
Supreme Commander - Supreme Commander Trainer v2.5

[table=98%][tr][td=1,1,120]Author:[/td][td]Caliber[/td][/tr][tr][td]Last Updated:[/td][td]2007-06-01 00:34:07[/td][/tr][tr][td=1,1,120]Description:[/td][td]Supreme Commander Demo Trainer Version 2.5 February 19, 2007

This trainer gives you instant Build of Structures, Upgrades, and UnitsThis trainer also gives you Uber strong troops that should beinvincible. Press Shift-A instant build on/off Press Shift-B Ubertroops on/off Press Shift-C instant build/uber troops/regenerate healthon/off Hopefully this fixes the computer AI from getting the samebenefits this time! These features should ONLY WORK FOR YOUR TEAM, notthe computer AI. The shift-C not only gives instant build and ubertroops, but it also regenerates lost health of troops and buildings ifturned on. Hopefully this will fix some of the crashing problems frombefore as well. PLEASE LET ME KNOW IF THIS WORKS FOR YOU OR NOT. LET MEKNOW EITHER WAY. ALSO IF THERE IS A PROBLEM LET ME KNOW WHAT THE PROBIS AND HOW TO RECREATE IT IF POSSIBLE. LASTLY LET ME KNOW IF THIS WORKSWITH MODIFICATIONS TO THE DEMO FILES (changes to the .lua, etc.) Enjoy!
Feedback Welcome-

Caliber [/td][/tr][/table][table=98%][tr=rgb(19,][td]File Name[/td][td]Downloads[/td][td=1,1,390]Size[/td][/tr][tr][td]supcomtrn-v2.5.zip[/td][td]1747[/td][td]0.01 MB[/td][/tr][/table]

Supreme Commander - Flying Engineers

[table=98%][tr][td=1,1,120]Description:[/td][td]Makes the engineers fly nothing more. [/td][/tr][/table][table=98%][tr=#132f2f][td=1,1,300]File Name[/td][td]Downloads[/td][td=1,1,390]Size[/td][/tr][tr][td]flyingbuilders.zip[/td][td]1630[/td][td]0.01 MB[/td][/tr][/table]

Supreme Commander - Saya and Cleopatre’s UI blocks MOD 1.0. final

[table=98%][tr][td=1,1,120]Description:[/td][td]A miniaturised UI for supreme commander including awesome draggable,minimizable and rezable UI blocks. Includes a home made UI manager withthe ability to save, load layouts and lots more new features comingsoon.


1.0.final (March 2007)
-Added camera option panel
-Added III_Demon’s zoom pop feature
-Added language selection: french or english
-Added nica layout, layout now adapts to your screen resolution on first launch or on mod reset.
-Modified unit view to fit better with the ui
-Fixed several internal issues, made the code cleaner
-Fixed all known bugs to make a bug free release

-Mod made compatible with mod manager
-Update of the ui manager
-Added a slider to control max zoom
-Added a button to invert the energy bar
-Added a checkbox to enable ressource sharing at launch
-Score window is now movable
-Unit view window is now movable
-Fixed various minor bugs

-Updated for patch 3217
-Added a max zoom slider in the ui manager
-Mod works while watching replays
-Fixed various bugs

-Mod made compatible with the latest patch
-Added UI manager which includes:
-Ability to save and load layouts
-Ability to Drag, minimize, Resize and set the transparency of windows.
-Made the minimap resizable, doesn’t work perfectly yet.

-Fixed the economy bars
-Made the options menu draggable
-Changed default layout

-Made the economy bars draggable
-Added a Dragger Enable/Disable feature
-Made The Construction panel draggable independantly from the minimap

-Fixed critical bugs

1.0. (January 2007)
-First Version


Supreme Commander patch 3220 or higher


extract the zip
unzip SCA_mod.zip into gamedata or
copy SCA_mod_ui_v2.1b.scd in supremecommander/gamedata


remove SCA_mod_ui_v2.1b.scd from supremecommander/gamedata [/td][/tr][/table][table=98%][tr=#132f2f][td=1,1,300]File Name[/td][td]Downloads[/td][td=1,1,390]Size[/td][/tr][tr][td]uimod-sca.scd[/td][td]2115[/td][td]0.28 MB[/td][/tr][/table]

Supreme Commander - The Aeon Czar Buff
[table=98%][tr][td=1,1,120]Description:[/td][td]I felt, like many others, that the CZAR was far too weak to be of muchuse. People grit their teeth when a spiderbot catches them unprepared,but almost no one cares about a CZAR save for where it lands. So Idecided to make them useful by providing them with 10k worth ofshielding.

If you haven’t been running for cover, or getting antsy seeingsomeone building a CZAR… you better start getting nervous now. I alsoincreased their speed by 33%. Of course, that’s not much but they areshielded now.

Take them down fast and hard if you are playing against Aeon!Otherwise, now you might lose your whole base in its entirety. For therecord, having just read the specs for the unit repeatedly, it cancarry 150 T1 aircraft (t3 taking 3 slots for example unless I’m wrong).

This is an early alpha/beta with no balance testing save for gettingthe unit shielded. No cost or damage adjustments either. By yourfeedback I will tweak the modification until most players think it is abetter threat, but not munchy like the Broadswords. I look forward toyour input! (Please, at least play with or against it before judging itunbalanced by any means.)

Release #2 Changes:

  • After a bit of work, and lots of testing, the shields are now personal.
  • The shields recharge almost twice as slow.
  • Only 2k shields, versus 10k.

To install, extract the contents of the zip file with folders keptinto the mods subdirectory of SupCom; if you don’t have a modsdirectory, then make it. [/td][/tr][/table][table=98%][tr=rgb(19,][td]File Name[/td][td]Downloads[/td][td=1,1,390]Size[/td][/tr][tr][td]aeonczarbuff2.zip[/td][td]1935[/td][td]0 MB[/td][/tr][/table]

Supreme Commander - Graduated Game
[table=98%][tr][td=1,1,120]Author:[/td][td]Ballen[/td][/tr][tr][td]Last Updated:[/td][td]2007-06-01 00:28:15[/td][/tr] [tr][td=1,1,120]Description:[/td][td]Graduated Game is a multi-player Supreme Commander mod that adds a newbalance element to the game. All players start with only the ability tobuild at Tech 1 and advance their tech level as they play.

Tech levels advance when players engage in combat, essentially witha player’s Kills + Deaths. In a three player game, if two playersattack each other they will advance equally, but the third player willremain at a low tech level. This forces all players to get in to thefight early.

In addition to motivating all players to become involved in combatit gives players the opportunity to battle with lower tech units andbuild up to the big stuff. You will need to develop new strategies asyou advance through the levels of tech.

Advancement is weighted by the cost of the units, so killing orloosing scouts won’t advance you as fast as killing heavy tanks orbuildings. Each player’s progress can also be seen when the scoresdialog is brought up (F2).

Graduated Game is currently in Beta. We are asking you to try itout and give us your feedback. Let us know about bugs, balance issues,interface problems, or any other comments (we like to hear your supportas well). See the forum for this mod:http://forums.scmods.net/viewforum.php?f=3

To install: Move GraduatedGame1.0.scd in to your Supreme Commander gamedata folder[/td][/tr][/table][table=98%][tr=rgb(19,][td]File Name[/td][td]Downloads[/td][td=1,1,390]Size[/td][/tr][tr][td]graduatedgame1.0.scd[/td][td]1640[/td][td]0.02 MB[/td][/tr][/table]

Supreme Commander - Interceptor Air Mod

[table=98%][tr][td=1,1,120]Author:[/td][td]DeadMG[/td][/tr][tr][td]Last Updated:[/td][td]2007-06-01 00:26:43[/td][/tr] [tr][td=1,1,120]Description:[/td][td]Slows down all interceptors, T1 and T3, when engaging the target so that they do not overshoot. [/td][/tr][/table][table=98%][tr=rgb(19,][td]File Name[/td][td]Downloads[/td][td=1,1,390]Size[/td][/tr][tr][td]interceptorspeedmod_version_1.zip[/td][td]1527[/td][td]0 MB[/td][/tr][/table]

Supreme Commander - DoubleTime

[table=98%][tr][td=1,1,120]Author:[/td][td]NickRTSC[/td][/tr][tr][td]Last Updated:[/td][td]2007-05-31 22:37:15[/td][/tr] [tr][td=1,1,120]Description:[/td][td]This Supreme Commander modification cuts the time in half for how longa building or unit takes to be built in SupCom. For example if a unitoriginally took 01:00 (1 minute) to build before it now only takes only00:30 (30 seconds).

Also included with the download of this mod are two other variations:

The first is a mod that decreases the build costs along with buildtimes. Reason this is available is some testers of this mod found thatwith the decreased build time keeping enough resources to build wasextremely difficult.

The second is a mod that just decreases the build costs, it doesn’t effect the build times at all.

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns please feel freeto post them in the following thread:http://www.rtscommunity.com/forums/index.php/topic,2481 I welcome anycomment you may have about the mod, and please if you have a suggestionon an improvement feel free to post it.

I hope you enjoy! [/td][/tr][/table][table=98%][tr=rgb(19,][td]File Name[/td][td]Downloads[/td][td=1,1,390]Size[/td][/tr][tr][td]doubletime_supcom_mod_v100.zip[/td][td]1972[/td][td]0.72 MB[/td][/tr][/table]

Supreme Commander - AA also AG (Beta)

[table=98%][tr][td=1,1,120]Author:[/td][td]Sonsalt[/td][/tr][tr][td=1,1,120]Last Updated:[/td][td]2007-05-31 20:25:52[/td][/tr] [tr][td=1,1,120]Description:[/td][td]All AA weapons now also fire at ground units. They are not as effective as ground weapons, but at least they do something.
But priority Nr.1 are still planes.

(Ships are not changed yet) [/td][/tr][/table][table=98%][tr=#132f2f][td=1,1,300]File Name[/td][td]Downloads[/td][td=1,1,390]Size[/td][/tr][tr][td]aatoag.zip[/td][td]1707[/td][td]0 MB[/td][/tr][/table]

Supreme Commander - Sonsalt’s Tech Mod

[table=98%][tr][td=1,1,120]Author:[/td][td]Sonsalt[/td][/tr][tr][td=1,1,120]Last Updated:[/td][td]2007-05-31 10:24:10[/td][/tr] [tr][td=1,1,120]Description:[/td][td]You can restrict the techlevel, but still upgrade the buildings, in order to enhance the production speed. [/td][/tr][/table][table=98%][tr=#132f2f][td=1,1,300]File Name[/td][td]Downloads[/td][td=1,1,390]Size[/td][/tr][tr][td]sonsalt’s_techmod.zip[/td][td]1631[/td][td]0 MB[/td][/tr][/table]

Supreme Commander - Auto Tactical Launchers


[table=98%][tr][td=1,1,120]Author:[/td][td]Infensus[/td][/tr][tr][td]Last Updated:[/td][td]2007-05-31 10:23:05[/td][/tr] [tr][td=1,1,120]Description:[/td][td]Here is my very first mod. It is a very simple mod that makes all 3factions tactical missile launchers fire automatically like pointdefenses.

Its not very advanced, and its kinda unbalanced, but just another example of how easily moddable this game is.

Just extract the zip file to a mods directory within your main Supreme Commander directory.[/td][/tr][/table][table=98%][tr=rgb(19,][td]File Name[/td][td]Downloads[/td][td=1,1,390]Size[/td][/tr][tr][td]auto_tactical_launchers.zip[/td][td]2015[/td][td]0 MB[/td][/tr][/table][table=98%][tr][td]Previous SupCom Mod[/td][td]Random SupCom Mod[/td][/tr][/table]

Supreme Commander - Fast Veterans

[table=98%][tr][td=1,1,120]Author:[/td][td]Infensus[/td][/tr][tr][td]Last Updated:[/td][td]2007-05-31 10:22:19[/td][/tr][tr][td]Description:[/td][td]Each unit gains veteran levels from 1 to 5 which provide “buffs” likeextra HPs or self regeneration for achieving a predefined set number ofkills ranging anywhere from 10 to 2000.

This mod allows your units to achieve a level of veterancy for each kill it gets.

No other balencing is done, so this makes games a little interesting.

My second mod. This one is a little more advanced than my first because it takes advantage of the hook directory.

Just unzip to your mods folder and select it from within the game. [/td][/tr][/table][table=98%][tr][td]File Name[/td][td]Downloads[/td][td=1,1,390]Size[/td][/tr][tr][td]fast_veterans.zip[/td][td]1928[/td][td]0 MB[/td][/tr][/table]

Supreme Commander - Enhanced Economy Display

[table=98%][tr][td=1,1,120]Author:[/td][td]Darloth[/td][/tr][tr][td]Last Updated:[/td][td]2007-05-31 10:21:20[/td][/tr] [tr][td=1,1,120]Description:[/td][td]This mod hooks the economy bar to give you fractional mass readout, andchanges both percentile efficiency readings so they can go above 100%,thus showing your theoretical maximum production speed and informingyou when you’re potentially wasting a lot of income.

The way I’ve done it is not particularly elegant, and I don’texpect it’ll play nice with any other UI mods. I’ve not tested it withthe patched version, since that version does not work for me.

I hope it’s helpful, and I’ll try and get a more elegant version,probably when better tools are out or the patch works for me. Enjoy! [/td][/tr][/table][table=98%][tr=rgb(19,][td]File Name[/td][td]Downloads[/td][td=1,1,390]Size[/td][/tr][tr][td]enhancedeconomydisplay.zip[/td][td]1573[/td][td]0.01 MB[/td][/tr][/table]

Supreme Commander - MegaMapMod

[table=98%][tr][td=1,1,120]Author:[/td][td]Paul Grove[/td][/tr][tr][td=1,1,120]Last Updated:[/td][td]2007-05-31 10:20:22[/td][/tr] [tr][td=1,1,120]Description:[/td][td]Makes your second monitor act more like the mini map (this mod takesthe entire rule set for mini map and applies it to the second view)

The most notable feature of this is that left clicking on your second display will move your first display to that location.

(this mod makes no effect on a split screen) [/td][/tr][/table][table=98%][tr=#132f2f][td=1,1,300]File Name[/td][td]Downloads[/td][td=1,1,390]Size[/td][/tr][tr][td]megamapmod-v1.zip[/td][td]1716[/td][td]0 MB[/td][/tr][/table]

Supreme Commander - INCREASING UNIT CAP
http://www.rtscommunity.com/mw/m … id=3&game=35&page=8

[table=98%][tr][td=1,1,120]Author:[/td][td]deathman20[/td][/tr][tr][td]Last Updated:[/td][td]2007-05-31 10:19:26[/td][/tr][tr][td=1,1,120]Description:[/td][td]Added more unit cap choices for skrimish, multi and lan games.

Unit Caps are now…

50, 75, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 350, 500, 750, 1000, 1500, 2000, 2500, 3000, 4000, 5000, 7500, 10000 [/td][/tr][/table][table=98%][tr=rgb(19,][td]File Name[/td][td]Downloads[/td][td=1,1,390]Size[/td][/tr][tr][td]39-1.0-increasing_unit_cap-supcomsource.zip[/td][td]2561[/td][td]0 MB[/td][/tr][/table]

Supreme Commander - Saya’s Faction Mod Alpha 1

[table=98%][tr][td=1,1,120]Description:[/td][td]Adds a new faction playable faction called EFF.
The faction is made of new units using existing models but different weapons/abilities.
Already 9 working units and more to come!


v1.4 in progress…
Added unit:
-EFF Flying Engineer, Working Flying engineer with functionnal construction animation and a personnal shield.
-EFF Multirole Armored Unit, polyvalent radar and artillery.
-EFF Fighter-Bomber in progress…
-EFF Suicide plane (scourge) in progress…

Fixed faction description not showing up properly
Added ingame unit descriptions
Fixed unit:
-Crawling Bomb (use ctrl+k to explode, attack mode soon to be functionnal)
-Commander (death explosion now works correctly)
Added unit:
-EFF Carpet Bomber

Fixed various bugs
Added icons for each units
Added unit:
-EFF Ressource Generator

fixed various bugs and added unit:
-EFF Annihilator Heavy Point Defence

Adds a new faction (called EFF) selectable in the lobby and playable.
The faction is made of new units using existing models but different weapons/abilities.
Only 5 units now, but lots more to come very soon!
-EFF commander (walking animation not working)
-EFF crawling bomb (not finished)
-EFF lightning tank
-EFF Diplomat Point Defence
-EFF Land Factory


Extract this archive to your \\\\\\\"Supreme Commander\\\\\\\\gamedata\\\\\\\"


Just delete the \\\\\\\"1_factionmod_Saya.scd\\\\\\\" file.[/td][/tr][/table][table=98%][tr=#132f2f][td=1,1,300]File Name[/td][td]Downloads[/td][td=1,1,390]Size[/td][/tr][tr][td]sayafactionmodva14.zip[/td][td]3158[/td][td]7.75 MB[/td][/tr][/table]




01_sorian_aipack_283.zip (263 KB)
