[/td][td]Downloads[/td][td=1,1,390]Size[/td][/tr][tr][td]bonomelairborneengineers0.8.1.zip[/td][td]2399[/td][td]0.23 MB[/td][/tr][/table]

Supreme Commander - Defence Energy v0.2

[table=98%][tr][td=1,1,120]Author:[/td][td]MrNastyPantaloons[/td][/tr][tr][td]Last Updated:[/td][td]2007-06-01 01:01:05[/td][/tr] [tr][td=1,1,120]Description:[/td][td]Castle-ing not as fun as you thought it was? Random defences acrosshalf the map got you down? Want your crippling of the enemies powergridto pay off tactically? Wanna give your game that TA classic feel?

You need Defence Energy!!!

Adds energy requirements to all base defence structures including:

-Point defences (between 15 and 90 energy per shot)
-AA (between 20 and 50 energy per shot)
-Torpedo Launchers (between 40 and 80 energy per shot)

0.2 Changes:

  • Added SAM launchers to the list

  • improved documentation [/td][/tr][/table][table=98%][tr=rgb(19,][td]File Name[/td][td]Downloads[/td][td=1,1,390]Size[/td][/tr][tr][td]defenseenergy_v0.2.zip[/td][td]1622[/td][td]0 MB[/td][/tr][/table][table=98%][tr][td]Previous SupCom Mod[/td][td]Random SupCom M[/td][/tr][/table]

Supreme Commander - Multi-Role Interceptors V1

[table=98%][tr][td=1,1,120]Author:[/td][td]ARevenger[/td][/tr][tr][td]Last Updated:[/td][td]2007-06-01 00:58:46[/td][/tr] [tr][td=1,1,120]Description:[/td][td]This Mod Enables Tech1 Interceptors to attack selected land/naval units (structures can’t be targeted).
By default they will only attack air units when on patrol or a attack move
when you want them to attack other units just select the enemy unit as you would normally.

Unzip to your mods folder in the supreme commander dir

future changes planned
-longer attack runs
-altitude change or dive when attacking land or naval units
-maybe Air to Ground missiles for the Tech3 Fighters [/td][/tr][/table][table=98%][tr=rgb(19,][td]File Name[/td][td]Downloads[/td][td=1,1,390]Size[/td][/tr][tr][td]multiroleinterceptors.zip[/td][td]1585[/td][td]1.19 MB[/td][/tr][/table][table=98%][tr][td]Previous SupCom Mod[/td][td]Random SupCom Mod[/td][/tr][/table]

Supreme Commander - Cloak(ing/ed) Buildings/Generators Mod

[table=98%][tr][td=1,1,120]Author:[/td][td]MercilessShadow[/td][/tr][tr][td]Last Updated:[/td][td]2007-06-01 00:57:05[/td][/tr] [tr][td=1,1,120]Description:[/td][td]This mod allows all buildings for all factions to cloak, or to hidethemselves to the human eye. It also includes stationary cloakinggenerators, merged with the stationary stealth generators. Cybran alsohave a mobile cloaking/stealth generator.
T1 Cloaking: 150 Energy
T2 Cloaking: 300 Energy
T3 Cloaking: 500 Energy

Currently all buildings are defualted as on when built, already working on version 2.0 which fixes this. [/td][/tr][/table][table=98%][tr=rgb(19,][td]File Name[/td][td]Downloads[/td][td=1,1,390]Size[/td][/tr][tr][td]cloakeding_buildingsgenerators-1173368312-v1.0.zip[/td][td]1709[/td][td]0 MB[/td][/tr][/table]