

对于RTS游戏《横扫千军》的制作,GeoffreyKeighley的文章已经不足以全面讲述那段历史,而加入一个亲自参与此游戏制作的人物的视角,我们就可以看到一个更完整的横扫千军诞生史。 这篇连载作者是《横扫千军》美工总监Clayton Kauzlaric,他从去年9月开始在他自己的Blog上连载自己在Cavedog参与制作《横扫千军》 的经历。本连载由我CaesarZX的blog游戏编年史的主人无声畅游合作翻译推出。

无声畅游 译







Part 6.1.4: First Ink Amended

Those of you familiar with the high journalistic standards here atTon of Clay know the premium I place on the truth — A premium so highonly the very rich can afford to bribe me. I started thinking about myreference to the ill-fated demo map called Boris. Was the map really100×100 screens?
I had to verify this for you, the reader. Yea, though I sift throughmany a worn CD-ROM, risking flying shards of frail, shattered disk inmy eye, I will persevere. Anyway, I got curious and found the remainsof the original map earlier this evening.
Above are the sections of Boris, assembled in somethingapproximating the original design. Each square chunk was about 5 by 5screens (2560 pixels on a side). I recall now that the plan was toexpand this by placing large strips of open water between each type ofterrain. So, the ultimate goal for Boris was probably closer to a mere40×40 screens. Much smaller, but still insanely big for an averagecomputer in 1997. The real problem was partly the physical dimensions,but also the high number of memory-gobbling unique tiles in this design.
In retrospect, Boris just seemed like 100×100 screens, much asmemories of a playground bully can make them seem like they were tenfeet tall, with a helpless nerd in one hand and a twisted jungle gym inthe other.
I regret the the lapse in accuracy extremely. I apologize to my vastreadership - but I mostly apologize to Boris. He just wanted to beloved and probably came From a tough neighborhood. Boris was, ifanything, simply ahead of his time. Poor little fella.

[ 本帖最后由 caesarzx 于 2007-6-16 19:44 编辑 ]


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